ITT: you have to say nice things about Black People
Ill start
They know how to make some good fried chicken
ITT: you have to say nice things about Black People
Ill start
They know how to make some good fried chicken
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i like their music.
no they don't.
This, Ever had fine dining fried chicken?
You think a nigger made that kek.
Also peanut butter.
They really know how to use our tax money wisely and are really good at progressing as a whole since slavery 200+ years ago.
Soul food is fucking delicious.
Soul food is southern white people food.
one day they will be all gone :)
>you have to say nice things about Black People
lol, no I don't
Once Indoctrinated; The Most Faithful Man, or (Slave To The Indoctrination/ Indoctrinate), In Human History.
Their Blues, Jazz and Soul is pretty damn good.
Black pussy is delicious
They suck the best dick
they make a nice sun shade
They sure know how to play basketball
Why is this asshole wearing his shirt? What the fuck is wrong with you man?
I don't know what I would do without the Blues.
I hate niggers
The First Man, and Woman.
They exist.
They can be really funny on the internet
The Last Man, and Woman.
>They know how to make some good fried chicken
Those ignorant apes couldn't start a fire without assistance from whites, let alone butcher, bread, find suitable cooking oil, and fry chicken. That is why they still eat bugs in Africa.
Most people are smarter by default when one enters the conversation.
This, they use to make amazing music prior to hip-hop.
peanut butter
many genres of music
good comedians (except for Kevin Hart)
They murder each other almost as fast as I want them to.
i agree that american dances where mostly shit before black culture reinvented fox trot
Comrades on The Battlefield.
their innate darkness camouflage
they used to make great music
They can roll a blunt faster than it took me to write this sentence.
He Has Been The American White Man's Biggest Ally In His Life, And (Probably) Death
Rice niggers make better fried chicken
I know one as a friend and he's a hard worker.
>Also peanut butter.
What niggers make peanut butter?
20% are smarter than 50% of white people
aesthetic hoodies
They kill each other in an acceptable rate
These. Some of americas greatest music genres were either started or popularized by blacks. I also go on to say that once they get past the "black people be like (x)." Stage of humor, they make great comedians and entertainers.
love black women asses , still waiting for my HIV test tho . but those asses at age 17are just fucking perfect.
and the top 30% of whites are smarter than all blacks
black science man on suicide watch
They have more proud in their race than what they should've have
they are usually very fun people
Easy To Read
They run fast...
They sure know how to come up with excuses.
They win Olympic medals in athletics for whatever country they represent
Great homemade foods, fun in bed; ghetto culture is a mixed bag.
Oh, and helped invent a significant portion of the fucking IBM PC:
Fucking niggers
They make good rap music.
they occupy the cops so they dont fuck with most others
Blacks are really good at underperforming in education and keeping up stereotype features no matter how much it makes them look like idiots.