Flags of White Nationalism

Can you name them all?

Can you name even 3?

Can you name your own?

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This flag represents each of my 4 genetic origins even though it represents a city I have never lived in and know nothing about.

The very fact that you need *white* nationalism just shows you're already in deep shit.


alternate version with wild boar, a powerful symbol of European people for centuries...before our Fall

You are correct.
That's why I'm making this flag, to do my small part to talk to people about it.

Do Croatians have a nationalist flag? If you tell me I can save it for a future version of this one

what country are these? Are these Croatian fascists or something?

I'm Iranian so I look at this as an outsider. But I don't think these fascist movements in Europe will end the way Sup Forums thinks. Europe will be divided, old misgivings will return and you will be bickering among each other like you were beforehand. You can have sensible immigration policy without resorting to fascism

The closest thing we have to it is the flag of the fascist NDH (Independent State of Croatia), pic related.
The only difference from our current flag is the lack of the "crown" which represents different regions, the "U" in the upper left representing the Ustaše movement, and the checkerboard starts with a white square (as is historically correct). The checkerboard was inverted by commie traitor Tito in attempt to distance the new flag from NDH.

Yes. Nationalism is pretty strong here, and is very closely tied with fascism.

I think that is normal for the Balkans?

how are things between your neighbours these days?

thank you sir, saved for next version of flag. all the best to you all!

the (((media))) has been trying to get Thompson (youtube.com/watch?v=lB65ywK5GkM) into shit, but they can't get the "ebil nazis" story to propagate because nobody gives a shit and most of country is right wing

>how are things between your neighbours these days?
Serbs still shitting about their "Great Serbia" and "God is serbian"
Mudslimes and their ninjas in Bosnia still shitting up their country
Our country run by corrupt EU puppets
Petrov trying to make it all right but he is getting cucked by HDZ pretty hard

>being white
Join the Asian masterrace

>I think that is normal for the Balkans?
Nationalism is strong in Croatia and Serbia. The rest of the balkans not so much.
The link with fascism only exists in Croatia, mostly due to our role in WW2.
Serbian nationalism is focused on "partnership" with orthodox slavic nations, mainly Russia.

And to be perfectly honest, most of the nationalities in the Balkans have been made up purely for political reasons.
>Bosnia is inhabited by Croats and Serbs (some of whom have converted to Islam during Ottoman times)
>Montenegro is inhabited entirely by Serbs.
>Kosovo is inhabited by Albanians.

None of these countries should even exist.

Also this The media is shilling hard for leftists but it's only creating more and more resentment by the people

This is a concert with 100,000 people (2.5% of our entire country)
Lyrics in CC


Jednog dana opet.

Ok this makes a lot more sense. I can relate to what you're saying actually because a lot of these issues exist in the middle east. The ones that hate each other the most are actually very closely related but changed identity at some point in history. Literally hating their brothers

Friend, looking at Thompson as a simbol of converstism, right wing viewpoints and praising Ustasha's is just proof that you are part of the cuck kin.

Ustasha's and your typical """"""Croatian"""" right wingers have nothing to do with modern day converstism.

And you are probably from Hercegovina my friend. That also makes you Bosnian, not Croatian.

You get nothing my Bosnian friend.


Nisam Ero, shitpostujem.
Iako bih volio neki blok za ove zemlje, slicno V4.


>That also makes you Bosnian
Not that guy, but as I explained in , there's no such thing as Bosnian. Stop propagating the made up national identities.

Also, I didn't notice he ever mentioned conservatism. Personally I genuinely want a fascist state. Fuck democracy. We've had it for almost 30 years now and the country has been run into the ground.

>Iako bih volio neki blok za ove zemlje, slicno V4.
This. I have nothing against economic cooperation while retaining our own distinct governments.

I am not an Ero (from Hercegovina), I'm shitposting.
I would like some kind of bloc for these countries, though. Something similar to V4.

that word doesn't even exist "croatian" friend-o
Pot calls the kettle black, yea I know, but seriously, your shitposting is weak sauce
Živi Zid is only making some gains in polls because they are only one opposing migrant invasion

>liking Steve O
I bet you're 16

Also, OP, I'm terribly sorry for derailing the thread with balkan shitposting.

Wasn't my intention, tho I guess we're atleast bumping it.

Also I have met some Croats that believe they're closely related to Iranians. How common is that belief there?

I know the reason and it's to do with the Iranian speaking Sarmation tribes that lived in that area. They lived all the way in the Balkans and Herodotus says they were able to speak to Persians all the way from Iran without a translator intermediate.

Exactly, we have to be the same people seeing as how the span of the original Kingdom of Croatia was in pic related.
Nonexistent, everyone is making fun of it.

>Živi Zid
>Živi Zid
>Živi Zid

That's it, all I needed to see.
Off to bed, need to be well rested for all day of beach.

3 weeks of vacation can get rough.

But I'm sure you have more mr.
NEET. Do you have dental prosthesis or you go toothless on and off MPT concert season?

>all I needed to see
I don't support Živi zid, you fag

Never heard of it desu.

interesting, it must be a croat diaspora thing. Almost every time I have come across a croat they've told me that they're related to Iranians and the culture and language don't seem Iranic to me in the slightest. Kurds, Ossetians and Tajiks have been split off from Iran for upwards of 1000 years and I can still understand some of what they say and their culture is very clearly Iranic


I'd say it's mostly war and post-war propaganda. To distance themselves as far as possible from serbs. Nobody sane believes it though.

oh hey, a paper target. Thanks user

here have another one

Croatian origins can be traced to slavic tribes that settled these parts around 1400 years ago, coming from modern day Poland (which is likely also the origin of the red-white checkerboard).

We also have a tiny germanic admixture from ostrogoth tribes that inhabited the area very briefly. This is why you'll often hear Croatian nationalists spouting the "we wuz aryans" thing referring to pic related, but in reality it's an extremely tiny part of our genetics. We're slavs, whether some like it or not.

Also, forgot to mention - our language is distinctly slavic. Croatian and Serbian are practically identical (comparable to American English and British English), and exist as distinct languages purely for political reasons.

All slavic languages are similar to some extent. There are actually several academic projects with the goal of creating one unique language which can by default be understood by all slavic people. One of the more recent ones (simply named interslavic) is very successful at it.