This seems like an ineffective way to take a beach

This seems like an ineffective way to take a beach.

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You clearly have never played starcraft.

let's see YOUR plan, Hannibal

it's also inaccurate, the allies fucking pounded those beaches with battleships before sending any troops.

Also the holocaust didn't happen.

Why is it that in all the historical photos the landing crafts look like they landed, like, a quarter mile off the beach? Why do the beaches look so small in the movie?

Normandy beaches are super flat so high tide vs low tide


Probably just some camera trickery

How so? the Normandy invasion was a stunning Allied victory. They gained a foothold in Europe and only suffered around 10,000 casualties.

Which one does he really look like

The Germans were unprepared for it.

Like the moon landing.

Who cares? They're just dumb animalistic golem. There's plenty more goy meat where they came from.

Happy 4th goyim!

not like you're gonna swim away lol

You're joking, right?

it did, it was just that four hundred thousand Jews died because Allied bombs stopped rations from reaching the labor camps

in a sense the Allies killed the Jews

youll never know what anything really looks like, even your eyes are subjected to small differences from someone elses eyes because they are organic and imperfect.

>slav on the left
>italian in the middle
>jew on the right

They were. You ever heard of Operation Bodyguard?

I'm sure he means unprepared for a landing force of that size, last I checked the Germans had no clue about the D-Day plans ahead of time


but my mom says I'm perfect

I actually hadn't, my bad

They knew the Allies were planning an invasion, they just didn't know when or where because the Allies were conducting deception operations. The German forces were thinned out across the north-west coast of Europe because of this, so reinforcements to Normandy were severely delayed.

for you

It was a huge fuckup.

Most of the naval artillery landed inland and the bombers all missed their targets, the fortifications should have been completely destroyed by the time the landing craft arrived.

me on the right

how did American's manage to bungle their part of the invasion so bad?

That's what I said.

correct. OP meant inefficient.

the Normandy landings were fake.

That's not what the holocaust is. THE holocaust did not happen

Next level autism.

compared with what? swimming?

Jaden go to bed.

inefficient resources spent compared to german defenses

in SPR one german with one machine gun killed like 50 americans with 50 guns and 50 uniforms and rations and all that shit. at least in a zerg rush the zerglings are cheap.

>YFW the Americans take Cherbourg a week before the Brit-Leafs take Caen.

The Americans went full slav on d-day, getting mowed down like grass.

most of which missed, there was also bombing runs for the same reason and they also didn't manage to hit much of value. If you read up on the invasion almost everything failed to go as planned but since we threw so many people at the beaches and the Germans had no idea where or when we were going to land we managed to pull it off.

>why did it take the commonwealth forces longer to take a maze of rubble filled with multiple panzer divisions


How did the Eurotards manage to bungle their part of the war so badly?

because they kept trying to light brigade it without sufficient artillery.

Also 80% of the axis forces defending France were near Calais.

imagine pearl harbour was the start of the war, while the air carriers were there. and japan had its full navy there.
no one really expected it, not there or then, plus they were french

>plus they were french
Well there's your problem

hey now...the French were total bros during Operation Dragoon and Nordwind.

americans are cheap too

>in SPR one german with one machine gun killed like 50 americans with 50 guns and 50 uniforms and rations and all that shit.
that's what machine guns are for enabling a pair of soldiers to cover a large swath of ground.

Utah, Sword, Gold and Juno went off without a major hitch.

or yah know, don't put people in camps to begin with

t. armchair general speaking with hindsight.

yes it is more efficient to defend a fortified position than it is to attack one. what a revelation.

pretty rude toward the people who saved your entire expeditionary force

Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack from a country America was not at war with. The Germans invaded Western Europe 8 months after war was declared. Literally everyone knew the Germans might attack it was just that the French and British were retarded by thinking the Ardennes was impenetrable.


germany lost AT LEAST 81 rubber boats, kinda seems like france won that battle desu

And how would you have stormed the beaches of normandy, shitbird?

Yea but you have to build a bunker too

>or ya know just let enemy agents run rampant in your country
any other amazing insight you might want to share with us

>holding people who literally committed no crime is okay

i wouldn't say juno went off without a hitch though it didn't go as sideways as Omaha.

>a country America was not at war with
We put a bunch of embargos and sanctions on the nips. The oil embargo alone was seen as an act of war by the empire.

>plus they were french
i.e. better equipped and better trained than just about anyone else around with a more successful military history than any of their neighbors. They just had retarded leaders. It's a shame one fuckup defines the modern conception if the French military tradition. To be fair, it was a big one. The Germans couldn't believe it, they were prepared for a years-long fight and the so-called Blitzkrieg was just a happy accident. Ironically it ensured their eventual defeat because they started believing their own hype and went into Russia woefully uninformed and unprepared for the scale and duration of the conflict. So you could say France 4D-chessed Germany into an Allied victory, if you were feeling generous.

Bongs are just salt because of what day it is, it's hard being the middle-sister.

Not him but you realise ww2 was a total war between nation-states? Even the British interned Italians.

it absolutely is, it's called custody

Yeah but us Americans on Omaha had huge 5 story bunkers every 10 yards to deal with, plus tanks sat on the cliffs shooting down on them & not to mention the entire luftywaffle bombing the beach constantly.

Who the fuck is Juno anyway?

Oh boo hoo. America saying you can't have any oil until you stop practicing bayonet drills on civilians is not a declaration of war.

this is correct

>be forced to fight on the other side of the world for Uncle Sam
>storm the beaches of Normandy
>grease dirty Krauts with your tommy gun
>liberate the concentration camps
>this is how G-d's Chosen People repay you

It was mostly impenetrable, that's why they went around through Belgium you mongoloid.

this the same problem the french high command had at the outset of WW1 then they thought only of attack and were never able to change their tactics till it was too late. in WW2 it was the opposite all french actions were fore defense only and once again they were unable to react properly to the new german tactics.

>The oil embargo alone was seen as an act of war by the empire
...yea, but it wasn't. How fucking retarded are you?

>It's a shame one fuckup defines the modern conception if the French military tradition
It's probably the biggest fuckup in modern military history. Dien Bien Phu also didn't do much to help in the reputation department.

hitler created israel he was relocating them

the generals tried fighting ww1 like 1870 and ww2 like ww1, a real shame

>Dien Bien Phu also didn't do much to help in the reputation department.
This. The French performed adequately in World War 1, but their military history after that is absolutely pathetic.

So...the Germans literally did the exact same thing as they did 20 years previously with even better results the second time?

>We put a bunch of embargos and sanctions on the nips. The oil embargo alone was seen as an act of war by the empire.

you know there was a good reason for that...


The British did not starve millions of people to death, did not force their imates to work under brutal conditions, and did not send them to gas chambers if they were "unfit" to work.

bloody belgians refused to allow the extension of the magi or line along their border

>Who the fuck is Juno anyway?
our greatest allies the leafs who had the second most difficult section of beach to take after omaha
>the generals tried fighting ww1 like 1870 and ww2 like ww1, a real shame
too be fair they were hardly alone and outside of russian no major european power had fought a conventional war between 1871 and 1914. they have far fewer excuses in 1939 though.

Yep, everyone in the front line died there

>wearing blue jeans while praying
guess who's not going to the afterlife!

the maginot line I meant obviously

How did Europe allow Germany to take it over not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!


Do you come to these threads just to tell people that they're not real generals? You're a fucking moron. 1:50 equal units is an inefficient ratio you faggot

Real Omaha beach was extremely long, SPR Omaha beach was extremely short for cinematic reasons.

Yeah but what relevance does that have to my post?

>Using economics methods to deprive your nation of the materiel needed to wage war
>its just a friendly prank
There's even a good argument to be made for the US baiting japan into declaring war so as to get the traditionally isolationist americans in the war.

True. And I hadn't heard of Dien Buen Phu, interesting stuff.

Watch tora tora tora m8

"Today I had a very long talk about the Jews with Himmler. I said that the world would no longer tolerate the extermination of the Jews; it was high time that he put a stop to it. Himmler said that it was beyond his power; he was not the Führer and Adolf Hitler had expressly ordered it. I asked him whether he was aware that history would one day point to him as one of the greatest murderers on record, because of the way hin which he had exterminated the Jews. He should think of his reputation, not sully it with that reproach. Himmler replied that he had done nothing wrong and only carried out Adolf Hitler's orders."

-Felix Kersten, Himmler's manual therapist

"These mass murders are solely the result of the Führer's policy."

-exerpt from Adolf Eichmann's court testimony

it refutes your attempt to morally equate the holocaust with british internment camps

No, not the fucking "commonwealth forces", the British. You guys fucking SUCKED, and STILL suck. The Canadians, Aussies, and New Zealand forces ALWAYS put your asses to shame.

It was the British that held up the invasion, Market Garden, and damn near every operation they participated in compared to the rest of the allies.

>1:50 equal units is an inefficient ratio you faggot
the whole point of a defensive emplacement is to allow this sort of ration to happen. the military lacked the ability to hit the german bunkers with much accuracy and they couldn't bypass them so they had to overwhelm them with numbers

Not saying there wasn't. But literally no one was confused about why the nips attacked.

ya I bet that sucked lol

one of the best war films. though showing the very real stupidity and having a foreign language wouldn't make it popular in the US

I didn't attempt to do that at all. The fuck? All sides interned citizens of enemy nationality, that's what I said.