Tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc

>tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc
>tfw cant stop watching Party Monster and Party Monster: The Shockumentary

Fuck, this shit and the whole story around it is fascinating as fuck. Especially considering most of these degenerates are alive and well today, still producing spectacle through social media / youtube.

Michael Allig must be the most self-documented, genuine, archetypic sociopathic fag alive today-or ever

Nice blog faggot.

Can confirm. Im mostly conservative ideologically and I've rented this shit so many times in 2004, the girl working at the video store probably thought I was gay. Its a really fascinating movie and true story in general.

>Michael Allig must be the most self-documented, genuine, archetypic sociopathic fag alive today-or ever

Also this. If you watch interviews of this guy since he got out of prison or even in prison, you can tell even if youre a child he is not remorseful at all. The way he tries to act like it is so fucking transparent that makes you wonder how he ever managed to get out at all.

This shit is just insane.


I knew all Sup Forums fags were repressed homos.
Future of the superior white race.

Being a conservative doesn't make you a Sup Forums nazi, that's the mistake people made during the election.

you're not conservative at all you only want to think you are. you retards stand for nothing. you're the equivalent of a closeted homosexual living in complete denial.

>"fags are mentally unstable!"
>haha youre just a closet homo haha
here you have one of the very few documented cases of an individual AND a movement of fags being completely mentally unstable to the point where they kill a man and act non-chillant afterwards continuing in the same vein of faggosity they did before, especially Allig who, since he got out of prison, makes a living making youtube vids with the same degenerates, not remorseful at all, and drawing offensive jesus pictures
>w-why would a conservative care about any of this??
>its cuz UR A FAG TOO

Its because everything conservatives have been saying about fags are literally being demonstrated AND documented at the moment by some of the most notorious fags of em all. If you dont like it, go pressure them to stop broadcasting their degeneracy 24/7 for the past 20 years, proving conservatives right. You faggot.

user utterly BTFO

>hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc

>i'd have a gf if it wasn't for the jews


OP here, Im not one of those cringe kekistani fags.

Im a 31 years old house builder and my beliefs are my own, I didnt join this shit cuz of some internet fad. I've gotten to my beliefs through life experiences while living in a diverse community when probably most of you were at the 7th grade. I've been with a girl for 7 years and we're getting married next year. Im not some autist who spergs out the minute something is mentioned that doesnt fit their worldview. Stop making assumptions about people from Sup Forums memes. Not that youre totally wrong in doing that, the cringe is strong out there

Still love Party Monster tho

>being this triggered
>"I hate fags so much I swear"
spotted the self hating homo in denial

fucking THIS

this shit is literally undeniable. The only "defence" you see for it, like the fags ITT, is the myspace era defence when you called a fat girl fat and she went "UR JUST A HATER"


literally no arguments

I hate fag culture. I dont give a shit if someone is taking it up the ass all night in his bedroom while being dressed like a fucking avocado, as long as they look like a functioning member of society out there and not some flaming homo with a lisp and short-shorts going "WOOO"..or like michael allig and friends

how will they ever recover?

Me and my bf browsed Sup Forums and didn't know it 3 years into the relationship. /lgbt/ /is Sup Forums's greatest ally

>>tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc

OP here, YOUR "understanding" of hardcore Sup Forums nat soc doesnt always fit the real world, you know.

You probably think I want to feed on the brains of new-born jewish babies while sacrificing them to the Thule first, in exchange for world domination.

>hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc


>and drawing offensive jesus pictures
w-wait he drew picture of our lord and savior the one and only king je- I mean jesus christ? wtf i hate fags now

I don't know why you need to feel ashamed.

They're good films, even if you don't necessarily agree with contents. I know I don't.

I mean, I even liked Project X

Wew. Bit touchy aren't we dear? You scared of anyone mocking your childish uninformed positions?

I literally just quoted you. Way to fly off the handle, buddy.

Why do Sup Forums retards always fuck around on other boards then sperg out when everyone else isn't a Nazi? Fucking idiot, stay in your safe space if you can't handle criticism like the SJWs you guys screech about.

Utterly destroyed him.

>degenerate fag
>becomes a degenerate fag junkie
>stars a movement of degenerate fag junkies
>takes it so far as to kill a fag for his drug habit and because he "mouthed off" to him, him being the king degenerate fag junkie
>goes to prison for being a degenerate fag junkie king
>enjoys prison but-rape being a degenerate fag junkie
>after rape gets boring, he requests solidary confinment
>he gets it
>not even 8 years in, he gets out
>talks about his experience, you can see he literally thinks he did nothing wrong
>gets out, starts making """ironic""" videos of the whole ordeal with the same faggots who KNEW about it and SAID NOTHING
>this doesnt provide enough money
>the "club kids" scene is dead
>welp, time to make some "controversial" jesus butt-fucking paintings!

THATS the point, you braindead faggot its not MUH JEEZUS. Literally MILLIONS of people draw offensive jesus shit daily, you dont see them discussed do you? Its because this literal faggot just wants to provoke even after KILLING SOMEONE and feeling NOTHING ABOUT IT. And contrarian morons like you (or just a fag, same thing) eat it up.

You could even say im "triggered"
You could take it as far as calling me a "unique snowflake"

>Im mostly conservative ideologically
You realise he responded to two people? Fucking retard.

>user starts a movie thread
>completely on topic for the board
>S E E T H I N G newfag redditors bitch and moan about Sup Forums anyway

Culkin does a great job in this, humanizing allig. Green too, humanizing that other faggot. If you watch the shockumentary and the videos they've made since then, you can clearly see the 2 characters portrayed in the movie have nothing to do with the actual characters.

I like party monster, but ever since I started researching it, I think its a product created to make these characters look better. culkin and Green are NOTHING like the actual Allig and James...just watch the shockumentary.

Its literally a character laundry-scheme for both of these fags, which isnt even surprising considering james is a trust-fund fag which means he has the money to create such a wash-out.

I like the /polgbt/ meme

Because Sup Forums needs to be a conservative circlejerk

>reddit babies crying about an on topic thread
This is Sup Forums, stupid cunt.

I've never browsed reddit in my life. The OP has a political opinion posted as relevant information, making political discussion pertinent to the thread topic


Look at how he startrd the OP.
What did anybody here think was going to happen?

And? You do realize that movies and tv 99% of the time have political topics presented in them right?

This isnt a board to just discuss cinematography and what fucking kind of camera said creator used in said movie. If you wanna ingest politics in your shit, those politics are fucking gonna be discussed in the tv board.

If you want a space, safe from politics, this isnt it m8. Also, this shit is never moving to Sup Forums, no matter how much it paings ya. You wanna inject politics in your movie? Your politics injected into your movie are gonna be discussed in the MOVIE BOARD. Fucking deal with it already. Politics in MOVIES ARE NEVER GONNA BE A Sup Forums SUBJECT. THIS IS Sup Forums

You are a very very very important poster


you cant just trigger us like that and expect anything different to happen

I mean ok, different perspectives are cool and all, but not when they come from FUCKING Sup ForumsTARDS FUCKING DEATH TO THEM ALL SAGE AND REPORT

are you kidding? it's an interesting story but it's filmed like a fucking spanish soap opera

I wasn't complaining about the political discussion.

I dont give a fuck












>reddit babbies SEETHING at the sight of someone who isn't a democratic socialist

>mfw a poster near me is so impressionable that they shape their entire world view on shitposts from the most cancerous & underage board on all of nu4chan

>Its literally a character laundry-scheme for both of these fags
This is the truth. I've considered party monster one of my favorite indie movies (still do) but I recently met a dude who liked it also and researched it too and he introduced me into tons of shit which changed my view about the characters of this movie. The shockumentary is just an introduction, if you really care about what you're being fed you will research these character's presence on the internet and you will see that the greentext on top is true. Up to you.



don't worry m8, I browse Sup Forums regularly and my fantasies include my wife getting impregnated by a black guy, getting fucked by another black guy while dressing as a sissy faggot, other degenerate behavior. Even though I support a lot of Sup Forums ideologies, the stuff I also support would never fly on Sup Forums

I mean, even though it doesn't make any sense, a jew can be a nazi. one does not exclude the other

I wish drugs were as deadly and horrible as all those DARE slogans said


I also browse Sup Forums and every single second of every single day I imagine my wife being shackled in some chicago basements getting raped and impregrnated by blacks every 9 months while im ALSO being fucked by those same blacks dressed as a 7yo white little girl who pretends she doesnt likes it and then being made to raise each and every single one of the mongrel my wife gives birth to, as a single father, while desperetaly trying to teach them to eradicate the white man and comb their hair as nappy as it gets.

I feel ya bro.

>nobody gets to dislike anything

>>tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc

why are you triggered so bad? are you a self hating Sup Forumsock?


I'm just laughing at the retard


Yeah sure buddy. keep dumping your giant folder about people you don't care about

>nat soc Sup Forumsacks are kekistanis
get your memes straight..kekistanis are literally the same as you with a very very thin slice of (((nationalism))) in the mix...but thank god you triggerflakes diverted this shit to something you can make fun of

so he's basically a left wing Varg Burzum

>cant refute anything in the OP or ITT
>better make fun of the loose associations even though I know they have nothing to do with each other
wanna know how I know your a semite butt-pirate?

I never said I didn't care about them
Sure thing bud
Refute what? OP is not even trying to argue about anything

>I never said I didn't care about them

confirmed for being triggered

>refute what?
refute these you cringememelord

>tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc

Not sure what that means but I'll just keep dumpin' my folder

But I don't disagree with that

Different dude here, why cant you just discuss michael allig's and the whole "club kids" scene thing like the OP started to?

Youre literally off topic, spamming shit to divert discussion. Youre perpetuating the snowflake meme to a T.

If you have something to add to the subject of the thread YOU GOT IN TO POST IN then do it.

Otherwise, youre just a SJW spammer, for all intense and purposes trying to 404 the thread by spamming and derailing it.

What are you so afraid of?

You're a fucking idiot.

At least he's not SEETHING like you

because he's just another Sup Forumstard attention whore

>You're a fucking idiot.
its AN fucking idiot you illiterate nigger

>a grown man believes this



sayings like this are a diamond dozen

You're an hero for our time, user.

hooray for white people making downey kids and dying out

>you will never be dumb enough to label yourself as a 'hardcore Sup Forums nat soc'

>xir doesnt read the thread xir posts in
>xir gets triggered enough to post because of 2 words in the OP
>xir thinks cringe trump fags are nat soc
>xir thinks any of those scientology tier fags hold any ideology at all
>xir thinks these fags arent just internet fad fags like, again, chanology era faggots
hey kid, how do you enjoy the internet so far?

>tfw hardcore Sup Forums nat-soc



>James St. James is a literal trust-fund kiddie.
>Michael Allig got by at first in NY because of> his trust-fund kiddie's friends money.
Then he got by, by throwing parties where he exploited mentally deranged (redundant) trannies and "otherkin" who got nude on stage and had champagne enemas for 50 dollars.
>Their whole culture was based around being gay or "other" and a shameless drug-addict who was willing to do anything in the club
>This ended up with Allig being so dependent on drugs that he butchered his fag drug-dealer with his faggot friend
>They had the body hacked up (by Allig) in the living room for A WEEK while they HOSTED PARTIES THERE
>They, then, decided to dump the box in the river
>Allig got in prison, where he got all the drugs and ass-rape he wanted for free all the time
>He was literally REWARDED for killing a dude
>Now he is out, making shitty painting and youtube vids where he literally makes fun of the whole situation
>He does all this with the people who were around him then and knew he was a murdered
>He is currently making a living off of this and is often giving interviews about it on major tv networks

>If you criticize ANY of this youre just an edgelord cringe trumpfag kekistan spouting memelord

that's right


Very well put.
Not that it matters considering noone in /comblr/ will consider or even read any of that shit, but still.

>here you have one of the very few documented cases
>one of the very few documented cases
>very few documented cases

THAT alone should tell you something you retarded Sup even typed it yourself!


Youre just using an isolated incident to further your retarded agenda.

Go die in a ditch you moron

wow that sure is a lot of words! didn't say much though!


lmaoing @ ur life


I watched party monster 5 years ago and I absolutely loved it.
The information ITT is blowing my mind. I had no idea about the sockumentary.
Im watching it right now and im astounded as to how different the real characters are, compared to the fictionalized, movie ones.
I feel like a child, since you never should take for granted what a movie tells you to, but what I've seen so far in the documentary is 90% different than the movie..I feel like such a moron.

Absolutely rekt

Let me guess. Are they jewish?


probably..I'd bet good money jame's a kike

>I hate X
>but I'll do nothing about it but post on an anonymous image board

Loving every laugh, every time. Vent your anger here and then go back to the real world where expressing your retarded opinions will result in most of the world shunning you.