HOH: Cody
Veto: Alex
Nominations: jillian, xmas
Temptation:josh got the golden apple (safe for the week)
Temptation #2 : Paul won the fan vote and is safe for 3 weeks. Cody tried to nom him and he had to reveal it
previously on /bb/
HOH: Cody
Veto: Alex
Nominations: jillian, xmas
Temptation:josh got the golden apple (safe for the week)
Temptation #2 : Paul won the fan vote and is safe for 3 weeks. Cody tried to nom him and he had to reveal it
previously on /bb/
Other urls found in this thread:
catlady wet dream right now
Bridgette is such an ugly mexican (Filipino not a real Asian)
caramel ice cream scoop in a waffle cone
with strawberries, whipcream, and and hot fudge ontop!
I love it.
Don't they get big, aussie beers during the 4th of july party?
Based Puppet Master Paul living in your heads RENT FREE
2nd for orange cat
will mark cuck this week up by keeping xmas?
Time to yell over the wall
>despite all my rage i'm still just a rat in a cage
Voting is a trap
If James was in the house he would've already ruined this blindside and told Jess and Cody
fuck off
>being this mad that your waifu lost a strawpoll
Gosh Raven is such an annoying cunt.
I hope she dies already.
jesus christ people are fucking retarded
you are literally the only person here that doesn't like raven. can you fuck off already?
how do these people not realize they are just the other side of the same retarded coin
Ramses Curse is getting revealed tonight.
Fat ladies and black ladies aren't ladies but less evolved humans.
Tall, petite college age sluts who can take a vag shot are where it's at
cant wait for grodner to force ramses to be on the block this week
thought he already shared that around?
>Short girls, small girls, skinny girls, all girls
his curse is to RETURN THE SLAAAAAAB
trump morons. its not even a good temptation
dis bish liked one of my bb tweets for some reason
You can take the inferior DNA. I'll continue Hitlers dream
maybe its Jessica
You live in Chicago and she is a hooker that wants your dick for $350 an hour.
Way too fat imo
she dates n-bombs
i am more than 1000 miles away from chicago
Slide into those DMs girl
>radio personality
is she the girl that the main host talks to when they need a "female perspective" on some topic?
>kevinfags are a real thing and may overtake nicolefags
the hole.
based /milky/
show her some fucking respects
her days are numbered
Link to Big Brother girls instagrams/twitter/facebook lads.
what a stud. No homo.
>I want you to find this nancy boy nicolefag and I want him dead, I want his family dead, I want his house burned to the ground! I wanna go out in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!
have mercy
how long until feeds are back?
not till after wed. show
feeds are back
paul is talking to jason.
>paul is talking to jason.
believable for the next 40 hours
what are the odds of everyone coming back super drunk and there being an orgy tonight?
Post your reaction when Christmas is removed from the game.
one hundo percento
pao pao is drunk as hell sitting on cody's lap in the bathroom
jessica is in the hammock crying
holy fuck cody is whispering to alex and shes acting really flirty
I want drunk lewd housemates.
watch the f-bombs
She really does kind of look like a Mexican.
i've been voting for josh for the next temptation but i feel like retard showfags and twigger are just gonna vote kevin and he's gonna have no fucking clue what to do with it and ends up not even using it because he's not a threat
>we never got drunk shelby and morgan practicing kissing in the bathtub
Do we know what all the temptations are gonna be so we can plan ahead?
i put 5 on dom and 5 on jason
we know this upcoming and the week after
production is not fixing the broken bathtub
the bb house gets cold in the fall
Was that today? I thought she wasn't getting scans till wednesday.
>Everyone's gonna be drunk
>The showmances will be fucking
>Paul will be acting retarded and telling even more obviously untrue true paul stories
>Josh will be trying to hug all the females in the house and maybe even ramses
>Kevin will be almost totally sober because this is pussy shit
>Christmas will be totally blasted due to the crossfade of her medication and the booze. she might even fuk Josh
>Raven will die beause she can't process alcohol
>Alex will become super clingy and want Cody's dick
anyone have a video of frank doing wrestling moves in the pool?
fuck yes it does
its dr will giving the injections
what night is eviction?
god damn it why doesn't he come here
>Shitty twists
>Shitty boring housemates (outside of Kevin and Josh)
>Shitty returnee
Is this the WOAT season of Big Brother? Elena's tits aren't enough to keep watching.
because the autismo who got into his dms went at it all wrong
4th feeds are always prime
feeds are back, christmas and paul talking to jason
feeds are back paul talking to a cardboard cutout of whistledick
i don't like most HGs aside of Whistlenut, Cody, Kevin and Panda, but there is a lot of misting going around which is pretty interesting to watch.
meg had some A+ titties
feeds are back paul talking to cowboy's hat
The doctor is so adorable
feeds still down but paul is talking to the cats about his master plan