Will America ever wake up?

Will America ever wake up?

Don't lib cucks realize that the multicultural """society"""" they love and protect is the reason why the biggest and most important empires have fallen?

Rome is one of the greatest examples. Rome fell because it didn't protect itself against the foreign hordes.

Look at America now, non whites make movies against the white man. Hollywood is filled with those, and this is the entertainment thats being given to our white children.

You have a board for this bullshit.

>our white children
stop LARPing, virgin

Name 8 kinos, 3 flicks and a film that does this

I immediately disregard any faggot that uses this term.

this ain't fuckin Pol you cunt

>tfw you voted for Trump to speed up this very downfall and watch everything burn
I'll admit though, I wasn't expecting it to be such an entertaining ride.

Explain how this is bullshit. Explain how the discussion of this aspect of tv and film is bullshit and undeserving of discussion. If there is errors embedded in the logic that leads to these beliefs then point those out. This intolerance of the subject and anger at it's appearance is passive aggressive censorship.

Why is that bad again?

America has no values and it's only a force of evil in the world. Let it crash and burn. I don't even know what is worse, the American liberals or conservatives

Go back to Le_Donald you faggot

Donald J Trump. Triggering libcucks on Sup Forums for 7 months now.

8 years remain.

Everytime i see reddit make this statement my heart grows warm

America is awake you just can't tell because normal people don't seek validation on facebook and twitter.

In it's current state I think America needs to fall. It's becoming a danger to the rest of the world. It's ruled by the criminally insane and while I don't want the people to suffer for it I think it needs to fall before it can be rebuilt as something better.

go suck kuk in Sup Forums where you belong


>Sup Forums - Television & Film

>Rome fell because it didn't protect itself against the foreign hordes.


This, everyone knows Rome fell because black people kept getting put intom ovies.

>people so disconnected from society that they use "normie" unironically making any kind of generalizations about the same society they have no life experience in

Cool I'm sure helter skelter is coming too; you Travis Bickle edgelords totally have been calling it for the last hundred years

why do nerd virgins talk about rome all the time
you weren't there you don't know shit

Speaking as an Asian female, it never stops turning me on when white men get nationalist. It makes my sideways pussy so tingly wet.

Lol what are you gonna do about it

why do you post irrelevant, agenda fueled vaporposts?

>Rome fell due to foreign invasion

Pot meet kettle

>Lol what are you gonna do about it

Of course it does.

>direct reply in greentext

look at this upvoting piece of shit

>Lol what are you gonna do about it


>rome fell because of muh foreign hordes

got /his/ and tell them that if you are so confident

Your picture isn't the fall of Rome by the way