Just fuck me up famalam

Just fuck me up famalam

>Actively discourage support networks
>Actively encourage attacking anything "male"

What could go wrong?

so men can simultaneously rule the world while being crushed by it

>hurr why are men so disillusioned by everything

Return of the patriarchy when?

the patriarchy, is it even scientifically proven to exist?

This just show that the economist doesnt understand economy. If men in production-job do badly the women in the service-jobs will sooner or later suffer too. Male-jobs like farmers and factoryworkers support female-jobs like nurses and barber.

Science is a white male hetero construct senpai.


>>Shit on manliness

>>Shit on sports as being barbaric displays of machismo

>>Shit on male support networks (such as frats) as being misogynistic

>>Simultaneously say women should be everywhere and have everything while not having to work hard to get anything accomplished

>>Call men weak when women start replacing them (due to gender hire quotas) in vast industries like engineering, medicine, etc.

>>Shit on men and call them the weaker sex after having destroyed men everywhere.

The comments give me hope, hopefully america is waking up from this progressive nightmare slowly

>men dominating
>are they the weaker sex?


Daily reminder that the autism is to men as sociopathy is to women. They write these articles because they laugh at the depression, the suicide, the drug use. If female suicide was more prevalent than male, they would be writing about what a horrendous tragedy it was, but until then they will laugh at them as weak.

>the economist

Literally owned by the Rothschilds.

neo-liberalism takes shits on everyone who the elites deem "unworthy" and then turns around and tells you (using pseudoscience) how their facts are right and yours are wrong.

Women bitch, men adapt.

>what is a behavioral sink

>Insulting blue collar men

Well what do they do when their hydro and other utilities go out?

>economy crashes and women start fighting and war erupts then men get blamed for fixing the mess

From a country where women don't get married because they want financial independence more than children.

Interesting adaptation, desu.

>Treat men how they've treated women for centuries and still do in most countries

Feminist theory is just a construct supported by itself. It's a lens to look at the world through, it's not actual theories. You can analyze society by the lens of feminist theory, you can analyze it by the lens of christianity.

Patriarchy is not something that can be proven or disproven, it's just a concept that by definition always exists. Compare it to "the Bible is literally true because it was given by God, which we know because the Bible says so." Feminist theory is similar, it's a construct supported by itself, not by facts.

I, too, remember when "women being women" was given to be a horrible affront, and make hiring quotas were in place.

ask all of the two female engineers in america to do it all

Men generally do all the dirty shit work as well, lead in suicide statistics, and get shorter end of the deal when it comes to scholarships and law. Shitting on men seems to be the flavor of the decade, but deep inside they know who cleans up their toilets and fixes their internet.

You must be new

>financial independenc
in the current Japanese economy? Where are you getting your info

>western societies are culpable for how how third world societies treat heir women

wew lad, that brain washing runs deep

>female jobs

Comparing Christian theology to feminism isn't really all that helpful.

A better comparison would be Marxist literary criticism, and literary criticism in general.

Christianity does not hold itself to be subjective or based on an individual's experiences in any way. There is certainly dogma, but if you try to get any priest to tell you that stubbing your toe is the fault of God, they'll probably laugh at you.

Marxist criticism and feminist criticism, however, are all based on "MUH FEELS" and individual experiences and perspectives. You stubbing your toe could easily be some way for historical determinism to establish a socialist state. Or it could be nothing.

There could be such a thing as "male allies" in feminism, or all men should be eradicated because humanity is cancer.

You don't get those kinds of extremes in mainstream Christianity. Not even the most fanatic hellfire preacher thinks in terms of feelings or experiences or anything else that post-modernism depends on.

Financial independence != being well off.

If you can just barely pay the bills on time, but do pay them, then you are financially independent.

Isn't this our everyday life?

>so men can simultaneously rule the world while being crushed by it

We are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Maybe how you treated women for centuries, Achmed. Among white nations women have been protected from all harm since the dawn of civilization. They have never known a single conflict, or fought in a single war. They have never been left behind to die in a sinking ship. They have never had to go hungry as men split their own rations to keep them fed.

Aww... the thankless cunt had to do absolutely nothing but not burn the roast in the kitchen her husband paid for in the house her husband bought while her husband worked in a coal mine? Such oppression.