What's IN FUCKING SIDE ME!!!!!!!!!
I like the way for years Whedon's drones had to doublethink their way around this movie. It was a shitty film but it it was written by their hero.
I liked it. It's not that bad. Lots of good ideas and good directing but the sum is less than all it's parts for some reason. Very watchable movie though.
>As for whether or not how Alien: Resurrection turned out continues to bother him, it turns out that despite the huge level of success he has since achieved, he won't forget it any time soon. "Yeah - you don't ever get over it. When you are making a movie you are making something that is going to last forever, especially now with the internet. So there is always going to be a shitty Alien movie out there. A shitty Alien movie with my name on it."
EXACTLY! Thank You!
this guy is a great character actor
whenever he pops up hes always playing a twitchy nervous guy on the brink of a psychotic breakdown
>watch Prometheus trailer for the first time
>remember being so hype wondering what scene that sound bite came from
>cut what off? where is it? I have to know!
>it literally came from the dumbest fucking scene in the movie
Poor Josh wrote a shit script and was actually called out on it before he became the nerd god.
Honestly I actually like the movie but his writing is fucking horrendous and always has been.
They'll probably do what their idol did and blame the director and actors for not getting his script.
You're all faggots. This movie is great. Whedon is a faggot, too. This is his best work.
que se7en
They actually did. Probably because he tried to blame someone else first but yeah.
Thing is the direction wasn't bad (they wanted City of Lost Children's feel and they got it) and the ending Joss cried about not being in his script was alright. It was 100% his dialogue which made the film so cringeworthy.
Every fucking line that anyone speaks sounds like it was written for the sake of a trailer.
>"I thought you were dead"
>"I get that a lot"
This was before we even would call them "quips".
When I say the movie is "shitty" I mean it's popular to hate on.
Like Starship Troopers was for years before it became cool to like it.
I remember this movie and "Starship Troopers" came out around the same time. I was maybe 9-11? I was watching Flubber and my parents Titanic. After Flubber was over Titanic was still playing so I would sneaking in these two movies back and forth and remember certain scary gore scenes. Miss being a kid.
Alien Resurrection is better than Alien 3.
Thank you. I totally agree. It's right up there with Aliens in my opinion.
So do you think in the next 10-20 years Resurrection will be cool? I personally love Resurrection and I hate how people dis it like it's some TERRIBLE film when its basically the complete POLAR OPPOSITE of horrible. In fact it's full of action, cool cinematography, AMAZING aestetics and nice gore.
People who hate on Resurrection are either film degenerates who hate on ANYTHING that has some form of fantasy attached to it or just can't get around enjoying a fun little action sci-fi film.
You both have shit taste.
Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 (assembly cut) >>> Alien: Resurrection
that prometheus trailer was so good
Who are these whedon fans you are even talking about? Everybody hates that cuck now
Damn, I didn't know The Rock was in Alien Resurrection.
Alien > Aliens > Alien 4 > Alien 3
>>> power gap >> AvP
nothing else even registers on the chart
>muh raptor aliens
>muh hilarious comedy acting
>Muh weird hybrid alien babby
>muh shitty 2 bit made for tv action movie
resurrection is a joke that shouldn't even exist
A:R is kino because of Jean-Pierre Jeunet's direction, not Josh Weeton's script.
>I hear you faced these things before.
>What'd you do?
>I died.
I wasn't even aware whedon wrote the script until recently, wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for Whedon fanboys.