Man, how am I supposed to eat pig again now. Bong fucked me up

Man, how am I supposed to eat pig again now. Bong fucked me up.

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Fill fridge with nothing but tasty bacon and pork chops. Wait for the hunger to set in.

>forgo pig
>eat long-pig
problem solved

I probably won't give up meat but the movie did make me reconsider going for more organic and ethically conscious farmed meat. Called me a sheeple.

Organic is a meme, gmo is actually better for the environment than "natural"
pesticides. The health claims are pretty dubious as well. "Ethically conscious"
meat is also silly. If you extend any morality to animals it becomes horrific to
kill and eat them against their will. Just enjoy your meal and don't let empathy
abusing propaganda like this influence your actions.

I think it's a bit unfair to lump horrific mistreatment and torture of animals in with relatively humane methods.

It's like saying putting a dog to sleep at a vet is the same as kicking the shit out of it and then dumping it in a dog fighting ring to get mauled by a pit. It dies either way right.

I can't speak for anyone really but I would think ethically conscious meat is more about finding a middle ground between MEAT IS MURDER and just shoveling the cheapest meat from tortured animals down your gullet. Livestock exists for us to consume it but that doesn't mean we need to be ripping beaks off of chickens and stuffing them so close to each other they physically can't move.

People on Sup Forums are too egdy to admit that though

It's kinda funny that Sup Forums in the past had been known for being huge animal rights activists but nowadays that kind of stuff is too left wing to fly.

okja looks nothing like a pig or acts like a pig. its some weirdo hippo so any empathy you have for it doesn't translate to a pig. the movie was way to hyperbolic and bizarre to take seriously. they are all fucking cartoon characters. took me outta the film

I actually thought the way the film cartoonishly dehumanized Giancarlo, Gyllenhaal and Swinton, the corporate stooges, worked really well. It reinforces the message of the love story between Mija and Okja being the only thing that matters and everyone else around them having their own selfish unrelatable agenda.

> the movie was way to hyperbolic and bizarre to take seriously.

That's what make it more interesting and actually fun to watch. But maybe it's just me, I prefer even in the biggest dramas to have goofy moments of levity. That's why I love Asian cinema. That's why something like Memories of murder for me is so much better than something like zodiac. That's why Manchester By the sea was my favorite of this year's Oscar season. It had so many laugh out loud moments in otherwise heavy drama.

To expound on what you're saying I think this movie almost necessitated those moments of levity and Terry Gilliam-esque characters. Okja is tonally like four different movies at once and it works. But you need the Pete's Dragon cuteness, Gyllenhaal's Ace Ventura and Tilda Swinton to stomach the gut punch that comes when it turns into a horror movie.

Fuck I hate eating pig now

I remember when my mum taught me all about factory farming as a 7 year old. My takeaway was that pork and beef are unnecessary words and I proceeded to ask to be passed the cow or pig at family dinners. The line was drawn when I started asking what part of the animal everything was. Also every time a moon-child classmate started talking shit about how they beat the animals and stabbed them to death in slaughterhouses I would, in retrospect quite savagely, rebut them with a simple description of the captive bolt pistol helmet and rotating body trough (there's no guy headshotting on a real killing floor, he'd get messy as fuck or miss the brain-stem sometimes. The head pokes out, helmet comes down,man presses button, bolt cores head, on to the next for delicious beefsteak.

Unless the beef is supposed to be kosher or halal, then It's just a prayer before a slit throat and a relatively slow death.

More importantly how fucking dumb do people get in the near future that they can't tell a Hippopigamus you could make in Impossible Creatures is genetically modified?

Don't eat grain fed food.
Grains contain high levels of linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fat, omega6 etc.) which cause inflammation which is associated with many diseases. This linoleic acid is stored in the bodyfat of animals that eat grains.

Don't eat fructose either because it is literally a poison that stimulates hunger and is responsible for visceral fat increases.

The combination of the two causes weight gain and storage on the body of linoleic acid which coincides with a massive upswing in diseases like diabetes. China now has a higher rate of diabetes than the US, and its not due to obesity (their rates are still lower) its due to the mass use of cheap """vegetable oils""" and refined sugars in their cooking.


If pigs somehow became the planet's dominant predators and saw us as a viable food source fit for husbandry, they'd eat the fuck out of us, too.

At least we're keeping these species from being extinct, all other animals that aren't food or cute, we basically try and wipe out from existence.

>To expound on what you're saying

take it to reddit pal


Being good for humans to eat is one of the best survival traits any animal can have. Humans will take care of your diseases and predators and even hook you up with some tail if you look good in genes.

>It's kinda funny that Sup Forums in the past had been known for being huge animal rights activists

Uhh only when morons would torture cats or puppers

Realistically these things would be extinct before they could commercialized

Being good for pedophiles to fuck is one of the best survival traits any little girl can have. Pedophiles will take care of your diseases and predators and even hook you up with some tail if you look good in jeans.

dude big pigs lmao

This is pointless and doesn't do anything. Just cut down on how much meat you eat. Cutting it out entirely is a big ask.

Don't be one of those people that complains about animal suffering when Harambe or Cecil the lion get shot, but then goes and eats a burger. You've made the logical leap that animal suffering is bad, so it's up to you whether to do anything about it or live with the cognitive dissonance that your own morals aren't worth shit to you.

Petition for humane and nice dwellings and slaughter of animals

>consume propaganda
>dude I believe in propaganda now
Americans, everybody

What a bunch of softies on this thread. Watching Okja only made me hungrier, went out to buy some extra pig. I do wonder how tasty Okja would be. It must taste marvelous!

Fuck you man I'm still looking for Kony

libshits thinking meat grows on trees: the movie

>how am I supposed to eat pig again now

This movie made me want to eat some delicious super pig.

If they were creating superpigs, why did they make them sentient? Wouldn't it be easier to make them dummies?
Did the grandpa farm air or some shit cause I saw no livestock being raised.
This dumb movie was so heavy handed in trying to be touching and lacked payoff. Characters would just disappear throughout the movie after being established. Was it made for kids or some shit?

>imgur filename

the funniest part of the modern gestalt is how the "GMO HEALTH RISK" scare came from a study where rats were fed corn modified to be resistant to herbicides... and large doses of herbicides. Then tried to act like THE CORN caused the rats to develop cancer.

I want to have sex with that thing.

It acts like an amalgamation of a cow, pig, and dog, except smarter. The "dog" bit understandably flies past western audiences.


Please stop posting any time.


>organic and ethically conscious farmed meat.

Lol it doesn't exist you dumbass

I'm guessing it's supposed to be that way so the movie shocks you even more when you see the animal rape, murder and body mutilation

Lol, found the newfaggot.

Who cares? moot is irrelevant now.

easy, be poor and eat the fuck you can affort like me

she's a kid you pedo

an animatronic retard pulls at Sup Forums's heart strings.

lol, you fucking weaklings.

The Last Guardian shows why video games are superior to "film"

What age do you consider the cut off for pedo?

What are we supposed to take from the rape scene? Livestock farmers can only mate animals who really love each other? Doesn't sound like a reasonable business model.

that things like that happen in real life and that it's abuse

animals go into heat you retard


pig is dirty anyways
so are dogs

how is it abuse to let them fuck

I doubt real breeding happens in any civilized country anymore. Its just the farmer sticking his hand into pigs vagina to inseminate them

Please tell me that you aren't serious right now.

watch the scene again and then you'll see how its abuse

also abuse

>What are we supposed to take from the rape scene?
Forced drama, there's no way they wouldn't use artificial insemination for a supposedly best superpig.

you do know that its a movie and it was a cgi pig right?

not an actual animal

I bet you think they inject meat out of pigs to sample the meat

Wait, superpigs don't actually exist?

But it actually happens or has happened to real animals.

This really.
What happens to Okja and the behaviour Okja exhibits is specifically intended to manipulate it's middle-minded audience.
>Giving it a name.
>It doesn't behave like a typical livestock animal.
>It boldly saves someones life while simultaneously showing how intelligent it is.
>The 'loving parents shoving their calf through the fence'

animals goes into season

they either bring in the buck or the bull or artficialy inseminate them

you are overly sensitive to thing animals mating is abuse or a thin tube full of semen

there is nothing brutal or abuse about it

the only time I can think of it being cruel is with horse breeds and the way some shit-hole countrys do it

>horse breeds
Artificial insemination is actually kinder on mares than a lot of stallions are. I've seen a lot of those assholes draw blood when they bite.

>Okja knowing to pick up and hide the calf in her mouth
>that little cry the mother calf gives as okja walks off with her calf

What the fuck are you TALKING about you god damn piece of shit? They are animals. They have mated like that for THOUSANDS of years and will for THOUSANDS more without any human interference. We don't even enter into the equation. They were born like that. It's their way of reproducing and it's a GOD DAMN good one because after millions of years of evolution, they still exist. Who are YOU, you tiny little shadow of a man, to question THAT?

Forced sex is abuse though.

>animals have reproduced by humans forcing semen into their vaginas

This. It's completely dishonest and evidence that the filmmakers new that their arguments don't hold enough weight without straight up lying
It removes any artistic value the film would otherwise display. This is straight up propaganda and it's appalling

Oh so I better stop eating fruit because some fag on Sup Forums told me to? Don't @ me

Did you know that dolphins, geese and ducks primarily reproduce through rape? Or that half of all orangutans reproduce through forced sex? Ever watch your dog hump a strangers leg? Do you think that artificial insemination is somehow different than what animals are used to?

It most definetly is, since you're messing with nature.

whats funny is you're clearly angry about the film's "message" and are attempting to use your disagreement with said message as a basis for attacking the movie's artistic merit.

The film's 'message' directly undermines the entire film. There are several films with subtexts that I disagree with but still think are brilliant films. But this film is propaganda. Which is a shame because I think the acting and style is brilliant.
Ironically, the only people who don't see that are vegans and easily-manipulated brainlets

So which one are you?

Go back to Sup Forumseddit.

Ever considered that despite enjoy other films with a messages you don't agree with, this particular issue is something you know is wrong yet don't want to confront as it's something you do in your daily life, hence it's easy to push off a "VEGAN PROPAGANDA"

It's pretty obvious you're conflicted with eating meat after seeing this movie so you try to dismiss it as propaganda.
Next thing you were gonna do is probably act edgy and say you don't care about animal well being at all.

To be perfectly fair, the core of the film's message has to do with eating dogs. As that's where the vast majority of okja's mannerisms came from. This is irrelevant in the west.

>Mija succeeds to buy Okja legally
>immediately proceeds to steal another pig

What's the message?

Ever considering the lengths of mental gymnastics you're utilising to attack the person making the criticisms instead of responding to the fact that the film is clearly propaganda?
Nope, not conflicted at all. Had a bacon sandwich earlier today, it was delicious. Why are you projecting this hard? It's pretty transparent
I care about animal well-being and that makes me hate the film even more because instead of attacking real-world problems with the meat industry, they invented a fictional animal in fictional conditions that makes it impossible to separate reality from their make-believe.
This doesn't help the issue, but it does, as you say, allow people to write the entire thing off as vegan propaganda (and in this case it is anti-meat-industry propaganda)

That even in their strawman fantasies, animal-rights activists are hypocritical shits

>We need meat to survive
>They're intellectual inferior
>It's the circle of life man
>They'll take over the world if we don't eat them
>I..I don't eat any cruel meat like veal

oh my god, can you believe they it dog in China. That's fucking disgusting, weirdos!!!

>nu-Sup Forums tells oldfag he's new

classic post

most of that is blatantly untrue

I want to try dog meat.

Hope they make a sequel with ALF taking down the company since they had the after credit scene and all.

Ah yes, the reason why factories are killing animals by the thousands is because of the wellbeing of humans and not profit.

>anons are unironically falling for sorosflix propaganda
>stop eating pork user, it's haram

Good, so you are an accomplice to the abuse you've seen in the movie, except you're in denial.

Please go into my mental gymnastics since they seem very clear

>I care about animal well-being
>Had a bacon sandwich earlier, delicious

You don't give a shit mate

>Anti-meat industry propaganda

"They love it really guys, getting stabbed in the neck and brutally murdered is all such fun to them. See all that blood"

>ignores the entire post
Course I give a shit. Just like most people give a shit about human rights but still buy iphones.
Out of sight, out of mind
>b-but that's different cause I need muh iphone!

>"They love it really guys, getting stabbed in the neck and brutally murdered is all such fun to them. See all that blood"
>He doesn't understand how this constitues a strawman argument
Why are brainlets allowed on this board?

Reminder that animals do not have rights.
A right implies responsibility and duty.
Animals have neither.
That said yea stun/bolt the animals, unnecessary cruelty to animals is a sign of mental problems.

>I care about animal well-being
>Had a bacon sandwich earlier, delicious
Don't need to know more desu.
Atleast own up to the fact that you value food over morals.

the after-credit ALF scene was just showing the ALF moving straight on to the next thing. As they didn't really care about the superpig farms, they just cared about media exposure.

>A right implies responsibility and duty.

Literally couldn't be more wrong.

thanks Monsanto

>completely dodges human rights point and still tries to take moral high ground
Why are vegans so transparent?

True, my second-hand 7 year old phone is really equal to that chopped up corpse you ate this morning.

Honestly, how can you eat a murdered animal and then say you care about it's well being

Look, justifying your own bad habits with "Other people do bad things too" is no way to live.

Vegetarianism and veganism is simply an attempt to evade the fact that life feeds on life, and that the universe is a vast web of creation and destruction.

A vegetarian / vegan is just a person who spares his own feelings by killing creatures that can’t scream. It is an attempt to remove man from nature, rather than to embrace nature and plunge into it. Vegetarianism / veganism can be part of an ascetic retreat from life, but that is about it.

However, once we own up to the fact that we live by killing, we should make sure that we do not kill needlessly or cruelly. Beyond that, it is far more important to insure animals have good lives rather than merely good deaths. This means no more factory farms and feedlots and milk-fed calves. Furthermore, an animal that is badly cooked has died in vain. Finally, the place where we properly honor the creatures upon which we feed is a well-appointed kitchen, a kitchen that expresses a full commitment to the refinement and perfection of material existence.

>murder an animal
Use a dictionary for once, retard.