What We Do In The Shadows

What does Sup Forums think of this kino?

Fantastic movie

Probably the best film of this decade

I probably need to have another rewatch.

Awesome film. Loving homage to the genre and genuinely funny Stoked for Thor and I haven't seent the first two.

one of the best comedies to come out in a long time, didn't get much buzz or attention and I don't understand why

Fucking brillant.
Everything about it was almost perfect.
"We're werewolves not swearwolves".

Jesus Taika, how can you reset your IP so fast

"Hilarious" - this user

This movie was so obscure around here that I had to go watch it in one of those alternative cinemas with 30 seats and a culutral snob vibe. Didn't know whta to expect but I haven't had such a good time in ages

"We're wolves" when?
I'm fucking waiting

> I had to go watch it in one of those alternative cinemas with 30 seats and a culutral snob vibe.

jesus christ man get out of your tiny, tiny comfort zone

most of the best movies aren't in the biggest mainstream cinemas, but that's mean they're just for snobs

Do you think I don't know that? I just don't want to watch them in a shitty place like that. It would have deserved to be on the big screen

(((They))) don't want you to enjoy good films and media, so (((they))) only distribute lowest common denominator schlock for (((you))) to think is the only stuff out (((there)))

Someone help me. I lost a nice silk scar.

11/10, probably the best movie I watched because Sup Forums recommended it. Now it's one of those I periodically rewatch and never get tired of with Superbad and others.

Literally R*ddit: The Film.

Thought it was going to be kind of contrived given the premise but it ended up being really good.

Fuck off plum.

t. werewolf


You're worst than the Beast.

What's the status on the sequel? I'm really looking forward to werewolfkino

You need to go back.

Could seriously be the best comedy in the 2010s.
It's either this, Grand Budapest or Birdman for me.

fucking amazing desu