How can people even think of voting for her? This is beyond me.
How can people even think of voting for her? This is beyond me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Typing "seizure" on google now leads to medias reporting it as well.
Bump. Tripos for truth.
Breaking the conditioning
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
What the fuck
tbf thats hardly a seizure, more like she lost her train of thought/anxious
Kill yourself.
Well they can't ignore this shit forever.
Not to mention we're only going to be seeing more of thist stuff in the future.
Even normies will take notice at some point.
Get fukd shill.
This would be a leaf......
Can someone post a gif? Twitter images never work for me on mobile. Similarly to how shillarys nervous system never works in public
This is the guilt eating her from inside
I want to see her collapse on the first debate
if she makes till there...
Get out of here with that logic. We have to justify voting for a racist billionaire with a sub-60 IQ.
>How can people even think of voting for her? This is beyond me.
They've been re-educated
t. Toronto
I do this on a daily basis. It's not a seizure or even health related. She's just retarded.
t. retard
just a bran fart, is all
I'm all for Shillary bashing, but really?
Trump will destroy her during debates.
she's really sick and she should honestly drop out before it's too late
You have to watch her eyes. When she has her seizures, her eyes lose focus and go blank while her brain tries to reset. Very normal for people with chronic seizures.
This doesn't happen when you stumble a sentence.
She's old as fuck
She'll be 69 in October.
I mean if someone that old has the fortitude and health to run a campaign and consequently a country...more power to them
But Hillary clearly doesn't. She needs to go home and take a nap on the couch.
Trump is 70.
She gonna die onstage. Kek wills it.
Yeah but unlike Hillary he HAS mental fortitude and health on his side.
She's clearly succumbing to something.
It doesn't count when it's Donald ;-)
i'm no doctor, but i'm pretty sure that's not what a seizure looks like
>monitoring our borders is raycis
>frisking geriatric citizens at the airport protects us from the terrorists
Get a grip.
Watch the video when you can. A gif wouldn't help.
Bernie is older and has been much more lively than Hillary.
Nice digits! Bump.
>Sup Forumss source is Sup Forums chopping a video to pieces
Ok so nothing
What a clever post.
You must be under the age of 25. It's okay. Many around your age don't know the definition of racism to begin with.
There are mini-seizures that cause blank stare and confusion.
Also, she has confirmed history of blood clots in her brain.
CTR playing dirty like the shitstains they are
Read the fucking post.
I said if a candidate has the mental fortitude and health go for it.
Hillary is VERY clearly fucking not cut out for this whereas Bernie + Trump have had no problem.
> Literally an anti-Hillary thread.....
Watch from 0:20. She clearly freaks out or loses her trail completely. Then some security guy goes up and tells her she's fine.
She was waiting for cheering and applause to die down before continuing her speech. You spergs need to find something better to do than analyze every Hillary Clinton speech looking for "seizures". She's perfectly healthy and fit for office. Go outside your basement, go for a walk and play some PokeGo
Something smells fishy and I don't think it's her snatch.
>Tfw your candidate is 10 points or more behind Hillary in states with 253 electoral votes... and all you have left is desperation.
>Can someone post a gif?
>perfectly healthy
She had blood clots in her brain 3 years ago and now shows clear signs of slowed mental capacity from a stroke. Even her aids say she is "easily confused."
Kek I don't even see what the "seizure" is supposed to be.
Oh cuz you're a doctor aren't you. What medical profession are you?
>spaces out for a second and loses her train of thought
guys, it's totally a seizure! she's gonna collapse and die any minute now!
you guys are just grasping at straws because you know she's going to win.
>Even her aids say she is "easily confused."
Like when Trump went to kiss Mike Pence?
I wasn't disagreeing with you.
Are you so in need of money you need to shill on Sup Forums? You realize it's completely ineffective to do so here?
Why aren't more people protesting her events!?!??!
I mean, someone silently races a sign and she goes full potato mode, causing medical staff and secret service to rush stage.
Can you imagine if people actually protected like they do at Trump rallies? she would go full retard I think!
>Sup Forums data analyst freelancer currently unemployed, dwelling in a basement facility.
Common knowledge she had blood clots in her brain 3 years ago. She was even hospitalized. Not unreasonable to question her health. Blood clots are leading cause of stroke.
Trump doesn't have medical history of cranial blood clots, leading cause of stroke.
>this food tastes like shit
>oh cuz ur a chef aren't you
>it's hot out today
>oh cuz ur a meteorologist aren't you
Shoo Shoo shill. Oversampling doesn't make you right, learn statistics
Those are all trashrags
>Trump is 70.
and not falling apart like hillary
oh I disagreed with you therefore I'm a CTR shill. Try harder shitlord
No YOU are the Torontonian
>Trump doesn't have medical history of cranial blood clots, leading cause of stroke.
Who knows?
Trump pays doctors to make ridiculous claims about his perfect health like he's Kim Jong Il.
We know Trump is old and fat an d a miserable fuck.
How long til he keels over when Hillary brings up that he's hiding his taxes?
>Oversampling doesn't make you right, learn statistics
Every election you delusional idiots say the same thing and then you lose.
Gonna "unskew" the polls again?? That worked well last time. Haha!
>people that have seizure problems are bad politicians
even if she had seizure problems, which she doesnt, what is the big deal? you guys are trying way too hard at this point.
Did good ol' bill infect her with somethin?
>$0.02 has been added to your Paypal account
She looked panicked because a bunch of her security were rushing towards her. Probably thought she was about to be shot at by someone in the crowd.
>2 milliliters has been added to your collection of flopsweat.
>all aboard the Trump-train to the biggest loss in modern history
She had a blank stare. everybody notices stuff like that.
>who knows
grasping at straws
Its perfectly reasonable to question health of 69 year old politician with a history of stroke pre-cursors.
>muh taxes
Hillary has over a 1000 foreign donors she refuses to name, despite promise to do so. To say nothing of Clinton Foundation scandal in general.
>Hillary is dying
>Her last wishes is to become president
>Fuck voting, she's the new president
>Oh look, being president saved her!
can someone point out the seizure
Medical Biochemist, and i approve his message
Brazil, fix your own shit. Your entire political establishment just got caught taking bribes.
>Implying she can even feel quilt or remorse.
You're giving her way too much credit, mate.
>blank stare signifies someone is having a seizure
By that definiton Trump must be a full blown epileptic then
>grasping at straws
>Its perfectly reasonable to question health of 69 year old politician with a history of stroke pre-cursors.
That's it, you're "questioning" not desperately trying to find something to cling onto.
Trump has flown his campaign straight into the dirt and you stink of panic.
and brazilian politics is relevant to the issue being discussed here how?
The point isn't that while in most cases illness wouldn't make a politician bad, but it will most likely affect their ability to perform as one. How can you put someone who has health problems, not mentioning severe ones, in an important position of power?
I doubt it's seizures, I think she's literally going senile and forgetting what she's saying half way through and forgetting where she is when she seems surprised by balloons and reporters appearing
>sub-60 IQ
try again
I think they're referring to the moment where she stops talking and looks around the room like "where am I and who the fuck are all these screaming people?"
Not trying to cling to anything. Lack of press conferences, multiple dazed incidents, exaggerated expressions, close aids saying she's "easily confused", and a history of blood clots in the brain all point to one thing.
Trump never has a blank stare like that. le quips cant mask the truth, shill
>self-reported IQ
What's the source on his IQ score?
Wtf I like gays now
Based off his SAT scores and GPA at Wharton U
Wtf I'm voting for Cruz now
Then suddenly for whatever reason starts mentioning upward spirals like it had anything to do with what she just said.
Nothing that ive seen here suggests a health problem that may affect a person mental health and affect ones judgment in political decisions. I would not consider minor seizures a problem that will affect someones ability to perform politics. I'm a conservative and find this dumb. You guys can't fall into this kind of stupidity while complaining about leftisits stupidity.
That was a protester
She almost collapsed. Imagine if she had the protestor's Trump has had?
I think it's because she can't say "we're going to get the cost out of healthcare," when she's going to continue the failure of obamacare.
>thinks SAT scores are an accurate indicator of IQ
If SAT scores were used by scientists to indicate IQ, China would have an average IQ of 124 and boys from Iowa would have an average IQ of 130. There's a reason why it's not a respected method of determining IQ.
We need to up the ante. Bombard her rallies with air horns and strobe lights and try to cause a seizure
>How can people even think of voting for her?
because this is the alternative