How do I stop being convinced by other people's arguments, and rigidly support my own, no matter the evidence or debating skills of the other person?
How do I stop being convinced by other people's arguments, and rigidly support my own...
Merkel honestly deserved to be guillotine
Hopefully his new party does that when they take power
You are asking other people how to stop being influenced by other people
what? if youre convinced you lost the debate. as easy as that
>implying they ever will
Yeah I suppose you're right
Well sitting there won't make it so
They are retards, no reason for me to get up
Are you serious? For you and all those reading this thread, the answer is simple - STUDY THE TOPICS, AND FORM YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS.
DO NOT: go to youtube, Sup Forums posts, or infographics.
Instead: find and read books on the topics you wish to learn, read scholarly journals, follow the news (from several sources, not just Breitbart or something), and always be willing to dig deeper, especially on positions you disagree with.
Once you've learned your own positions, DO your due diligence and research your opponents' positions/whatever position you disagree with to first UNDERSTAND what it is you are arguing with, and then to understand it's flaws.
With that you will succeed in any debate you may engage with, unless the person you are up against did better prep. DO NOT rely on Sup Forums for arguments - you become nothing more than a mouth piece.
1. Study and research your "own positions and opinions"
2. Study your opponents opinions and positions; seek flaws in argument
3. ???
4. Profit!
Now get out there and read faggot.
well i think its also not really about loosing the debate but just accepting arguments. a lot of autists cant accept other opinions and arguments tho
be right
Get up for health's sake?
Have you tried being a liberal?
>Not Hitler
Oy vey what a shoah!
>Makes thread asking for advice on how to have some balls
>Right off the bat, Hanz: "Nah, maybe you just accept it."
>OP: "Okay..."
Holy shit, why are you brits so limp wristed?
>"Worst chancellor in history"
The Daily Mirror knows Hitler did nothing wrong!
Permanently? You don't, the other guy always might have something.
At all? Detach from Sup Forums and the newscycle and invest in some in-depth personal philosophical development. Make your beliefs something more than just a reaction by developing principles and connecting to tradition. And get older and see how things that once seemed logical are actually perennial traps that every generation falls for.
Check out
That old testament book supposedly written by Solomon where it says there is nothing new under the sun, sorry I forget what it's called
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Roger Scruton - Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
Rodney Stark - The Triumph of Reason
Daniel Hannan - Inventing Freedom
Youtube Doc - In Search Of The Second Amendment
Movie - Beckett
Movie - A Man For All Seasons
With this you have an introduction to Western Anglo-Saxon legal history and thinking.
>How do I stop being convinced by other people's arguments, and rigidly support my own, no matter the evidence or debating skills of the other person?
If another person uses logic and evidence to demonstrate you are wrong, and you deny it, then your just obstinate, not right.
It takes some strength of mind to crack it open enough to see that you just might have something to learn.
You don't. They are probably right anyways if they already started convincing you.
Just thinks of a derogative label for your opponents. It'll be harder to take them seriously if you don't agree with what they supposedly represent. Sup Forums does it all the time, tumblr too.
Be a woman.
ALSO to add - this does not mean to become dogmatic and stubborn in your stance.
If someone provides a compelling and evidence backed argument, DO feel free to consider and even accept it if it should be so. That way you can learn and grow, and all that garbage.
Firewall your heart with hate
When it comes down to it there is usually a right answer to any dividing issue, so ignore any cunt who says otherwise as it's an annoying and frankly dangerous platitude, also go off what works in reality
If you go through life with the idea that there is a right way to everything you'll never get there, but you'll be able to get rid of a lot of bullshit
Every time someone tries to persuade you on something, pick holes wherever possible
Also read a lot, just horde knowledge because it makes it easier to see these minor faults
Thanks for helping out a fellow brother, Jamal