ITT: Actors and directors' hobbies that are unrelated to film
ITT: Actors and directors' hobbies that are unrelated to film
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is that milo jovovich? she's top qt me love her long time
omg a gamur gurl just like us lemme buy all the resident evil movies and games now
Teen Brooke Shields > Teen Milla Jovovich
Post your comfy 90's pics
post proof
teen brooke shields > any teen, forever.
shes like 15 in that photo.. and it was before feminism and SJW cancer spread to gaming.
believe it or not, before 2007. it didnt matter what gender you were, nobody paid any attention to it.
Girls played games as much as boys.
t. guy who grew up playing his older sisters SNES
>he fell for the 2007 meme
thats when everything started turning to shit.
>The Big Bang Theory (TV Series 2007– )
really makes me think
A big meme from 2006 was girls sucking their BF dick while he played COD. when that wasnt enough to get his attention they started pretending to like vidya and got into gamer culture, it all spiraled from there.
Her hobby of being a footslut?
It being 2007 specifically is a meme.
I need more nostalgic photographs.
>big meme from 2006 was girls sucking their BF dick while he played COD
That never happened to me
It only happened to normies. myspace was full of "im the best gf i suck my mans dick while he plays xbox"
CoD became a meme in mid 2008 when MW1 had its popularity peak.
>jovovich, I'm SHIELDS
I wonder if Milla Jovovich ever played any of the Resident Evils before she did the movies.
thats a thin belt
>Girls played games as much as boys.
Are you joking ?
The first 2 REs were really popular with women for some reason. Like women who didn't play anything else ever still played those.
I blame olivia munn
comfy early 90s
lol, I lost count of how many times I was made fun of for playing games because it was childish
it's childish to you because it became popular when you were a child
Games are childish regardless of gender.
>playing some shitty NES baseball game
Shaking my head to be honest, family.
These were actually quality games, believe it or not.
Millennials just don't understand
pleb should go forward in time and play someting better amirite
More like big publishers realised they could sell more games if they got girls into gaming
It's all marketing bullshit
>you see, the things I like were so much more carefree coincidentally when I was a child
>but politics started to get in the way of things I like coincidentally when I grew up!
Nice nikes
>amerishoes indoors
hush, stop using logic.
His sneaker game is on point.
Do Europeans really walk around the house barefoot or in just socks or is that just a meme? That's really faggy if it's true.
>wearing shoes inside of your house
back before vegans would try to shame you for eating meat and drinking dairy
>walking around in socks like an old dad
Just why?
No we walk around in socks like normal people
Also, you probably wouldn't be wearing socks unless it's cold.
Nah I was playing good games like Little Samson and The Simpsons: Bart vs. The World.
man I haven't had a burger in so long, I want one now
Do you also sleep with shoes on fatty?
for you
We have those things called "slippers". I'm sure in another 50 years Americans are gonna figure it out too.
what the context
Again you guys all seem to act like old people. It's just weird.
I'm weird about feet. I don't want to see people walking around in their smelly socks and barefoot is even worse unless it's the beach or something. I'd prefer it if people just keep their shoes on.
That's probably the 'tism
a) retarded
b) doesn't answer the question
Probably a little but I still say being barefoot in a house is gross even if it's immaculately clean.
you werent born yet.
video games
>Im weird about feet
It also seems childish to ask people to take their shoes off when they come over. That's what our middle age moms used to do. I'm not going to make my friends walk around in socks like we're 10.
a) he's pretending
b) he's fucking pretending
post more milla
here. Why would I be pretending about something like that? Most feet are nasty.
Yeah you're 15 now all grown up
Your wife wasn't born yet, pedo.
>believe it or not, before 2007. it didnt matter what gender you were, nobody paid any attention to it.
>Girls played games as much as boys.
You're so full of shit and everyone around you already figured you out for the pathological liar you are.
Actually,2005 when Wii & XBox brought unbeliveable amounts of cancer to the vidya(some thinkers say it was psone,but wii and especially x360 that brought dudebros,grulgmmr and all other rodents(i think every household in usa had x360 at some point,it was as normal as tv) culture,habits,behaviour and lastly quality of taste we feel to this day.
Gaming is slowly falling into dorky,nimrod area and thats the best thing that could happen to it.
Inb4>>Sup Forums , i dont play vidya for a longbtime now, bcut i would,without the ounce od shame if intelligent,sophisticated,original and artsy games become a thing again.
check minimal reqired iq for playing a game (lets say average pc wrpg)rom 90's,end od 90 tostart of 00s, and after 2004-2005 until today.
Socks are only smelly because you're wearing your shoes 24/7
No,consoles were always consoles, for quality you either had to have pc or amiga.
>SJews took away my games XD
Fuck off back to Sup Forumseddit
Jesus christ, how they managed to lower wheicle for education on lowest masturbator level.
Hairy slut.
>preferring wax whores
nice meme
Games were huge in the 80s and weren't seen as a boy/girl thing for a long time.
5th Element Mila =best Mila!!!
Vida matao omikavjio,Neeloo??
Actually, i think WOW had huge influence, i know a lot of guys who eeither broke uo with their gfs or gfs went to Etheria!? to find them,and become awestruck to the amount attention they got.
>Games were huge in the 80s
Lol, games were only a fraction as popular as they are today. You're just talking smack about stuff you do not even understand.
I think the whole 'badittude' of games that came out during the Sega v Nintendo rivalry caused it. Sega desperately wanted to be the more badass of the two and started marketing edgier games.
Man, I'd like to defeet her if you know what I'm saying.
(coining term "defeet" meaning "expose the feet of")
Are you an idiot? Everyone owned a NES and if you didn't your friend did so you went over to there house, it sold over a hundred million units.
what does Sup Forums think about demi's hobby?
>nothing ever changes
>it just looks different because we got older
Fucking moron.
That sounds more like it'd mean "remove the feet of"
I wish I could help her with that hobby.
Does dethrone mean "to remove the throne" of or design "to remove the sign of"? No.
>to remove the throne
Well, it means "removing the throne from someone".
What's it like to live with the knowledge your dad got raped in prison.
>ywn be sexually molested by those two women at that age later that night