Immigrant thread.
1: Your country of origin
2: Which do you love more, your country of origin or the country you live in?
1: Iraq
2: Without Norway I would be nothing. I love this place
Immigrant thread.
1: Your country of origin
2: Which do you love more, your country of origin or the country you live in?
1: Iraq
2: Without Norway I would be nothing. I love this place
1) All my ancestors Italian.
2) I'd rather live in Italy than here.
I think independence was a mistake.
You don't actually think that this is going to go well, right?
A large number of people here consider people like you a part of a growing problem...
You're not an immigrant unless your parents were born in italy.
People like me?
People with a university education and who work and enjoy the secular lifestyle Norway offers?
Yeah. Have you spent any time in this board at all?
Immigration (even inter-EU) is detested here for the most part. A running theme is why take extra-EU immigrants with such high youth unemployment in the south?
And definitely why take immigrants from a place like Iraq? Far more likely an Iraqi will have a dangerous, violent religious bent than anot Italian.
(Obviously the Norway isn't in the EU but it has freedomw of movement)
You said people like me. I am a hardworking norwegian citizen. My country of origin should not be a cause of anger for the idiots on this board. As long as I am assimilating to the local culture and working they should be happy
Yeah. People like you - as in immigrants. And what people should or shouldn't do is quite different than what should be expected.
Looked so much better on the left. Damn, what a cutie. Should have stayed that way, would have aged really well. Like Polly Walker (Attia of the Julli in HBO's Rome).
Now she just looks like like a mongol ayyy lmao.
1. Macedonia
2. I would've always have said Germany, everything works here, I'm well payed, people are friendly... but they're on their their way to destroying themselves and there's no worst thing than that, not even the crime and corruption in my country.
Yes, you're right but unfortunately the majority of your kin folk don't share the same hard working assimilating mentality as you do.
If people could just stay where they originated and fix their own problems rather than running away from them then maybe there wouldn't be so much anti- immigrant sympathy.
>but I'm not like them
Doesn't matter you'll always be judged by the actions of your ethnic group.
I agree. Her plastic surgery is almost as big a mess as her retard husband
Come back italic man
1. Mexico
2. Obviously the U.S. I'm not getting my head chopped off, I live decently and i'm voting for Trump so he can make America Great Again
>If people could just stay where they originated and fix their own problems rather than running away from them then
Don't you find this statement quite ironic considering your flag?
Also, it's really not easy changing a country for the better if the vast majority of people believe in sharia law, the country is run by semi-dictators (tribal sheikhs) and you can literally be assassinated for a few dollars if someone doesn't like you.
Going into the Air force as soon as I'm done with uni.
I sure wish there was less of us though. I'll feel more unique and special that way.
I find it pathetic that you're voting trump. I feel you're doing to show everyone how un-mexican you are.
One thing is the things he's said about mexican immigrants, another is his complete inability to form a thought or a well formed sentence. The guy is a fucking idiot. It's embarrassing how stupid he is.
I don't mind all the illegals getting deported. They've tarnished our image enough.
I love being Mexican, I'm just not going to vote for Hillary under any circumstances. Trump has alot of problems sure but at least he will be entertaining and he might actually follow through with some of his promises, like getting rid of illegals. That alone will make him worth it.
>caring about being """un-mexican"""
top lel; that country is a shithole
Nigger that's called makeup
1. Ukraine
2. the current country I'm living in , the U S of A baby , this country gave my family everything and i would do anything for it. God bless America
Should've mentioned I'm not white but I don't think that really matters
Well, what do you think about the current immigration problems Europe is facing. I'm sure you wouldn't like seeing the secular open society you liven in turn into the hell hole you left.
I know he's not an exceptional person but he seems the least worst out of a bad bunch. Hillary just reeks of Palpatine tier levels of corruption and Machiavellian manipulation.
Also I'm not ashamed of my background I just prioritize the welfare of this country more than whatever concerns "my people" may have. I've really never felt any sense of obligation or loyalty to Mexico. That doesn't mean I hate them it just means my loyalties lie elsewhere.
>From America
>Now taking a job from a Frenchman
LMAO at your 10% unemployment
But seriously you French are lazy as fuck. No wonder they would rather hire Americans.
Are you retarded? There are french people working in the US. So your argument works against you.