Shia Labeouf

What did he mean by this?

>that babydick

Drinking pee and rubbing it in your face it's actually a good way to strengthen your immune system.

He's a big guy

>Babby dick

all adds up

Glad that he's cut like me

Looks average 2bh

Shia is probably riddled with AIDS and shit.



Settle down dicklet, men are talking.

stop calling him a small dick! He's flaccid in this pic. I could see a flaccid dick of that size getting pretty big fully erect

Even when I'm flaccid I still maintain most of my girth despite losing the length. Shia's got a pencil dick.
>t. grower not a shower

t. babydick

>men that pretend every dick they see is small (even flaccid ones) to project an image of themselves having a massive one
Is there anything more pathetic and insecure?

Whatever m8

Is your flaccid dick a ball?

are you asian?

>Hey fuck you life I'm crazy
I imagine

>people still try to judge a person's dicksize or girth based on what it looks like when NOT HARD
are you all retarded?

Why did every Disney star turn into a fucking weirdo?

spotted the liberal

When flaccid? Well it is isn't pretty.

t. asian with a small one lol

I was in the pool!

Look at the size of his fingers compared to his Dick, you Muppet

Now, look at yours

It's flaccid

keep in mind he and you are 5'5

not a liberal. my dick is a tad over 7 inches long, very thick as well. guess what, when you look at it in comparison to other dudes in a locker room, they all look the same, even if I know the measurements of other people for a fact and how I'm bigger than average

I honestly thought I was just average from my flaccid length but the chick I fucked the other night said i was really big and she pretty much wailed the whole time

Is this a new meme?

I'm 5'9 :)




t. dicklet

I'm 6'2

>got dick skin and nerves cut
>I'm not mutilated
Pick one

No, you're just mutilated. People cut off part of your fucking dick for no good reason. Why defend that shit. I'm glad I was born in a first world country.

>tfw thin dick

This is true, I've seen it in porn. First you're like "lol smol dik" then you're like "whoa big dik"

>mfw only 6.5" but thin as fuck
having a pencildick is suffering

>"men" discussing about another guys' dick
Never change

More than a few have turned out well. Hillary Duff the most memed here.

there's show-ers
and there's grow-ers

Oh my sweet summer child. Don't you know literally every chick you sleep with will say "omg its so huge, gollie!" Its the same thing as you saying she isnt getting fat or whatever. also she almost def faked the orgasm
>tldr: you're still a dicklet

I came to laugh at Shia not listen to you nerds trigger yourself over dick size.

which begs the question, why judge a dick size/girth when it's not hard?

t. obvious projection


Dicks are so fucking goofy looking, like they shouldn't even be there.

Anybody want to start backing up their shit with some Dick picks?

>sharing dick pics

Sounds kind of gay.

>after playing the cat and mouse woth Sup Forums for 5 months he was defeated every time
>slowly this back and forth with the ultimate neo nazis started to break him down
>at the begening he asualted a minor and got arrested
>not long after his stream from Queens got shut down
>he then decided to put the flag somewhere around the south in the farm of one of his frends
>the untimate neo nazis used th flight patters and the stars to triangulate the flag's position, and before a week the flag was stolen
>he moved the flag to the top of an building in london, but once again you cant defeat the Extream Right
>his mental state started to degrade to a point of no return
>one day he came to the realization
>the way to defeat trump is to become an Indian
>he aproached the shore
>he unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis and started urinating in the water
>it feelt good to start embracing onces new culture
>he bent down and washed his hands in what is now water and his urine
>he raised his hands twords his face and while washing it with Pee Water he thought
>"my name now is Shiajeet LaBhattacharyya"
>he leaves the shore as a new man with a new name

i prolly would if it took less effort. as it stands, i am not hard rn and have no dick picks on my phone, letalone on the pc

imagine typing all this thinking you're funny lol

This desu.

No point in arguin if no proof

don't be rude

its ok to be unfunny, user


>they do not know its a copy pasta from when this imange first made it to pol
so many newfags its insane

>I'm not hard rn

Shia is soft in OPs pic, I want to see soft dicks

I need to see like 20 before I can't determine whether or not the people in this thread are lying cunts or not

ITT: Delusional white boi dicklets

how much did you pay her?

that's the biggest dick a whiteboy can have....lmao hilarious, isn't it? no wonder white women prefer the company of black men.

This so much... I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girl friends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever. A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

haha.. i know right? such a small dick.. haha...


>sudden burst of bbc memes
back to /r/communism with you spammers


Dicklets can't be alphas

He could be a grower. My dick's length when hard is 2.5 times that of my normsl dick

white bois can't be alpha's just impossible. black men, and only black men can be alpha males. white bois are just beta males who are meant to serve muscular SEX GODS - black men.

I'm a soft inch, but I grow a WHOPPING 5x the size hard!

i'm this guy
so what's up buttercup? wouldn't consider myself white, but i guess i look white so i'm white to you. keep going with the racism

Being a grower sounds a lot more convient than being a shower

>anons who think by default women love enormous dicks

Beyond he initial wow factor of seeing it's far more often to be uncomfortable during sex and a lot more taxing to try and please orally.

Stop using porn as a reference point for what women actually like.



I used to think I had a small cock, but when I fucked for the first time it was noticeably larger than when I masturbated before.


why do people in this website pretend to have big dicks? i don't get it, it's just an anonymous formus and you are pretty much sure all people reading your post are dudes, why brag about your dick? lol

>visits r/the_polnald


What the fuck is Shia doing?
Living out LOST?

>thinks he is better than other people while visiting a pedo board
go back to cunny posting faggot

I'm two inches soft, 6.5 hard.
Thought it was normal.

Troll/10. you got the virgins all hot and bothered. good job.
Urine is sterile.
This user seems new and yet wiser than all the dick posters.

After I scanned the first few lines and read the last few, I realized how gay and insecure this entire board is. I knew it was bad, but my god this is impressive.

>fishing for replies hoping people to tell you that's it's normal size so you don't have to ask if you got a small dick

oldest trick in the book

we're just memeing summerfags you idiot