Is it me your looking for
Depends. R u a qt grill?
I feel like the artist did this because they can't draw hands notice how the other one is just off-screen
what's with the shitty Sup Forums trolls here lately?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
Mods have gotten really fucking lazy lately. There's been lots of this.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
>implying it's not the mods making the posts
definitely not hot
pls more niggers getting milked
How ya doing with those proxies, Barneyfag?
wikipedia porn pictures will never not be hilarious.
Nio best girl.
Isuke and Banba are good too.
Otoya "Jack the Ripper of 21st Century" is a pile of steaming shit but with a nice character song
mods have the time to delete threads about cartoons that literally had a premier that day within seconds, but not enough time to delete Sup Forums porn spammers before the thread's been up for an hour
You really like ponies, don't you?
would still rather see this than more loud house threads tee bee aitch
story of my life
anime is shit
Maybe we should spam shitty spam threads until mods have no choice but to delete them?
Who am I kidding? Mods will just delete your posts and leave the thread up. I guarantee you I will get a ban for this.
Also, sage
A naked lady walks into a bar with a three foot salami in one arm and a poodle in the other, the barman says, "I guess you won't be needing a drink with that?"
What does the naked lady say back to him?
Sup Forums mods need to die
Fuck off faggot
Last thread didn't last.
I miss 2012-2013 mods. Sure, they were SJW assholes, but at least they were doing their jobs.
Well, compared to new mods at least. They were still incompetent idiots.
they also banned me for a joke about trump in a thread discussing him as modok
really it's mods just being really shit
Why do we hate Barneyfag?
I thought all the pony posters were hated on Sup Forums.
woman in op image is Sup Forums and mods are mommy and we are getting FUCKED
pass it on
What comic?
This thread is still up?
Wew lad mods.
this is clearly Sup Forums
What the fuck is going on in here?
He has weapons grade Autism and will lose his shit at stuff that he perceives as pony related even when it isn't.
What anime is this from?
Pony started on Sup Forums.
Sins Past arc of Amazing Spider-Man.
Most of Sup Forums no longer cares.
Barneyfag has probably done more for horsefucker acceptance then anything else.
That's an odd thing for the naked lady to say.
Eh, he's obsessive, but he's focusing his autism on a good target.
I agree user. You are not a faggot today.