In this thread, we name the countries that we think would fight with us,as brothers, in war, and other flags agree or disagree
In this thread, we name the countries that we think would fight with us,as brothers, in war, and other flags agree or disagree
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INB4 first post is axes
What era?
2020 with Trump as president
I mean what era countries are we naming.some countries used to be bros but these days their politics are vomit inducing
also are we leading the war and looking for people to join us or are we in a coalition?When they needed fodder for iraq we sent our people but when we needed help we did not even get hidden support
Belgium, Germany, USA
Russia (even if your current allies find it distasteful), and pretty much everyone you'd expect (Canada, Western Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand, anyone else I'm forgetting).
Depends on who's being fought tbqfmd
Get some tapezilla wargame generator shit going lads:
what if russia would be your enemy, serbia and bulgaria would still be bro?
Because the rest of you are worthless.
>When they needed fodder for iraq we sent our people but when we needed help we did not even get hidden support
Yea, sorry about that homie. Maybe next time?
a lot of these are hilariously believable
>Yea, sorry about that homie. Maybe next time?
Don't worry about it, I don't hold a grudge. Im not an idiot so I knew from the start that no one was going to start global shit for a tiny country, unless they had their own interests/something else to gain.
>Poland would be an ally of Poland
>PORTUGAL (if we asked)
Only if we give peace a chance first.
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don't reply; shill thread
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Yeah, sorry, Georgia. Your best bet would be to team up with Azerbaijan and get that pipeline with Turkmenistan going. If you wanna take on the bear, just fuck up her natural gas monopoly.
>If I put it out it wins
Didn't you lose a war against emu's?
even Germany is an enemy of Germany
Why would Belgium help you invade themselves?
And when are you going to get around to that?
The Anglosphere will always be looking out for one another.
maybe Brazil
other former colonies would probably help with manpower only
at this point its a hopeless endeavor.putin is the type of guy who would make staline level sacrifices so weakening of leadership would be our best bet if e wanted to take on the bear.I wish the government understood as much, we need to fight smart, be it in wars or economics we need to stop pretending that we are as big as united states or that we have leeway for stuff like quotas
Remember, if you lose to your enemy, you win