Purest white genes

Daily reminder that Finland is the most Aryan country on Earth.

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Romania is

hellow my mongolian brother

Romania is the most Aryan though.


Why would you want to go triggering Sup Forums, that's mean.

Loving the mongol memes though, success breeds jealousy

show em cocksuckers bro

What about me finnbro?

Anglos confirmed more Aryan than Austria! Hitler BTFO

Since there are Finns in here, I've been wondering for quite a while now. What does euroshopper energy drink taste like?


Praise Tengri my White brother.

nothing special. it used to be the cheapest energy drink here years ago, so kids bought it all the time.

Like energy drink I guess. I dont drink energy drinks but when I do, it's the small bitchy capitalist red bull cans

We are literally same people. We look the same and our languages are really similar. We should have just formed Estofennia after your independence war and our Heimosodat

What's sup with the north of Finland, Sweden and Norway? Is that where immigrants live?

I met an Estonian and Finnish backpacker here and can confirm they could speak their jibberish to each other

Wow that sucks. Are they trying to be degenerate? Because that's how you get degeneracy.

It's due to their Sami population

fuck no. they wouldn't survive one day in there. that's where the arctic cicle is

Sami people. They have dark hair and eyes. Basically like some eskimos or northern siberians.

>tfw dark brown (nearly black as a kid) hair
>tfw very dark brown eyes (hard to see my pupil)
>pale skin
Absolutey edgy emo master race here, but I'm an amerifat so I wear flannel and baggy blue jeans and slip-on workshoes like a true hard-working Übermensch.
Get on my level, faggy skinny jean wearing blonde-haired, blue-eyed Finns.


what do you mean my fellow burger?

Dont you have some potatoes to peel with those crooked teeth of yours, bowlcut boy?

haha show those shiteaters bro, you surely got him!!

OP is talking about aliens with his Chinese Finnish accent. He thinks Finns are aliens. He might be on to something.


Spotted the proxy, slovakguy


wot do u mean brotha? from anothe motha xDD

So basically your natives? Make sense... Segregate natives are always a good move.


Apparently blue eyes are from the black sea region:


Really makes ya think

am i white?

I'm pretty sure he never disputed our status as that, he just wasn't very happy when we told him to fuck off when he offered non aggression/ alliance.

Having the least pigmentation doesn't make you Aryan.

I love you Fins, though. Don't get cucked like us.

like battery except blander and sweeter

I love you in Marco Polo.

U ugly as shit. That's what I are.

>live in area that is brightest in both
>have black and brown

You're uh... Jesus Christ is that really you?!

thanks bro im gonna buy katana so i can be ninja like gengis was


That's just a language group, nothing to do with hair colour.

Pre-Indo European natives in the region had light hair:

Evidence that Indo-European invaders (which forced their language upon the local population of the north, which became proto-Germanic, proto-Baltic, etc) were dark eyed/haired but light skinned:

mom used to say that im betiful butterfly

hello aryan brethren

this picture is utterly bullshit

Jelly, my bland brown eyed friend?

I take that back, may not have been forced, we don't know how the language spread - by war or by simple interaction, we don't know.

im glad someone noticed. i mean cmon mongols with blonde hair?

What about them?

Those 35p Euroshopper energy drinks are fucking god tier.

delete this right now

I was blonde hair blue eyed as a kid, now my hair is almost black.


I love this meme

The explain to me how every Finn I've met is swarthy.

it's a meme you dipshit. pay denbts

It was a language group of a certain people (with a certain hail color)

Germanic people spread south from Scandinavia in 750 BCE (pic)

Most caucasians have blue eyes when they're born. I have blue eyes now, but my hair is dark blonde (or brownish).

funland is best land, when we divide sweden between ourselves and norway, you can have those shitty islands free of charge.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Have fun with Skåne. I think the Swedes had a plan with this, to fill it up with immigrants so Denmark wouldn't want it back.

Make Karelia great again!

>mfw blue eyed and blond muscular Polish god with germanic ancestry