Imagine being Special Agent Dale Cooper in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Audrey Horne, you fuckin' fine...

Imagine being Special Agent Dale Cooper in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Audrey Horne, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and beautiful angelic feminine face, I can't possibly have sex with you, both the professional and the personal me." when all he really wants to do is tell a joke to Annie Blackburn at the Double R Diner. Like seriously imagine having to be Cooper and not only stand in that room while Audrey Horne flaunts her perfect body in front of you, the harsh lighting hardly hindering her youthful and creamy skin, and just stand there, day after day, hour after hour, while she perfected that smile. Not only having to tolerate her flawless fucking visage but her sweet attitude as everyone in the town tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, AUDREY HORNE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her feminine fucking angel face contort into types of sexy looks you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Caroline and Lara Flynn Boyle and later alleged Annie Blackburn for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the FBI in Philadelphia. You've never even seen anything this fucking beautiful before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her buxom breasts as she protrudes them outwards to writhe them suggestively at you, confidently assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to be there and revel in her "Virginal (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the FBI director calls for another week at Twin Peaks, and you know you could kill every single person in this town before the Sheriff department could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Coop. You're not going to lose your future FBI director career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

This was an odd subplot. How old was she suppose to be in the show? 16? also clearly has a lot of emotional issues.
I don't see how they were suppose to "hook up" in the context of the show.

An illicit relationship with a nymphomaniac minor? Seems legit to me. Also, how he refuses her advances serves to accentuate Cooper's moral rectitude.

but his refusal was only because his real life gf didn't want him to have all these scenes with Audrey.
(or so I've read...I have no idea actually)
was the original plan that they were going to get together?
Just seemed weird for a FBI agent to start dating a high school student who was clearly mentally unhinged. Her having a crush on him seems reasonable enough though.

girls 12 and up are ridiculously horny and know exactly what they're doing. don't buy into that innocent "too young to comprehend" underage shit

When you are arrested. Jason, it will be your own fault.

No, I'm pretty sure season 1 was not affected by the off-screen drama with Lara Flynn Boyle.

I've never heard of that. But I could buy that. It seems like a David Lynch thing to do. Coop was always portrayed as being a pillar of morality, albeit very quirky, but if he had given in, it would have tainted him, because she was a minor. And that would have made for some compelling drama that would have added to his character

He would be at odds with himself, putting up a false front, as though everything was A-Ok, but meanwhile, would be struggling with his own inner turmoil of his lust toward Audrey every time he saw her, and the guilt of giving in to said lust.

>Lara Flynn Boyle
I'm leaving this thread right now on the off-chance that someone posts that recent picture of her because it genuinely makes me feel sick and ruins my appetite for the entire day, no joke. She is absolutely fucking hideous to the point of being inhuman

Yeah but she did definitely dilute the relationship's future possibilities.

She's 18 by the end of season 2 so she's probably 17 here. All the high school characters are supposed to be seniors I believe.

t. registered sex offender

thats a dude

She doesn't look that bad

I wish

tell it to the judge

I could see that working in another movie or show but it would have just been weird to have the main character of the show being a sex offender basically out no where.
the way they ended it seemed fine. Dale would have told her that he couldn't be with her.
I thought the original plan was for them to get together.
Would have just been really strange and make most of the audience hate Cooper for being a total creep and taking advantage of a young woman. (teenager).

so easily flustered. just stating facts, no need to get your knickers in a twist.

The entire first 2 seasons happened in the span of a month.
She was always 18.

>taking advantage
What is this fucking meme? Like 18 year old women don't know what they're fucking doing. It's kind of sexist desu.
If anything, a girl with that much beauty is taking advantage of any man she flirts with.

>is taking advantage of any man she flirts with.
only of weak betas with no self-control

sorry eurofag we dont accept pedophilia in our country, have fun legally banging 12 years olds you sick fuck

do you unironically believe that anything under 18 is pedophilia and the day they hit 18 they're suddenly "FUCKIN SMOKIN HOT BRO"?

>sex offender

Age of consent is 16 in Washington.

Why would they control it? It's not a crime, its some pseudo morality nonsense.

Fucking random sluts isn't the best of ideas.

Haven't watched new episodes yet but does Heather Graham return? She's the only one who still looks hot. Also spoil me without spoiling me but what is the new season even about, a new murder case?

>I wish I fucked less random sluts

It's about everything.

oh in that case its fine. Nevermind. the Audience would have been cool with it

>Heather Graham return?
>She's the only one who still looks hot.
Shelly is still bangin'
>what is the new season even about
Cooper attempting to return from the Black Lodge
What BadCoop has been up to for 25 years
FBI trying to figure shit out
Some backstory on BoB and shit

They literally would have
95% of fans are mad that they didn't get together


are there any Audrey lewds?

It makes me legit sad to see what Audrey looks like now. What the fuck happened to her that made her age so fucking bad in only 25 years? Did she drink the same shit that Flynn-Boyle drank on accident? I mean god damn, I just feel so depressed when I see them now. Couldn't you have just aged gracefully like a normal human being?

She was the oldest 'teenage' actress on the show IIRC.

She was 25. In comparison, Lara was 19 and Mädchen was 17/10.

No cool has a history of making letting hisndick donthe thinking bc he hooked up with a witness he was protecting who was also the wife of his partner before he came to twin peaks. Sonhim turning down Audrey isn't just a good guy being a good guy, it's an example of the protagonist overcoming one of his own weaknesses in order to do what he thinks is right


>in only 25 years
>only 25 years
See you in 25 years faggot.

Butthole in Two Moon Junction