I work with the logistics at infowars. I have met Alex Jones. AMA.
I work at infowars. Ask me anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Why doesn't he ever criticize Israel or the Jews?
Is he turning alt-right? Does he really believe half of the conspiracy theories he says?
Do the filters work?
I do not want to become gay from Flouride
Why is he mentally ill? Does he smell as bad as he looks like he does?
Have you ever talked to Alex Jones?
does everyone there actually believe in the water filters and Brain Boost or whatever other shit Alex sells?
how big is it there.
Honest question: do you use ProPur filters at work?
Can I have a job?
1. did Alex Jones ever bang Le Ann Mac Adoo?
2. Why did Aaron dykes leave?
How can I contribute to Infowars living in London?
Go to protests and interview people myself?
Have you break the conditioning OP?
He does but infowars is a business. You have to understand that. The republicans love sucking jewish cock. So if he goes and criticizies israel, infowars wouldn't even exist. I have seen letters by people in the senate/congress telling alex to cool down on the Jewish stuff. Those letters were around 2007.
Yep. I've eaten with him and discussed conspiracy theories. Does he purposefully put on a show? Yes. Does he believe all of what he says? Yes.
Exactly how woke is you, nigga?
Is he controlled opposition?
We're you there when he interview David Duke? What was it like around Infowars immediately after that broadcast and then in the days after that? How id Alex really react?
kek I saw your "announcement" post that didn't get any replies yesterday, errybody thought you were full of shit
Does Alex ever read /pol?
Does AJ predict a MAJOR HAPPENING in the near future?
what exactly does super male vitality do and does it actually work
But is he turning alt-right though?
He doesn't smell but he needs to lose weight lol.
I eat with him from time to time.
Infowars is HUGE. Like seriously. The place cost at least 3-4 million dollars. The filters do work.
E-mail infowars to ask for jobs.
Nope. Lee Ann has a BF. I know Alex finds her sexy but she's way out of his league. Lee Ann is fucking hot. She has massive tits as well.
I don't know why Aaron left. I didn't really know him and I cba asking about it.
If you want to work for infowars email them for a job. We had applications going on last year I think where we hired tech developers, writers etc.. email them and ask.
>Is he turning alt-right?
Jones never turned, faggot. The world did
>british flag
ur a flaming faggot paul
get the fuck off of this site
Is he as much of an absolute madman off camera?
When he talks about "I have sources in X" or "I know people in X" is he full of shit, or does he legit have people inside all these organisations feeding him information and shit?
>info wars
my sides
why are you addicted to gay porn?
how does it feel profiting off of mentally defective conspiracy loonies?
how many jews work there?
>Infowars is HUGE. Like seriously. The place cost at least 3-4 million dollars. The filters do work.
I asked if there are filters in the break rooms etc.
How come he hasn't talked about Bohieman Grove in a while?
reminder that you dont need to buy a filter to purify water, just put a couple of drops of iodine in a bottle of water and drink from that during the day
How come you live in England if you work for him in U.S.?
Do you know that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks? And that the real Alex Jones was killed?
Because Israel Jews aren't the enemy it's American liberal bank and media Jews.
Do you know Anthony Gucciardi?
Paul Joseph Watson
Is Alex Jones committed to the infowar due to the finances he has pumped into keeping the operation running rather than the cause itself ? . I have heard some people close to Jones saying that he is in to deep financially to stop.
Also does super male vitality put lead in your pencil?
So, when are you going to expose the Jews?
Haha his microphone covers are pyramids with eye looking holes in them
how many water filters do you personally own? can you provide pictures of them?
Is that you Owen?
If so, love you.
>[citation needed]
What is Alex Jones's favorite non-political thing to talk about? Does he have any offbeat hobbies or small social idiosyncrasies?
Can you get me a good deal on a few dozen water-filters?
You're a liar and a stooge
Does he actually believe what he reports?
>I have met Alex Jones. AMA.
He really is Bill Hicks, isn't he?
No, but he makes a big scene on purpose. He's serious but with a hint of rantings.
I was around in the Duke interview. Truth be told, Duke was impressive. Alex didn't really mind though because he wants the attention. I think he sort of liked it. We are talking about a person who once went outside a police office and screamed "COME OUT NWO." Honestly, whilst my colleagues thought it would be bad for our image, he didn't care.
I've shown pol to him lol. I've shown him /x/. I don't think he has the time. Running infowars is a bigger operation than you think. Alex does 4 hour segments per day and it requires planning.
Collapse of the dollar and when the next recession comes, it will be MASSIVE. Also, if Hillary gets elected, say hello to anti Iran propoganda.
Basically makes you more awake and have more energy. It works for me.
He's a Libertarian so take it as you wish.
nice try Mossad
I can answer that GUNS
Sell out like anything else. Muh fiat moni. Muh fear
>Union Jack
You are Paul Joseph Watson aren't you?
Can I suck on le Ann's titties?
I think my air conditioner is broken; worse, I think AJ is responsible for breaking the conditioner.
Answer my question milkylicker
1776 will commence again if you try and take our geeeeens
Can you reply to this plox ?
Damn, I would info war all over those tbqh senpai.
If you're willing to go tro some libtard rant all evening long and just passively nod, sure.
1. Does everyone in Info-wars (Except for people like Watson and you) carry firearms?
2. Has jones ever said anything actualy racist while off camera, like nigger or kike said in a non joking tone. (Not that I would care.)
3. What sort of stuff does alex eat?
Do (((You))) like Jewish cocks up your ass?
Because Alex Emerick (Emmerich) is Jewish. His ex wife is Jewish, his kids are Jewish. His lawyer is a Bronfman lawyer. He is a millionaire selling questionable products. His Enerfood shit 10 years ago was lowering sperm count. I dropped him in 07.
He tells mostly truth just fails to tell you who is behind it. Dude is rat poison. He is the guy that tells you your car just got stolen bro. But doesn't tell you his bro's stole your car.
Also why the fuck does InfoWarsStore department fuckinng sucks regarding its phone calls and customer support email? I ordered his filter along with other shit and everything but the filters arrived!
He's more chilled off camera. I've never known him to have one massive rant for a random reason. He says a lot of off the hand comments regarding the nwo. He does have some sources - he has links to congress and senate. Do you remember the charlie sheen interview? That was planned for a good couple of weeks.
How the fuck do i know? I don't go asking people if they are jewish.
Im in the uk at the moment.
Its a genuine bullshit theory.
I "know" him in that I have spoken to him. Im not the best of friends with him though. Just haven't spoken to him a lot.
I'm NOT PJW although I know him quite well.
Not heard anything regarding the infowars operation losing money. We're bigger than ever before and the trump coverage has given us a bigger fanbase.
Why is everyone here obsessed with water filters lol
Guns. There's an epic video he did with John McAfee. Google it.
No. If he is Bill Hicks then he's covered it very well. There's legal documents online that show him to be Alex E. Jones.
>I eat with him from time to time.
Neat. Can you reveal if his sort of over the top personality is just a facade or is he actually like that?
Margaret or Lee Ann?
Couple of Qs:
1. Would Trump attack the Turks/Kick them out of NATO?
2. Does Jones want any Canadian reporters (I already have a media company with a couple of thousand subs)
3. How was the Cenk meltdown?/explain Roger Stone and his claims (not about cenk, but the twitter rants)
>I've shown pol to him lol. I've shown him /x/. I don't think he has the time. Running infowars is a bigger operation than you think. Alex does 4 hour segments per day and it requires planning.
About what you'd expect from a guy on the front lines of the INFOWARRAAAAAAAAAAARRRG
Tell him if he ever needs a million-man useless internet trollforce of basement dwellers, I'm pretty sure he has a Personal Army card just for that Cenk shit
stick mic up your bumhole and post pic for proof.
The water filter thing has become a meme. That is why we are fixated on that.
Is Alex Jones a Glock or a 1911 guy?
>Why is everyone here obsessed with water filters lol
I hope you can appreciate the irony
whoa, it's jason blaha.
Because Alex shills them all the time. JUST BUY THE FUCKING FILTERS
What are your personal beliefs, and what are the general beliefs of the people working there?
why does he avoid the gas chambers question? I think that he knows about the holocaust hoax but is afraid to say it.
Are there ways to volunteer/be active? Currently a college student in Tejas
One I forgot to add:
Does Jones find Rogers Nixon tattoo odd?/Doesn't that put Rogers at odds with Jones politically?
Considering alex interviews serious hitters: bill's ex gfs, larry nichols, dc madam, cia, military, ron paul, etc there should be no doubts he is on the side of truth.
Is there anyone he fears? He's mentioned ADL. Is that it? Are they the name which shall not be spoken? Who is #2, #3?
is alex a doggy?
pls respond
After me if you wish. She's seriously fucking hot.
I don't know I'll check?? The fuck is on about Sup Forums and water filters.
I am Texan. I have a firearm. I'm just here at the moment with my relatives in the UK. Everyone here can carry guns if they wish.
Not on the racist stuff. We have a black infowars reporter called Jakari Jackson. Alex isn't a racist.
Dude, look at the size of him. He eats meat a fuck ton. he does do a shit load of excercise though. If he lost some weight he would have a pretty muscular body. He did weights when he was young.
I agree, the emails suck shit. It just takes time.
IT'S (((5776))) NOW
How much can Alex bench and what does he smell like?
>Lee Ann is fucking hot. She has massive tits as well.
He aint lying
>How the fuck do i know? I don't go asking people if they are jewish.
you don't know how to spot jews? jesus, how blue-pilled can you get
anyway, I'm out, shekelgruber
It was a big /new/ meme.
Was he with the Jews all the time or did they just buy him out?
Tell them the fucking shop SUCKS, when ordering over to Europe.
Always issues, everything is 6 months late, they miss out on orders, dont get what you order.
Man who are those inbeciles working in the web store?
Also, the support absolutely SUCKS in the store, you never get any answer, have to email 10 times, will never fuck buy anything again until you guys figured it out.
Have someone to answer emaisl seriously and say something. Wtf no one even checks the email.
I ordered for 250 usd but no one answers me emails on the support.
Fucking Tv-shop aka infowars.
Whats the odds you are not Paul Joseph Wattson (or however you spell your name)?
>No. If he is Bill Hicks then he's covered it very well. There's legal documents online that show him to be Alex E. Jones.
Just funny how Hicks passed, and Jones showed up, with striking similarities in physical characteristics. They're both pretty fuckin' based either way.
This thread needs an israeli flag to become an official
Can you get me a job? I live in Austin.
>Lee Ann is fucking hot. She has massive tits as well.
Lee Ann isnt hot, she has big juggs but thats about it, she is not hot or attractive, perhaps by american standards.