Daily reminder that Trump's campaign was ended by a Muslim.
Thanks and have a great day!
91 days to go boys! See ya tomorrow ;)
Daily reminder that Trump's campaign was ended by a Muslim.
Thanks and have a great day!
91 days to go boys! See ya tomorrow ;)
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Do reply;shill thread
It's funny because Hillary sacrificed a lot of people too.
I'm weak- can't just let it go unchallenged.
If Hillary can threaten national security repeatedly and still win the nomination, although through rigging the election, I think this'll blow over just fine.
nice strawman.jpg you got there
I never understood the big fiasco with this family. Their son was Islamic, so what? I respect him as a soldier, but I won't put him on a pedestal for something that has nothing to do with it.
الله أكبر
leaf confirmed not knowing what strawman means
Trump wants war with China. I was all for Trump but at this point he's made his own supporters hate him with his retarded mistakes.
Is it to late to replace Trump with someone competent?
a Muslim that promotes sharia over the constitution
that's literally the textbook definition of a strawman. Kahn said not one word about the cause of the war, nor did anyone else defending him. Classic deflection.
did you read that off of your kikefart """"""news"""""" website?
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)2
WTF I hate Drumpf now....
I guess I'm a #Balla4Allah now!
He looks like a turtle.
I read it off his own website before he took it down cuck
>Being dumb enough to think anyone blamed Trump
Look up strawman and then get back to us.
If they swapped in Kasich right now there's no way he wouldn't do better than Trump. Probably flip Ohio, plus lots of moderate Dems.
I'm voting for Hillary because I'm not a moron. But I'd rather vote for Kasich.
And he's losing to a woman, oh shit that must hurt. ;-)
Gets ya right in the testes
Right? It's like a double tap.
His poll numbers drop dramatically. Call it shilling or narrative pushing, but they dropped. People, and liberals in general, are this stupid. They would rather have an proven liar and criminal, than a supposed "racist" pushed by the media.
A Fucking Leaf
Even if the outrage was manufactured by the democrats it still illustrates how inept Trump is.
His own platform should have given him all the ammo needed to politely rebuff Khan's assertions that his family would have been banned.
But because Trump knows nothing about his own positions, or is unable to bring them up in impromptu interviews he instead insinuated that Khan abuses/suppresses his wife.
What will this guy do in office when he's negotiating with countries like China? You really want him to suddenly accuse the ambassador of eating dogs?
Daily Reminder this delusional leaf is so threatened by the looming Trump Presidency, he has to constantly flood the boards with shit to drown out the sanity
Don't worry shitleaf, get ready to deal with the influx of mexicants after Trump is elected, time for you sad nigs to deal with the shitskins for a few decades
Trump wants war with China
>I was all for Trump but at this point he's made his own supporters hate him with his retarded mistakes.
Oh I see it now
What difference does it make if you vote for Hillary with or without a cock you kike.
I don't want the fucking world to be able to buy the favor of our next fucking president.
I want the world to shit their pants over our next fucking president.
So he points out moral and ethical issues with those who are attacking him?
Sorry leaf, while it might be common place in Canada, we still don't (yet) withdraw the rights of many to protect the feelings of a few. That's why you think it's wrong to be a tough diplomat.