Tfw you realize Sup Forums is so slow tonight because its full of redditor normies watching fireworks and getting laid...

>tfw you realize Sup Forums is so slow tonight because its full of redditor normies watching fireworks and getting laid tonight
any movies besides harry potter for these feels

Other urls found in this thread:

>using the word normie

back to r9k with you

family guy unironically created the term "normie"

>laying in bed browsing Sup Forums
>can literally hear all the fireworks going on

>tfw to smart to appreciate bright lights and loud noises without quality narrative and cinematography

>no muricans
that's why this place feels so nice tonight

I wonder why nobody on this website ever points this fact out.


Hello future Muslim murdered civilian

Most current posters weren't alive or old enough to form memories when that episode was aired. It's that episode where Peter becomes AESTHETIC


Not me. 4th of July always just reminds me of war. That's what the explosions represent. Bombs. I'd rather be here, shitposting. I live near a reservation though, so all the rednecks will be lighting off legalized dynamite until 3am.

The irony of this post . GL not getting beheaded user . Being 100% serious

>Amerifats go out and watch fireworks
>shitposting decreases for the night

>teenagers are forced to spend time with family instead of being allowed to sit their Ass on the internet

should I watch Harry Potter or some stoner flick like Superbad or Pineapple Express?? I am getting really blasted high either way

No to Superbad . Instead watch one of those American pie style flicks .

I've seen old school, road trip, the new guy, and and not another teen movie... but I haven't really seen the entirety of the american pie movies or van wilder.. probably the original american pie and that's it

Those are mainstream style flicks. I'm talking about that bs where the main character tries to create a bikini college .

If you're gonna get high, watch these. Some user posted them the other night. It's like David Lynch edited a televangelist. I laughed and got creeped out, at the same time. Jim Bakker is a weird dude.

so you want me to watch the knock off ironic versions of those movies? I don't know man that sounds like too much for me

I just got back from seeing BATB again so I kinda have an emma boner

But the knock of movies are actually funny and it has tits with no social politics