What are the chances of Hillary Clinton getting a seizure during the debates?

What are the chances of Hillary Clinton getting a seizure during the debates?

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Has anyone ever had a female boss at work?

Did you even still have that job after 4 years?

there won't be debates

She will probably be drugged up like crazy with blood thinners, beta blockers, anti-anxiety meds, and use a teleprompter. They'll use any tactic they can to make her look better than Trump.

this is so true. i am a pedagogue and so work in a field dominated by women. backstabbing, hate campaigns, manipulation and politics are so common it's normal everywhere. i rarely stay in one place long since they are mean as hell. especially the older higher-ups. the young and beautiful take most of the hits thou. women in power and women in general are horrible co-workers.

>Hillary really needs to stop playing the woman card so much. Her gender is obviously an asset, there are tons of people voting for her just because she's a woman, but I doubt many people are refusing to vote for her because she's a woman. Maybe 50 years ago being a woman was an obstacle but certainly not today
Welp, so much for that reasoning.

And for the record my current boss is a woman and she's great.

You said it Joe!


8 hours.


Lol no. This happened to me where I worked.

Trump will concede before the debates. Also, where are his tax returns?

pretty slim considering i doubt she's ever had one

KEK has returned!

If anything it would be Hillary that skips them

Same as Trump's chances of winning
Slim to none

He nice try. Shill.

Now check 'em.

This. Hillary couldn't handle a few treehuggers interrupting her; imagine how she would react if Trump was trolling her in a debate. It's obvious that she's becoming increasingly unstable over time; her handlers know this and have gone out of their way to limit Hillary's media exposure. With more and more evidence of her poor health entering the public eye, they will eventually pull out of the debates citing one reason or another to save face and keep her from having a total meltdown on prime time TV. The MSM would have to go full Communist propaganda network to keep that shit under wraps.

ive had man bosses. i had one female boss. she was my least favorite boss.

Lasted 5 months a a job working for women, and that was 18 years ago. Never did it again.

I'd give Hillary a search and seizure, if you know what I mean.

I would suck her pussy

N-no!! Th-that's not actually Hillary! It's a body double! The congress establishment went along with it because they want to sink Trump!

Hillary's also gotten a lot worse since then! The polling is inaccurate! The media is against Trump because they know he'd be the best ever!

Id say pretty low, she'll probably dope herself up with enough meds prior to the debates to prevent any episodes.

praise kek

A cough attack is more likely. They'll probably put her on so much medicine prior just to prevent it.

She had a seizure on stage the other day because some heckler was shouting inarticulate nonsense at her. What do you think alpha Trump is going to do to her?


Trump should challenge her to a drug test at the first debate and have people there to draw blood for a lab.

>This delusion

Its been reported that shes had seizures before as a result of her stroke.

Now go stick you're head back in the sand and stay home on voting day.

there's a big difference between giving prepared answers in a congressional hearing and a debate

even hernie, the very few times he actually attacked, exposed her as witless and completely reliant on focus tested platitudes

>Its been reported

by who

If the Trump camp is smart, they will find a way to install a strobelight in the venue.

The Benghazi hearing was only a month after her concussion. It's more than evident that her condition has rapidly gone downhill the last few years.

being grilled by a partisan committee that's out for your blood for 8 hours is a hell of a lot worse than a debate


NECKBEARDS on Sup Forums


>ID ke0q
Praise KEK!

ER physcian reporting in faggots. I'm going to break it down for you barney style.

A clot in the brain is a stroke.
She has post stroke like symptoms, just like many of the patients I see.

Stress is clearly a factor for triggering her symptoms, almost like an auora for her seizures if you will.

Look at the reporter video her laughing issues, tics triggers ect.

Trump is ping to rattle this cunts cage so fucking bar in the 1st 10 minutes. I am willing to bet my next patients life she has a at seizure 40 minutes.

Check em


Yeah. There's absolutely no way Clinton is going to get on stage and debate Trump on live television. It would be worse than Jeb.

For the record every woman boss I've had has been a cunt and every male one has been decent.

>So much for that reasoning...

The last time I saw her jimmies rustled was during the last email investigation. It was glorious. Would love to see Trump trigger her live.


They'll have her on enough diazapam to kill a mule.

nice try kiddo

No way Hillary gets through 3 debates without another seizure. Even if the media feeds her softballs, Trump will force her to respond to his attacks.

Normally, refusing to debate would kill a candidate's chances, but the current generation of libtards is especially ignorant and would still blindly vote for her.

Trump is going to send her to the shadow realm.

>beginning of the year, joking about Hillary having a stroke on stage and dying under Trumps onslaught
>its looking more and more like it could actually happen
Blimey lads this is getting a bit intense.
Is it keks will?

Xanax/ 10

You have to do 3 debates.

Relevant video.

>he still requires sources


>Crooked Hillary Clinton KILLED our troops at Benghazi while she slept like a baby in bed, I will NEVER do that, believe me
>And on top of that, she had the nerve to LIE about it, and tell the mothers they should just get over it. Absolutely disgusting
>She can't even manage an e-mail server! It would be insane to trust her as the commander-in-chief, absolutely insane. And by the way folks, I don't even use personal e-mail, only a fool unfit for the job of POTUS asks for a security breach like that
>She didn't even win the election in a fair fight! Meanwhile, I won a rigged election and, broke record numbers
>She wants a 550% increase in refugees after hundreds dead in Europe and almost daily terrorist attacks. Do you want that for the American people? Do you? I don't think so, no, I don't think so
>Our brave police officers are being gunned down in cold blood on the streets, and what does Crooked Hillary Clinton do? Tells us that "white americans" are to blame and we need to do better! We can't have this kind of leadership that will lead to further racial divide folks, we simply cannot have it

Clinton could barely handle Sanders without calling out his male privilege every 5 seconds. It would be a fucking disaster against someone like Trump. The Clintons will do everything short of assassinate Trump to avoid broadcasted debates.

They cant just not have debates, that's not how this works.

'Manslaughter charges for Trump!'

When they do the debate Trump should just start by saying "hey Hillary, do that funky thing wiith your head, it's hilarious"'

You can't just not be indicted after mishandling classified government information, that's not how it works.

You can't just run for president after your spouse was impeached, that's not how it works.

You can't just get a nomination after e-mails are leaked revealing blatant and malicious collusion, that's not how it works.

You can't just murder a string of people that pose a threat to your political empire, that's not how it works.

Not when you literally know what they're gonna throw at you and know you'll come out of it at the end clean as a whistle. It was likely more dull than stressful.

Trump will post even the craziest conspiracy theories, I think he's saving the seizures and blood clot till the debates so he can confront hillary in person about it.

I haven't really been following the whole hilary thing, but from what I'm reading here... are you guys saying that she's liable to have a sezuire when she's exposed to stressful situations? Has no one pointed out to the american voting populace that being the leader of the world's most powerful nation might not be the best job for someone who's prone to having a fit when things get a bit tricky?

What happens when she has to negotiate a particularly difficult trade deal, or she tries to put a motion before the house that some people don't agree with? What happens when Putin finally loses the plot and threatens to nuke us? Do all NATO countries get wiped off the map because POTUS is too busy undergoing cerebral spazmosis to issue the launch codes?

Early stages of Alzheimers.

new vid


Trump will flash a strobe light on her face and she will die

the current generation of libtards in college or exiting college recently know what's going on. they saw the rigged DNC, the rigged primary with the paper states being wildly different from the electronic voting states, the refusal to hold a California exit poll after the primary, and they're aware of her health issues.

Bernouts are pissed and aware. Hillarly literally only has her older dems leaning toward her. The younger dem voters know the score.

I like the way you roll doc.

False flag, day of the debate will shut one down.

Had one female boss
Got written up to her own bosses a shitload of times for being a harassing asshole, and couldn't command respect from her employees to save her life. She was gone within a couple months and we got a burnout stoner whose seniority got him the position. I moved cities and the location went under shortly after.



Reminder that Hillary fainted and had a concussion from stress due to the Benghazi debacle


>Hillary having an episode in the middle of a speech

>Hillary having an epileptic seizure after 3 reporters asked her questions

>Martin Shkreli on Hillarys apparent health problems

>full 2 hour video of Martin Shkreli discussing Hillarys health problems

>Montage of Hillary being sick

Hillary is too sick to be president. She already has all of these problems and shes 69. Assuming she wins two terms, she will almost be 80 years old and will basically be an invalid.

Missed her "upwards spiral" flub.


And calling Trump her husband.


>Trump, you went bankrupt numerous times. What makes you qualified for tax reforms?
Crooked Hillary misused so many funds, I doubt Bill lets her manage their taxes!
>yeah!! wheeee, cheering! from the trump supporters
>Hillary gets seizures
>security remove hillary

>Trump smiles contented

Your sacred offering of digits is accepted.
Kek is pleased and will deliver.

She might have a seizure during the debates, but that's not what happened in the gif you posted. She was simply dodging the questions asked by the reporters by acting goofy and unpresidential. It's all a big joke to her.

>And calling Trump her husband.

I'll give her a pass on that one. It was just a mistake she made and shes not that good at giving speechs anyway.

Hope you're right.

Kek Vult

>You can't just run for president after your spouse was impeached
i wasn't aware of that

She'll be on full medication and pills.

That's all she needs. She'll steam roll over Trump. She'll be wide eyed and hyper and aggressive as fuck.

If you pump a guy with a broken leg enough medication, he can run a marathon.

And if he crashes and burns after, it doesn't matter. No one will see.

I really want trump to enter with strobe lights and music and smoke. Looks absolutely ridiculous and won't help him win any voters but it might trigger a seizure from her.

pretty good if you ask me

mfw my group is 14 white men

Pretty high id say


You can't just do this and not ask for a revolution in the upcoming years.

It's gonna be hard without all her supporters in the room

kek wills it
