Find a better map for a broken United States
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Find a better map for a broken United States
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the correct map
Indiana hates Ohio
-north LA has as much in common with south LA as it has with chinese and hardly anyone left speaks french
-The entire state of CA is distinct from the SF and LosAng urban areas. Valley or eastern CAians have as much to do with Hollywood as chinese do.
-TX does not want OK, which is a Plains state
-We're not giving a massive state to some Indian tribe, are you fuckin crazy or stupid?
-the name "Protectorate of the OBX" is GAY as FUCK.
-NY and PA do not go together. NY goes with NEngland.
-Putting VT and NH into the Maritimes is just about the most retarded thing you could do, about as retarded as putting china and russia together.
Your map sucks and you should feel like you suck. You really should. You're pathetic. what are you srsly, 15? you seem underaged and shouldn't be here.
ok, that's tight, I'd have to buy that.
>CT not part of NY
Scenario of the U.S. in a Civil War
1. The southern states (excluding Florida) secede from the rest of America
2. Obama mobilizes the entire military
3. Texas forms a militia of 100,000 strong
4. Military attacks Oklahoma
5. Texas uses its nuclear capabilities to blow up the military and the government. Effectively winning the Civil War
6. 98% of the country is killed in the blast/radiation.
7. High King Bush reigns over the land until North Korea attacks and takes over the U.S.
8. The U.S. is now the property of Kim Jong Un.
9. High King Bush kills himself because he is a beta cuck faggot.
10. The world is a better place.
Independent Florida Nao
>5. Texas uses its nuclear capabilities to blow up the military and the government. Effectively winning the Civil War
>6. 98% of the country is killed in the blast/radiation.
you dont really understand how nukes work do you
Is that a Crimson Skies reference?
Hear, hear
Would you look at that. California is red.
Does that bait taste good?
Someone is salty that they got BTFO'd
this is my shadowrun game map
The floridabama area is claimed by the gulf Coast state which stetches from there all the way west to Houston.
You can have the rest of Florida. Practically a yank colony by now.
>Texas and Oklahoma getting together
Oklahoma hates our guts.
>controlled by Apache's and Navajos
>Apaches and Navajo ever getting along
>ever capable of uniting against the white man.
good luck whit that.
Holy shit I loved that game back in the day.
>Independent Florida Nao
>the militia of Florida is made up of geriatrics and snowbirds caught up in the revolution
>they're just given cars to drive around in
>highest kill count of the war
Florida would be feared for generations to come.
No we don't.
Ohio and downstate Illinois are our bros. Northern Midwest are distant cousins we have mutual dislike for. Kentucky is our friendly rival.
Chicago is the evil nemesis.
Seattle, Olympia and Portland, Salem would be overrun by the true PNWers who have been disenfranchised by these parasites of liberal holdouts and the Jefferson Movement would move quick to secure itself from Sacramento, the Bay Area and the rest of California.
I suspect also that the Grapevine and many mountain passes and bridges in California and leading out of California, with the exception of Jefferson, would be destroyed, especially in the bay.
Louisiana would be shut down south of I-10 and in Baton Rouge/New Orleans. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the South should know why. The rest of the South except Texas and anything inside I-285 in Georgia (the Perimeter) would confederate but be mostly worthless aside from securing a few entry points due to the continued occupation of federal troops since 1865 and the indoctrination from the same.
Best one yet
We're bros with Kentucky. Agree with Chicago
>Seattle, Olympia and Portland, Salem would be overrun by the true PNWers who have been disenfranchised by these parasites of liberal holdouts
oy! you fucking got your east coast back hands off our fucking islands!!!
The world can only advance when the best state reigns supreme.
Why does Iowa look like the Kansas City Royals logo?
>monsanto industrial ag zone.
I'll most likely be fighting for cargill monarchy against them.
The lakotas are going to get slaughtered by right wing extremists an the armed and the lands will be ranched by absaroka state west of the missouri.
Never forget, east river and west river dakotans hate each other.
Bring back the Articles of Confederacy.
would be a sad day if the usa broke up
its not the eu its the usa....buuuuuut if you dont want the east coast no more we will be happy to take it off your hands :)
As a midwesterner living in the PNW, I wish you all the best in retaking your land. As beautiful as this place is, though, it just doesn't feel like home living here. I'm rather excited to move back to the MW after my contract is up.
Thats a sure fire way for a nuke up your ass, Nigel.
That's King Iowa to you boy.
Could you guys imagine if social order broke down from the first shots of the civil war?
It would break immedietely upon various areas, despite them having thousands of miles difference.
"Hey guys, shots fired over differences!"
Suddenly, decades of social contract melt. Liberals are gunned down in California as gun owners take their state back. Niggers riot instantly in Houston, Detroit, and Chicago, while bands of prepared whites move in to remove them (the fabled Day of the Rope). Various state rivalries like Texas vs Oklahoma become full scale state warfare. Alaska and Hawaii kick back and laugh their ass off at the mainland.
Indiana is even more irrelevant than Ohio.
>Alaska and Hawaii kick back
More like Alaska and Hawaii are opportunistically invaded and seized.
NY should be by itself not grouped in with lesser states like CT
>Wisconsin siding with Minnesotan parasites
All you upper midwesteners are the same. Haven't voted red in 20 years and are incapable of handling anything above 90 degrees.
The UP is the only redeemable thing north of (and including) Chicago.
And thank god for it, it's bad enough with Chicagolanders coming here to spread their filth. I'd rather be irrelevant than have coastal SJWs flock here. We're the last northern bastion of conservatism.
god bless america
>Lumping PA in with NY and NJ
Jesus Christ I'd kill myself
thank you for this england brings tear to my eye
i will give you the noose, neighbor
>Putting Maine with the other cancerous NE states.
Those commies wanna take our guns away.
New Hampshire isn't a commie state.
>greater Appalachia stretches into texas
The Appalachian mountains end in Georgia and the area to the immediate west is Appalachia. Kentucky and Tennessee are as far west as any region named "Appalachia" could reasonably go
>being attached to NJ and NY
>being in mini-country with NJ and NY
Go fuck yourself OP you massive cock juggling fucking homo
Why in the hell would you did Alaska like that?! Fairbanks is total bro teir to the south central. Also there isn't shit to the west so the natives can have it back and I wouldn't see the Russians touching that garbage.
Nigger Minnesota is the only midwest state (outside of eastern Wisconsin) with anything. Seriously the dakotas barely even have even hills or deer.
The entire state except for Philthadelphia is welcome to join the Indiana-Ohio Aryan union. Join us in being made fun of for irrelevancy while we stay alive from our non-cucked ways.
Plus, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana have the three largest Amish populations (in that order) so we should get along fine.
Just cut out Philly.
Racially purge Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, York
I consider the Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas to be Great Plains, not Midwest. I understand it's a subjective term, but to me the Midwest is split into two groups: upper Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, chicago) and lower Midwest (Indiana, Ohio, downstate Illinois, Iowa).
>Virginia with Maryland
>not Virginia with West Virginia
hey faggot, i use to love this show when it was still airing, tell me if it's good
> Appalachia is just the Appalachian mountains.
Appalachian Look up Appalachian at
> Appalachia is just the Appalachian mountains.
> in reference to the North American mountain range, c. 1600, Mountaynes Apalatsi; written apalachen by Spanish explorers and originally in reference only to the southern end of the range. Originally the name of the Apalachee, a Muskogean people of northwestern Florida, perhaps from Apalachee abalahci "other side of the river" or Hitchiti (Muskogean) apalwahči "dwelling on one side." Spelling shifted under influence of adjectives in -ian.
Real Appalachia is a huge chunk of the North American continent which merely contains the mountain range.
The writer of that book clearly frames is reasons for calling it Appalachia. Scots-Irish hit the Appalachian range first, and then moved westward into Tennessee, southern Ohio, Kentucky, and beyond.
I live in Southeast Texas and the thought that Appalachia extends into Texas is preposterous.
New York in the same country as New England
>absolutely disgusting
Florida will be divided up into a Confederate North, a Disney Owned Corpratocracy Center, and a Cuban South. Jacksonville and Tampa may be independent city states.
Don't forget the Haitian Voodoo Sorcerers.
Honestly we can take south Jersey and head off with VA, MD, and DE they're our true bro states.
Anyone lumping us in with NY should an Hero.
Philly is pretty much NY lite
Virginiafag here let's do this.
>Bay Area in Cascadia
Even Mexico would be too good for those sacks of pigshit, let alone glorious rightful Cascadian clay. They're the whole reason we can't have nice things in the first place.
>fucking nothing
Fuck you in freshman year there was a cute girl in my english class from the allegheny plateau you cunt
In shadowrun native americans have fucking spirit magic and shit.
Roanokefag here, can confirm there is fucking nothing in SWVA.