Drumpftards cannot refute this perfect logic! The superior minds of us liberals must trigger you Drumpf supporters!
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Jesus also never suggested stealing form others to pay for help. His system was entirely voluntary.
So? Christianity is a cuck religion anyway. Most of the alt-right is atheistic and just see religious conservatives as useful peons to further nationalistic ideals.
It's been on suicide watch since the moment Trump gave his first speech. You do not come out swinging like that, when the last two elections were decided by minorities.
The Alt Right should be careful not to cut itself on all that edge
As if anyone on Sup Forums is a turbozionist christcuck.
>eliminates foodstamps
Less money out of my pocket.
>corporations get tax break
Need more details to make a decision.
>no funding for hobos
That should be the job of charities and the church, not the government.
>discrimination against fags
Also reminder that Jesus was a kike.
>Leftism has become so deranged that whites breeding among themselves is edgy.
Fuck the homeless, most of them are drug addicts anyway.
And fun fact, businesses in America pay the most in corporate taxes compared to the rest of the world.
Stop replying to yourself
>Occupy Democrats
into the trash.
What are you doing here? Don't you have smelly diapers to change for your brain damaged bitch, or something? Those ugly Mao suits Hillary wears to cover them up aren't self-cleaning, ya know.
>leftists pretending to give a single fuck about Jesus or christianity when it suits their agenda
Literal scum, just saying. Once Hillary wins, Christians will be on the back burner again, as the radical left and twisted Hillary "I shit my diapers" Clinton flood this country with terrorists from 3rd world countries that have absolutely zero chance of assimilating into a 21st society.
Thanks for #CorrectingTheRecord! $.02 has been deposited in your account.
> Religious freedom law = muh LGBT discrimination
Jesus wanted you to do that voluntarily, with your own resources. He never said anything about confiscating it from the guy next door and them distributing it to select people to create an underclass that is guaranteed to vote for you.
Also: Since when do liberals give a shit about Jesus?
>Whoever comes to me shall be fed by an inefficient government welfare policy which has caused the utter collapse of lower class families
>Be taxed and have your money given to the state and its employees
>Love your neighbor and allow his destructive, perverted lifestyle to destroy the integrity of your culture and threaten your children's mental well being
I love how liberals think Jesus was anti-family, anti-religion and pro-government.
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
This is a great idea. Everybody reply.
I am now a #JesusFreak
Giving people free shit isn't going to help them be successful, it only brings them down by making them dependent on you
>a literal wizard who can pull resources out of his ass
Yeah thats great Jesus, but first off we arent wizards and as such cant do that, and secondly your antics are destroying both the bakery and fishing industries.
Please do not
I love how cuckservatives think Jesus was anti-compassion, anti-immigrant, and pro-gun
sounds like he was helping people find jesus
1. Give your money to the poor citizen, or be jailed
2. High corporate taxes driving industry overseas hurting average workers
3. Doesn't steal from productive citizens to give to druks and drug addicts
4. Not encouraging mental illness through legislation, thanks Mike
Quite frankly, this Jesus dude looks like some kind of lefty Alinsky communist agitator.
Trump knows how to deal with these people.
Government destroys societies, communities, and families. Supporting government welfare means you want people to live as depressed overtaxed overworked drones, or as welfare queens. It is uncompassionate.
There is certainly nothing in the Gospel which you can point to that says Jesus supported the destruction of the nation and the family, which is what immigration ultimately accomplishes.
Jesus never said anything against the private ownership of arms, which was universally accepted in his lifetime, and even encouraged it at one point.
>Unironically believes Jesus was a pro-weapons nationalist
>and pro-gun
"If you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
And that's not getting into the hundreds of explicit justifications for violence in defense of one's family, tribe, property, etc.
Certain things mix nicely. When the right decided to try and be small government and the beacon of religion it's nice to visualise the sounds their asses make when they constrict so hard over shit like this
I hope you're Christian. It would be awfully silly for you to defer to someone you don't even believe exists for the sake of your political agenda.
>caring about religion
Sage this shit
>the state is responsible for my personal morality and spiritual salvation
Well yes he clearly was both of those things if you actually read the Bible. He was quite adamant about his national/ethnic identity as a Jew and even acted how you liberal cuckolds might describe as "bigoted" at certain points toward non-Hebrews. And he encouraged the private ownership of arms. So you are wrong.
Not only does nobody render unto Caesar anymore that which he deserves but very few render unto God that which He deserves
Like the nonHebrew Roman Centurion? He said He brings a sword. But where does it say anything about self defence or owning weapons? Probably he meant like an armour of faith. I had some guy try and tell me the rainbow of the Covenant was a crossbow!
Isn't it great when liberal atheists pretend they wish america was a theocracy?
Is that infograph implying Pence is Jesus?
Isn't it great when rightists don't talk outta their asses when it comes to freedom. If we give em fake religion and fake liberties and hound on fake inanities then we defend all the strongarm rights and yeah. This is Jesus. It is not. Righteousness is quite a left wing word. Debate me
trump and pence are literally the anti-christ
Lol how do magnets work
I'm thinking about the Canaanite woman. He also told his followers to buy weapons, and the right to defense of property and nation and self was clearly established in Jewish scripture before him.
>1 post by this ID
God, you shills are getting shittier by the day.
Seriously. At least try a little harder.
You think incorrectly. And where? And yes I know the OT is one thing and the NT another
If by "anti-Christ" you actually mean the saviors of Western civilization, then I agree. Yes, they are the saviors of Western civilization.
Pence is just the neocons pick
Why did Bernie have to be treated the way he was?
>You think incorrectly.
Lol thanks for the heads up officer.
>And where? And yes I know the OT is one thing and the NT another
Nice marcionism. Leave the declarations on the meaning of Christianity to Christians please.
jesus could multiple bread and fish
You just proved Pence isn't jesus, you dumbfuck.
Yeah so um the two swords are to fulfill a prophecy that He would be numbered among the trangsgressors. Two swords wouldn't do anything. Not only is the word Jew not mentioned once in the firsr five books but Israel was one tribe to begin with. You are one of those Hebrew supremacist Christians and the Canaanite women were blessed in the end too were they not? For in faith she remarked herself as a dog to the crumbs of The Lord? As if you'd even insinuate I lack faith. You are a run of the mill loopy Hagee type
First 11 books. Pardon me
>be Jesus
>be prophet of an extremely ultranationalist, tribalistic religion which explicitly accepts the use of violence, a highly patriarchal family structure and traditionalism in all aspects of life
>repeatedly affirm your unequivocable acceptance of all old tenets of this faith while adding new ones
>talk about voluntary care for the poor in the context of a society that functions as collection of tribes, clans, and extremely small local communities and where the "state" is nothing more than whatever godless foreign warlord is currently forcing you to pay a tithe and repelling other foreign invaders and bandits
>2000 years later
>liberal retards decide Jesus would be in favor of homosexuality, gender equality, high involuntary taxes, globalism, pacifism, and letting a godless depersonalizing government replace the family's role in society by making it the dispenser of welfare to leeches
Mike is going by prophet saul not Jesus. Saul override most things Jesus did.
Still Jesus hung aroung woth freaks didnt mean he approved of them, its just being a nice person who accepts flaws from broken people.
wtf I hate jesus now.
Terrible post. Read these two sites. jewjewsjewish.blogspot.ca
>mary was homeless
There was nothing available because Rome needed some new tax monies. Chaos usually ensues when nobody gives a shit about anything except angst
>posting fedoras when you don't have an argument.