What does your favorite film say about you? anons will guess
Other urls found in this thread:
You're gay for Fassbender
this desu anyways my fave
You're into big, meaty cocks.
Now judge me
>smoked hash and watched shame when I was 20
>best 24 hours of my life
Where did my life go?
>all that built up sexual tension between the lost boys and adult pan
You're into men as well
you tell me
And not a looker in the bunch.
you're a pretentious whiny faggot
Into hairy little italian men
>Teanna Trump
Only straight guy in this thread
fascinated by death
Manipulative edgelord
Thoughts on my patrician taste?
You're pretty patient.
>sans soleil
Why though this is just Koyaanisqatsi but with rumbling narration and no good music.
you live in Baltimore
you post on Sup Forums
you're someone who believe s that liking entry-level bergman makes you better than others
you crave attention and have low self-esteemž
>Manipulative edgelord
100% spot on.
Guess my star sign for the real prize
Raw was better.
I don't understand your comparison at all. Koyaansiqatsi assimilate humans as ants in a anthill. They aren't individuals, they are part of a greater scheme that is Nature.
I find Sans Soleil way more intimate and poetic. I love the flow of the narrator and this litany of thoughts of life, time and culture punctuated by scenes of everyday life.
Man with a Movie Camera
that phrase will be burnt into my memory forever.
i wonder how many times she has had that shouted at her in her lifetime
Okay, that one movie from the trilogy that does the same shit as Sunless, probably second, one which shows people, culture and progress.
Sunless is just rumblings of some really bizarre letters that have no clear or distinct thought in them, they even sound like dry tourist guides for some reason, the difference being that they give no useful information. This guy gives so little to none personal information that I can't imagine why are you calling it "intimate."
Sunless itself just lacks visually and I don't mean they needed to film canyons from helicopters but just even "people lives" shots are so bland, the most distinguished being those poor jap men watching sumo matches in shops and it's not because it inherently was interesting but because they a couple of them noticed that they were being filmed and became really embarrassed.
Your favorite film says you are probably young and haven't watched enough movies.
D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!
>waaahhh I'm very handsome and have a large penis and people like to be around me and beautiful women want to have sex with me all the time
>please feel sympathy for me
your pupils get smaller when you do herion
they're all half breeds aren't they?
I love this poster is the movie worth checking out though?
the poster perfectly depicts the movie, so yeah.
I fundamentally disagree with you. The rambling aspect of the letters themes and the unexpected switches from Guinea to Japan give the movie a certain charm that stroke a chord in me, and also makes the movie intimate since it really feels like you're in the mind of this daydreaming traveller. He doesn't give personal information because it would be useless and prevent the spectator from identifying to the narrator. I mean the scene on the African market is clearly intimate. I found the visuals stunning and the montage too. The Japanese festival is beautifully shot as well as the young girl trying to blend in this weird 70s cult under the suspicious look of Jean Gabin on a bag.
Surprisingly enough, I also find the movie coherent in its reflections on time and life. Sure, things aren't really developed but it's a film. Films aren't the perfect way to convey philosophical messages and I think Sunless still manages to do so.
I understand that Sunless may not appeal to everyone, the film is clearly aimed at young adults. Several times, the narrator speaks about being 20 in this world. Yet I find your criticism a bit harsh. It clearly has tremendous qualities.
you are boring and since you have nothing inside sex is a big part of you and your life
I'm not calling it bad. Certainly better than last two "qatsi" movie maybe even better than Koyaanisqatsi if you don't like ending of 2001 that was stretched into 90 minutes, which I am sure that what they were going for. But favorite movie of someone? That raises me some eyebrows as I said.
assassination of jesse james by coward robert ford
who's got tobacco?
I have kind of a half theory that him and Sissy were sexually abused as children
Private School (1983)
you're a guy that can't be bothered to post a picture of the cover
all memes aside
I didn't it was the best movie I have ever seen. Certainly not. I would go for a Kurosawa, a Resnais or a Bergman. But it is the one that I can watch and rewatch over and over again. I guess that makes it my favourite movie.
>Be Jen
>walking down the street
>nobody has noticed you yet
>you come across the strange yet refreshing conclusion that people are forgetting you
>You enjoy the peace, and a smile comes to your face.
>You decide to go and get a coffee to begin your day outside, just like when you were young, when you'd run to the cafe in the morning just to smell the rich scent of the place, the same scent that made you feel like you were truly home
>Although not quite as nice as the one of your childhood, you find a pleasant cafe
>you can smell it from where you stand, and it allures you to a vision of your past
>The people talking, the gentle noises of the spoons twirling within their mugs...
>Realizing that you've been standing there for a few seconds too long, you enter and order a cup of coffee. Of course, you grab plenty of sugar to suit your mild taste
>SIt down at a table at which another man is sitting.
>Out of your kindness, you decide to say hi, and introduce yourself
>He looks at you as if he recognizes you, but instead of launching into full autograph mode he smiles, and introduces himself as well. Maybe he hasn't heard of you.
>Eventually your coffee comes, as well as his.
>He takes notice of the sugar for your drink, and says that he also likes his that way
>But he mentions something else
>He doesn't just like sugar in his coffee, he has other preferences.
>He leans over the table, and stops with his mouth only inches away from your ear
>You are shocked but paralyzed with fascination
>He licks his lips and takes a breath as deep as the ocean itself
>He begins to whisper...
>"ess 2 ess"
>The entire cafe leaps from their table, screaming while frantically reaching into their bags and pockets
>Each pulls out a monstrous double ended dildo and ass rapes each other with fierce intensity
>As you are pounded from behind by another woman with an enormous plastic schlong you hold back your tears as you wonder
>What did he mean by this?
good lord
It was only upon reading this that not only did I realize that double-ended dildo mutual ass-rape is possible, but it's also my fetish.
Feels good.
My Neighbour Totoro desu
>teanna trump
fuck yes
based boo hoo my life sucks balls poster
You love Alt J
Ana Foxxx is so hot holy shit
>Professional Pervert
That's going on my resume from now on.
Random things make you more sad than actual problems do.
You are stupid leftist
Is that Suzy from Game Grumps in the middle?
you need to specify that he is a stupid leftist instead of just leftist
if it was a rightist u wouldn't have to say stupid rightist because thats already implied
Rufio! Rufio! Ru-fi-oooooooo!
xD! i really like them yes
not rly
Failed normalfag
Basement mall-ninja
Totally not a weeb
Couldn't afford a transferable AR, settled for an FNC.
Sorry man I am not that autistic, I mean Patrician
You're too young to be posting here.
You're a weeb.
You're bitter and resentful.
You have a cynical outlook on life.
You loved Primer.
You've got sehnsucht to the max.
You have trust issues.
You're a virgin.
You are a loner that doesn't like attention, you have given up on all your dreams but still think you could do something great if you had some sort of motivation.
Excuse Me/10
You're not concerned with what others will think of you if you tell them what you really think.
i doubt any user has even seen this.
You're a narcissist
means you're a hipster bottom.
i'm more schizoid than narcissistic desu.
not gay. not hipster.
you tend to be nostalgic
pic related or last life in the universe
you need to watch 13...12?