I don't know by whom, but a raid by a powerful enemy is a fact. Every shill thread that gets posted slides an important thread towards the bottom. Every shill reply turns attention away from real problems.
Our content is getting diluted. Our output is being choked. There is no way we can return to our former glory unless this situation is resolutely solved. What are we going to do to stay sharp? Are we going to migrate?
Kevin Perez
If a shill is spotted use these tags >dr;st don't reply; shill thread >dr;sp don't reply; shill post
Liam Reyes
>m-my echo chamber and circlejerk is being attacked, help p-please! Boo-fucking-hoo
Connor Miller
Daily reminder that Ancient Egyptians were black
Evan Ortiz
>I don't know by whom, but a raid by a powerful enemy is a fact
I can tell by the shit running down your leg into your sock, TrannyBoy
Levi Flores
POL IS Sup Forums TIER today...
Grayson Walker
He is right though, I'm not normally one to call someone a shill but the amount of threads with a "shill" vibe has increased a lot.
I have nothing against a different opinion but I'm fairly sure there is an influxe of people who aren't regular Sup Forumsacks.
Sebastian Scott
Nope, these guys are going to have something fun happen if they keep it up
Nathaniel Smith
Microsoft fucker images are Sup Forums tier. I suggest MODS ban them.
Josiah Young
If we migrate, they'll migrate with us. We have to fight them here.