Antifa thread

Antifa thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck

You mean /cuckgeneral/?

This is now a cute animals thread

They put on a good hip-hop show at Kopi

Anyone else here looking forward to the next anti fascist march where we shut down the oppositions free speech in an authoritarian manor based on their political beliefs?

Feels so great to be the good guys right :^)

Antifa btfo racists

Antifa member here
Death to the nazi frogs
Death to kek
Praise moloch
Praise hillary clinton

go to sleep kevin

This is now strange anime thread

They are protecting the whites of Europe from getting fucked by Germany's empire dreams again.

So pretty based in the long run.


Get fucked Antifa scum



Antifa are faggots and commies
They are not cool


How old was you when you first started sucking black dick?


That cop is a hero for punching a antifa faggot


So satisfying.

good night

left side

How is life as a mentally 15yo?

You mean rebel spoiled kids?

Get in the helicopter

antifa in a nutshell

they're more interested in finding an outlet for their violence which causes the least amount of cognitive dissonance than they are for pursuing actual justice

very very transparent

How old were you when you first had a large black cock bust a big load in your mouth?
Did you swallow first or did you gag the first few times?

hmmmmmmmmmm this one really gets your neurons a-joggin'

Have you signed the petition to get that antifa bitch fired yet: ?

I can get our numbers there raised if someone would just send all the antifa to my town.

He said anitfa thread, not fascist thread. So no, not /cuck/ or cuck general (/cuckgeneral/ makes no fucking sense)

>free speech
>in an authoritarian matter
You mean shut down their hate speech in a democratic matter? Sure, can't wait.

You're going to be eating concrete.

A heaping serving of democracy in Sacramento. Now for some actual democracy:

>letting a bunch of dirty commies get with 20ft of you without first breaking their necks
Fucking cuckafornians, this is why your state is so shit.

He was doing it for the children. The person attacking him runs a child-stealing cult, using children to shield her fellow violent fanatics from the cops. She even tried running for the President of American Federation of Teachers.


But in all seriousness for an admirable idea for a group why is Antifa full of a bunch of faggots?

>admirable idea for a group
How much do you want to die.
Hope you're ready to prep the moose.

Sorry anti-freedom burger, support for fascism is the cringiest shit ever.

Go be a fag somewhere else.

Alright then, enjoy death.

Like 20 nationalists btfo several hundred anitfa in California recently.

Starts at 2:00

At 2:21 one of them gets knocked out cold.

That's what we were referring to throughout this thread, autismo. A few anons investigated this shit, the leader of antifas is in bed with rocket-launcher-smuggling Democrat who worked with Filipino zzies

jesus christ

It's funny to me that antifa pussies would get physically dominated by any person on the "alt-right"

Leland Yee, who is also tied to Clinton.
All democrats are literal terrorists and oathbreakers.