Will Smith wants to initiate the race war Sup Forums!

Will Smith "We get to know who the People (Trump Supporters) are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”

I'm a black man and all blacks want to know who the trump supporters are. They truly believe it's all white and want to "cleanse" them from America.

Will Smith is now encouraging it soon major black people will do too.


Black people want to start the race war Sup Forums?

Please don't kill me. It's not my fault I was born as part of those low iq idiots.

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Yeah user the 10% of dindus are going to take out everyone else lel
I'm Mexican American and I can reinsure you that most my people hate those monkeys just like every other race

There's not going to be a race war, at worst some of your stupid friends will die and it could lead to a cleansing
This just means the low IQ niggers will be killed off and normal black people can start breeding based on IQ instead of muh dikk, you'll actually end up muh better than your hut dwelling ancestors


This guy is only rich and famous because white people loved him in movies in the 90s. He owes everything he has to white people.

Good. Let's see how well an actor (read: faggot) will fare in the coming race wars.

You have to go back beaner

Who cares what some circus-monkey has to say?

Black people are the North Korea of races.

A fucking leaf

he went against Trump. death and misery will follow him now.
Hail kek.

What does leaf mean? Lol

it's ok bro

there's plenty of cool black guys, you sound like one of them

Opinion discarded.

All you have to do is get comfy and stay comfy until the shooting stops. Then you can come out and be like, "uh, I'm not with those guys" and no one will give a shit.

They think it's gonna go like their gang wars and shit ? They think they'll just go into the street loot one or two store and be done with it ? Are niggers really that fucking autistic ?

>I'm Mexican American

We know. 90% of americans on Sup Forums are beaners

dumb ass nigger

Buy a Trump hat, and be able to quote Crippled America or the Art of the Deal.


So the average American on Sup Forums

He's just salty because his kids are a wreck and people don't like his new movie.

Celebrities are retarded though. You shouldn't give a shit about their opinion no matter what they say.

>heretic scientologist wants to cleanse the country
Fucking kek

>yfw you realise this coons name is literally Willard Smith

I've been saying this for a while. If Hillary wins they'll release info on Trump supporters and conservatives.

dubs if this is the will of kek

if something like LA would happen on the entire country the only one who would win is russia and china maybe.
are the kikes trying to make this happen?

wtf, i mean this is definetely a strange thing to say

wtf i hate princes now


I live in South Carolina.
There will be a fresh crop of strange fruit if they try.

Fucking do it, just do it you pussy. Quit your acting career and find us.

Just like 90%of canadian posters are chinese

>Cleanse whites
>Getting cleansed by Mexicans right now


For a man who stole a white man's role in Suicide Squad and has the ability to make his children stars, he should shut the fuck up about racism.

Best-Korea aint that bad.

patiently waiting

L.E.A.F. Low Energy Afro Fighter

I say let him try, but he has to be willing to go door to door and try to "cleanse" us personally.

tfw liked Will Smith

oh well, there's no sense in keeping sick animals around

>next week's headline

Will Smith Dead

>as per the curse of he who denigrates Trump

i meant you


He just mad Suicide Squad won't win him an Oscar


SHHHH!! Not til we gib da signal yo

don't let da whiteys prepare we gonna ambush da mufuggas when dey turn roun' da stree corner nowamsayin??

Go jump off a bridge

because sometimes they bite you

>dad posted it again, mommy

Aiken here. They ain't ready.

He's just mad that his son is gay.

I once thought he pretty decent, too bad...

He's a small dicked harambe wannabe.


>blacks try to start a race war

How could you cleanse the country but not eliminate black people?


Remember when the nigger and the jew saved the world?

They are doing their best by whitey is too jewed to do anything.

Lol faggots

>Challenging whites to a war
Not a good move.

You cannot stop the Willennium

We never played cowboys and injuns with the nigger population yet. I think they will be sorely mistaken

I so hope Trump will win.

He's one on the 99% who are here legally.

He's an American, so he gets to stay.

It means your mothers butthole

Lurk more ya bong newfag


He identified as a Mexican American, not as an American, he's not a true patriot. He needs to go back

Mexicans are useful cannon fodder you dipshit. We can likely permit them to take out their pent up aggression towards blacks on blacks and spare countless white lives. Fuck, we could even rig their social conditions into a state of perpetual warfare and profit of them. Wouldn't that be crazy?

Like California did on prop 8 supporters?

Reminder. No hyphens brother

They can go be degenerate in their own countries. You should deprt your blacks there

> He's just mad that his favorite son is gay


His comment wouldn't make sense if he didn't explain his beaner heritage. The point is we can rely on beaners to purge the niggers

It's a useful category. Of course he's American, but he doesn't have the same ethnic background as many other Americans. Even though the term German American is used infrequently, we still accept their traditions and understand that they're inclined to shed greater interests in the genealogy and home culture, so what's the problem here?

His ethnic background is not compatible

Do you dislike all Mexicans?

>black man calls for the removal of undesirable elements from society

what is happening

Mexico was a European colony. What are you talking about?

Tbh senpai

>black guy gets millions
>chooses to become a scientologist and give whitey more money

Yeah, his head is on straight...





>said he believes it is important to “speak out about the insanity”
>At a press event in Dubai
>“speak out about the insanity”

You can't write this shit

>doesn't realize the entirety of mexico is far from being considered even half european

Will Smith hasnt been appealing for a very long time. He even managed to make suicide worse than it already was, and thats incredible.


They don't share the same language, culture and traditions of a true American.

Go get your little box office drag another C list role.

Maybe this time he will finally make money!

Also fuck you racist, It's nott he white mans fault your concussion movie was seen for the Oscar bait it is.

IT isnt a race war...

WHites want trump supporters gone as well.

Even a large percent of conservatives and republicans and right wing people hate Trump and his supporters and believe he is delegitimizing their cause.

How can you people not realize you are the extremist of america?

You are the cancer, the ignorant, the bigots, the racist, the hateful.

Trump exposed the rotten core of america and people on all sides are balking at it and hoping it gets thrown in the trash.

get fucked

Yep, there was harassment like I've never seen

Tolerant fucking liberals my ass. Bigotry and harassment is unacceptable.... Unless you are a "bigot"

Liberals like pic related are scum

Is this the rape baby meme?


>They don't share the same language, culture and traditions of a true American.

...so what they aren't British and Protestant enough?

Honest cops, injured vets, varmint-punting rednecks, most of the military... Berniebros don't want this

At least the genuine, bullet-flying bloodshed would be brief

Oh look it's another liberal Hollywood elitist. It's almost as if they have special interests if Hillary gets elected.

Yes. Also their skin colour is the same as most people's turds and their food induces liquid shit.

and one massively butthurt Somali this morning

But British people and Protestants are terrible. Why would any self-respecting American want to be either?
And Anglos are pasty to the point of being transparent and gangly due to inbreeding for the sake of muh superior genetics.
>their food induces liquid shit
You probably freak out about spicy foods being degenerate because they offend your dainty taste buds, huh?

>compare shooting a violent drug dealer lunging for a cop's gun to a massive genocide of innocent black youths
>incite a massive genocide of innocent black youths



We must meme his "cleanse" quote and spread it far and wide.

LET'S GO Sup Forumsacks !

No, it's their fact that their main base is shitty beef and beans.

British Protestants built America, thank you very much.

If you prefer living among Mestizo Catholics, there are plenty of nations south of the border you can join.

I agree with Will Smith about one thing: the US desperately needs an ethnic cleansing.

He's just on the wrong side.