Murphy Project

Ask Murphy Thread

Post your best only


its like smoking crack.
now this is shitposting.

I found a winner

Another winner


oh crap I started this meme a while back

At first it was funny

But Putin could not be denied


Dear god what have I done




mfw I started this crappy meme and didnt profit off it...








My Delegatessssss. Gives them to me.





what lmao


lol. that's a good one

Would bang




I just want to play games and I want you to watch me and love me

Would hit it


my sides are orbiting sagittarius A*

what if murphybot had a face?

what if murphybot became homicidal?

absolute gold

what if murphybot was *?




Love this one







I like the subtle ones...

Speaking of subtle, this is one I did earlier.






I love the subtle ones

What if Palestine was a nation?



KeK at this

what the fuck Murphy?

What if Mohammed was a Greek?

I have tried to do "Black Lives Matter" and "Holocaust" - but Murphy only ever responded with "..."


You look like you're dying

You have to use alternative phrases.
It'd probably accept "BLM" and "Holohoax"


Day of rope when?

Best one Ive asked so far

You guys are all such fucking normies.

Slide thread






would play



This'll come in handy for suicide squad meme threads on Sup Forums for sure

my sides!



'Black Lives Matter' worked fine for me. I get '...' for anything with Hitler though.


Maximum kek


Charlie Chaplin, rather.



what if hitler was taylor swift




