50 top GOP national security officials sign letter warning Trump would be 'the most reckless president in American history
>Fifty former top Republican national security officials have signed an open letter in The New York Times opposing Donald Trump's candidacy, warning that he would be "the most reckless president in American history."
>Many of the officials served in the administration of former President George W. Bush, but some served other Republican administrations.
>"From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief," the letter said. "Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country's national security and well-being."
>The letter called into question Trump's temperament as well as his knowledge of US foreign policy issues.
>"Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be president," the letter said. "He weakens US moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the US Constitution, US laws, and US institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary."
Whenever you see one of the shills use these tags >dr;st don't reply; shill thread >dr;sp don't reply; shill post
Landon Myers
I wonder how many warnings from people who actually know about law and government it will take.
Gabriel Long
It's all part of 12D chess you retard
Or at least I hope
Cooper Murphy
Ricin letters for doxxed shills, even if they live in fucking Cucknada.
Robert Mitchell
Lol is ad hominem the best you retards got?
Aaron Adams
Trump ruins everything he touches, but i will say this about... Standup comedy hasn't been this good in years.
So thanks Donny. Your inability to open your moth without shit coming out has led to a comedic renaissance.
Nathaniel Scott
Those 50 security officials should be trying to stop those 67 mexican intellectuals from getting in
Instead they shitpost about Trump
Jonathan Morales
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit. Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
ADD THIS USERSCRIPT TO GREASEMONKEY (FIREFOX) OR TAMPERMONKEY (CHROME): raw codepile net/pile/0N1ROBl1 (replace spaces with dots)
This is the exact same reaction you would have gotten had Ron Paul won the nomination, and for the same reasons.
Trump is trying to define a post-Imperial foreign policy and the establishment isn't ready to believe they've lost the ability to impose their will.
Leo Roberts
Yeah, those GOP security experts are definitely leftist shills!!
Wonder how much they got paid?
Jose Adams
All 200 of them?
Grayson Phillips
I'm leaving the republican party after this election.
Blatantly obvious they either get what they want or they make sure they lose.
Wyatt Diaz
What are gonna do when trump is pres? Will you show your fugly little birch face?
The polls are a lie, and nobody cares about cut n run republicans except libtards.
Trump will surge in the polls again.
Blake Campbell
The shills are always from canada.
Joseph Johnson
>Many of the officials served in the administration of former President George W. Bush
Oh, so they have no idea what they are talking about?
Easton Cruz
Mason Sanchez
Jeremiah James
It was over long ago.
Christopher Evans
>What are gonna do when trump is pres?
Oliver Fisher
>"experts" If the establishment's experts are really experts, then why have the last two regimes been completely incapable of realizing their goals?
Jaxson Edwards
So he would wreck less than Hillary?
Robert Thomas
>Bush administration
Oh gee golly, why ever could these folks dislike trump?
Ethan Rivera
Brayden Collins
Better than Hilary
Luke Roberts
>oh noes Trump is going to expose all of our crimes including the big one that killed his friends! better call him unfit to be POTUS!
Ethan Scott
> Yeb establishment continues to die kicking and screaming
wtf I hate trump now.
Aiden Morales
It's impossible to be more reckless than Bush.
Jaxson Powell
Notify Trump. He'll probably call them cowards.
Nicholas Perez
How do these dumbfucks not think of the complete IRONY of calling Trump a national security risk
Hillary "WUT EMAILS?" Clinton
Joseph Perez
Jace Peterson
there's that word again
Angel Ward
What's reckless about trumps foreign policy as far as i can tell his plans are.
Bomb terrorists, make friends with russia and let them handle the middle east, stop allowing free loader countries to use NATO as a way getting free national defense and America to fight their battles, stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into America and stand up to china who are assholes and by far the biggest threat global stability in the next decade.
Ayden Powell
>make friends with russia >let them handle the middle east
Trumplets are even stupider than I thought
Jonathan Gutierrez
you do realize anyone can use those tags to just tag pro-Trump threads now, you glorious retard?
Jack Perez
He isn't pandering for national corporations which is a "danger" to them.
Parker Hall
Charles Wood
I'm sure if you read the list of ((national security officials)) it would read like a Bar Mitzvah guest list.
Jeremiah Jenkins
>people who actually know about law and government it will take
>Many of the officials served in the administration of former President George W. Bush
Pick one.
There is a reason nobody cares about what they say.
Hudson Fisher
What's wrong with that?
Cooper Young
>The polls are a lie
just like in 2012
>i-it will totally be different THIS time
Mason Lopez
>Many of the officials served in the administration of former President George W. Bush, but some served other Republican administrations. So the people who were in charge for 9/11, invasion of Iraq the housing bubble and numerous other failures are calling him reckless? Do you people even try anymore?
Gavin Hill
>90% chance we're staying motherfucker LOL!
Samuel Peterson
I love how liberals now support and love Bush now...fucking Kek. A year ago this would have delighted me but I got redpilled because of pol.
Hudson Phillips
>GOP intellectuals
Logan Lewis
Nothing really the shills just assume we need to constantly be at war with Russia a hairs breadth from nuclear holocaust for no real reason other than to get a freedom boner.
Nolan Smith
Trump is obviously more qualified to speak on national security because while those retards were actually working in security he was learning valuable foreign policy lessons on The Apprentice.
Noah Walker
>i-it will totally be different THIS time it is funny how the people who make this claim don't understand how pissed off the average voter is at the situation. There is a lot of anger among the people nowadays when compared to previous elections but people just assume the general populace will always let it slide because most of them were not around during the Nixon era when people got pissed off and rioted at the government.
Owen Cooper
>fairly close race turns into a narrow win for leave in an election where only the popular vote counts
totally the same as a huge lead in a election where state results are more important than overall popular vote
also, you are still in and aren't going to go anywhere any time soon, if at all
Liam Taylor
>experience to be president pretty sure every first timer lacks that since you have to be president to get it
Isaac White
Electorals are supposed to vote with the general populace for their area. It has slipped up a few times in history but usually the difference isn't enough to decide an election.
Colton Rodriguez
>He thinks Memeald Memep has a chance
Hudson Diaz
>Trump >most reckless You realize that Hillary has a career of being reckless. The fact that she fucks up so often tells me that she is the most reckless presidential candidate I can think of. FFS, even with the help of all the people who have brushed all of her shit under the rug it shines through; there have to be more cases that we don't even know about.
Easton Ward
Caleb Anderson
At least Hillary has the self-control not to send her poll numbers into freefall every time she opens her mouth.
Juan Young
This shilling is fucking disgusting.
If your shill polls showing hillary winning were so accurate, why bother slandering Trump? Just be happy she's winning.
Carter Moore
Poll numbers have nothing to do with being a good leader. Neither is being a good puppet.
Carson Carter
(((Fifty former top Republican national security officials))) are sad he won't send children to die for israel
Adrian Jenkins
It's always a leaf. I can't wait till all leafs are ip banned from pol.
Jason Thomas
>be anti-establishment andidate >win nomination >establishment is still butthurt and trying to stop their own nominee so that the democrat wins
Angel Davis
Andrew Perez
> the most reckless president in American history
Luke Jackson
>Most reckless American President Off the almost thirty years I've been alive, there hasn't been a single president that didn't cause or face a presidency-ending scenario and huge catastrophies. I wasn't even there for vietnam, so WEW
If trump really is going to be the most reckless american president in history, you better strap in and hold tight
Carter Wood
Kek has spoken through you. Kill the establishment. No survivors.