This is a Syrian refugee.
This is a Syrian refugee
Whats her name
Damn son she look like she gonna explode out of her clothes
so thats what all the 20 something males are running and seeking protection from in my homeland
its totally makes sense now
thank you Sup Forums
Yusra Mardini
>20 pictures of beautiful migrant girls that'll make you say fuck borders and laws and shit
>Pic of shitskin
>Says it's a shitskin
>No input or effort into attacking shitskin
>No input or effort at all
>>Sup Forums
Well i know all this muslim immigrants dont assimilate rape women and steal and kill
look at this one that doesnt do any problems
checkmate islamophobolobes hahhehehehehe
She's a big girl
Id fuck her pussy but i dont want muslims to medal at the olympics.
I'd give her asylum in my pants if you know what I mean.
she's christian
Cute face. Terrible body. Would still bang
Mardini is an Aramean last name. I know Mardini's in America. They are MDs emigrated in the 70s have a lot of kids in Indiana.
All the Mardinis I know are Christian
Well that just means you are a racist!!!
Every country has beautiful woman, whats your point?
She looks gross, 2bqh.
Top laff, leaf.
Plot twist : she's christian
If it was just Syrian women coming, you wouldn't hear any complaints.
Way too much skin showing, absolutely haram. Her dad and uncles are gonna have a "talk" with her.
Did she come last?
Fat feminists would go crazy.
Guys. The problem is not on refugees. The problem is in Islam. Why can't some of you guys figure that out, uh?
A-and..? You think she's hot or what?
This is a Syrian who's fighting for her country
I wonder if she'll keep fighting when she runs out of make up and the photographer gets sniped.
Feminists in sweden are literally already trying to ban migration from east asia because they don't like evil white men marrying females from there.
wtf am i actually looking at
She had exercise in swimming, when she came to Europe, I guess....
She's a Christian, not a rapefugee
>come to country legally with papers and obtain citizenship
>it's a refugee guise
we should let in all women who want to immigrant but no men. this would destroy feminism.
I'm Arab and know better than any basement dweller here how hot our girls can be depending on nation, but this cherry picking idol worship is fucking pathetic and retarded. Why does this board always make itself look dumb?
Oh, one of them can swim eh
she looks like a fridge
Is that the mooseknuckle of the century r wut
I think she is a legitimate refugee, she's on the Refugee team at the Olympics
Thats no moon for sure
>I'm Arab
Ready to get triggered Sup Forums?
That suit costs about 10k.
>contradicts itself in its own post, doesn't even realize
lolol u fkin retard
Fat feminists are already going crazy. We're at maximum crazy. Crazy has reached saturation levels.
They can't feasibly get anymore crazy when they already think every single aspect of western society has been specifically set up to oppress them and want to tear it all down.
I'm comparing her as a refugee to the 'refugees' who are fighting age males who aren't even from Syria without any papers. Poorly worded, i admit.
an average girl?
And I want to fuck her so?
flat... send it back
It will get worse. Otherkin, Wrongskin, transabled and pedos are still oppressed by cisheteronormative Fascists.
getting western women under control needs to be goal #1 if you want to make society decent again. women's relative power in the sexual market needs to be decreased and a massive increase of young women from patriarchal societies would do that very quickly with no new influx of men to match them.
Australia didn't until settlers arrived. I can almost guarantee there are no good looking pure abo women
wow I hate swim suits now.
So what?
Kek. She has the same body shape as that Chloe Moritz chick.
this is a syrian refugee
someone post the Buddhist monk BTFO'ing pro muslims
She can take refuge in my house any time if you know what I mean
Shes also a Christian(you can tell by her last name and her not wearing a hijab)
>$10k for clothing
I guess if it's real comfortable and $10k on a suit that lasts for at least a few years is reasonable
I certainly wouldn't spend $100 a pair on shoes and $50 a pair on shirts if they weren't comfy and durable as fuck
shes also starving
fuck is wrong with her stomach?
>So you oppose the refugee crises? well look at this picture of a solid 6/10 refugee girl! gotcha now, huh?
>he meant the swimsuit....
her suit seems to be what's making that shape doe, Chloe was wearing clothes that stretched and she looked like a square lel
They only last about 3 races before their fabric becomes too loose to render any benefit.
not again
it is a real neat looking swimsuit though
Let's keep it that way.
Checked, now check yourself in at the nearest airport and go back home.
hi marcel
>a female refugee
the liberal media will parade her around to try to distract from the fact that overwhelming majority of refugees are fighting-age males
Holy shit its like a syrian version of chloe
>dat fridge physique
>polluting european countreis with shitskin women goiym, it will get your women under control trust me goy
Wtf I love mudslimes now
>go swimming
>your skin still looks dirty
This little detail makes all the difference
This is a Kenyan refugee.
Be considerate, please. Syrians call it "ice box" physique.
>This is their best cherrypick
"You guys accept migrant men. They're raping us and using us a sex objects, desu!"
>>>More Women are immigrants/ Merkel says migrant rape is a problem and decides to comply with feminist Demands
Day 1:
"Whoa whoa whoa.We're not so helpless that you need to stop the men from coming!"
Day 2:
>>"It's not fair that you're only bringing in women! Stop trying to use them as sex objects, western pigs! *What about the men????* Are they not accepted because you can't rape them?"
*Feminism Suicide
*getting anxious*
Day 3:
Wait wait >women >sexist? No, no, no. Feminism destroyed
Day 4:
*Public Apology on Twitter/ Resumes to blaming men*
>>Islamophobic MALE is afraid of men who have a voice in the execution of their religions!**
**Implies That women are unable to speak for themselves or is an islamophobe who thinks that islam oppresses women
Feminism Destroyed
Day 10:
This would be fun.
Send her back.
Holy fuck
Out of all the racist shit that was said here i think this might be the first that actually got to me
>Muh feels
>Muh religious revivalism
>Envious of whitey
>wants to steal shit
>hates modernity
>are bluepill mangina faggot white knights from one of the three Jew religions.
ruined it for me
How does an olympic athlete managed to have a gunt ?
What a beautiful Christian woman! Poor thing must be terrified that all of those muslims want to kill her family for their beliefs.
So what?
Send her back like all the rest
"Dana PupGender, I don't want to be a part of ur movment anymor. It's sexist towards men and I hav to be true to my principles. Not all men are rapists. #Notallmen."
*Only feminists left are Dana PupGender and radicals*
*Everyone sees they're radicals*
Someone please do this. They literally just excuse all actions of whatever the oppressed class is. If we bluntly oppress muslim men for being men they'll be uncle toms but of gender to us because they already think muslims are oppressed, but adding "men" would make them excuse that stuff too, broadening the oppression idol complex to us too. It's fucking genius.
The funny part really is that muslim women are less likely to be terrorists and ruin my life, so I support the move; but to everyone not redpilled (mostly everyone) on this it would be blunt sexism and affirmative action taken too far against men. But everyone's gonna ignore the real problem that Islam makes men more dangerous than women and assume it's affirmative action too far.
Emily Ratajkowski is a fine slut.
>must be terrified that all of those muslims
Doesn't look like it
You're full of shit. They are 150 to 400 ISD. I've bought many for my daughter who swims NCAA.
Arabs really have terrible physiques
For you
Sexuality a Syrian refugee by putting her in a revealing bathing suit.
Praise allah. America really is the most degenerate place on earth.
why does she have a line dividing her chest/