After CNN goes, what other newskino will we have available?
After CNN goes, what other newskino will we have available?
this is the end....
>CNN exposes a troll to the light and it burns
I can understand Sup Forums whining about this but why are norms getting so up in arms about it.
Because you're an idiot
CNN's not going anywhere unlike your annoying orange idiot
It's a little bit crazy that CNN is going after this guy like he produces child porn or something. And this is coming from a liberal and hates Trump. That this is the LEAD story they're running with like it's BREAKING NEWS is embarrassing. CNN needs to get a grip. They're starting to cross a line into Brietbart-tier sensationalism.
>get their accounts shut down
O I am laffin
>massive media company is blackmailing an edgy teenager
weird timeline
>reputable journalists
wtf, reddit are the vile racists not us
whenever reddit does something to offend everyone they cry "it was Sup Forums's idea"
also 9gag and ebaumsworld are pretty racist
would you say we dindu nuffin?
>even libcucks who dont consider them fake news are mad at them
I can't stop laughing
What were they thinking
It's over guys, pack it in. Cecile here has a lock on your Sup Forums account and she's getting it SHUT. DOWN.
lmfao stupid cunt
What if they get the cyber police to backtrace your IP guys. This isn't funny anymore
She's talking about Reddit & Sup Forums's cloudflare accounts, she wants them to stop working with the sites
>imply they'll find my Sup Forums account behind my seven proxies
send me a DM if you want me to help you secure you're 4cham account
what is with jews?? They seem to be doing okay but they still act like the entire world hates them.
Did Karl say he isn't a real actor and only played a monkey again?
what a fucking tool
So she wants to do something illegal and ridiculous because someone said something mean on the internet? How tolerant
it's their best defense mechanism
the eternal victim
reminds me of this
>mfw i realized this is the girl trump attacked on twitter
Something something... Goebbels... naming the jew etc
What did he mean by this?
Because it is simply smacking of wrongthink policing… meaning that CNN—or any other mainstream organization—can simply let their employees decide who is doing disagreeable things and dox them for it.
You see the internet mobs out there. Everyone is so ready to get people fired, publicly shamed, punched, or smacked over the heads with bike locks for simply saying unpopular things that are deemed disagreeable by a vocal majority.
As a wise man once said, “Don’t take refuge in the false security of consensus, and the feeling that whatever you think you’re bound to be okay, because you’re in the safely moral majority.”
It may seem like nonissue child's play now, but that's a good thing. It's best we smack CNN down for this now, before this kind of thing becomes the popular go-to when big giants don't like the sounds coming from the little people.
(((Scientists))) proved that the trauma of the Holocaust is hereditary, so Jews born today are still victims of the Nazis
when they want something they manufacture something and then blame racism to get reparations.
Jews rely on the goyim's sympathy to get them to do they're dirty work while they lie back and count the shekels.
This. I'm pretty left wing actually but this is disgusting.
>ebin the_donald memer gets threatened with having their anonymity taken away and face some minor real life consequences
>immediately caves in and starts crying like a little bitch
oh boy you guys did it now
next time maybe you'll think twice before making fun of people hmmmmm?
we r a gud board
show me libcuck outrage at this
pls help, my password is pussyslayer2002
DM sent
PM'd you the fix :)
>CNN harasses some guy for making a gif because anyone else with power doesnt care about their tears
Same here. I'm 100% left wing communist gay arab and I voted for Hillary, but I voted for BASED LE MAGA KING TRUMP because actually everyone but republicans are against me!
That he's a pussy afraid of being pulled out from behind the curtain of anonymity that is the internet.
>minor real life consequences
If they give out his name, the antifa militia will burn his house down
it really is insane that they went after the faggot redditor
they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
I hope for your sake youve used umatrix for years
Reads like something someone would write with a gun to their head kek
god I hope the tolerant left burn down their own news network. Lmao they just keep eating themselves
And how internet-brave would you remain if this bullshit were to ever swing your way?
they're on to us.
I can see why he didn't want his name getting out.
he's a 15 year old kid, dude
>Not being a Europoor phoneposter
Fuck off, retard.
Old enough to take responsibility for his racist actions.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the sauna.
people take anonymity for granted now and consider it almost an inalienable right to be an asshole on the internet without any consequences, whereas irl you'd get your teeth knocked in for so much of this shit or at least get verbally rekt.
>unplug modem
>replug modem
>new IP
can't stop this hacker on steriods
Yeah, you really have to consider what his girlfriend would think. And his friends and colleagues and loving senpai-
Oh wait, he doesn't have any of those things so I guess it wouldn't matter.
If it turns out that's wrong we'll just recant on page 38
>be tolerant of others or I'll punch you in the mouth
This isn't true. The redditor is an adult. The "15-year-old" rumor just ended up to be a lie transmitted into Chernovich's molars from his "reliable source"
>posting redpills on their own website