This one was good

This one was good

>Tfw you're so crap at playing Spiderman they have to reboot the franchise again for a second time

Unironically think the Garfield movies best captured the spirit of Spider-Man and props to them for having the balls to kill Emma Stone

More like the franchise was forced to reboot because Marvel/Disney agreements to share the same universe in the next movies.

Hate the Lizard design but nice job sneaking in the labcoat for like 10 seconds at least

It was, until the end with the cranes.

That's called being a hipster

I honestly like a lot the world building of both movies. Amazing Spiderman 1 does a great work building characters, more than any raimi film

Also the OST is fucking glorious.

Sony canned ASM 3 because they didn't get as many shekels as they wanted from ASM 2, they considered it a failure.

>Just like the prequels, people will now start to realise the ASM movies were good

The original was extremely better, but this one is watchable and enjoyable, and we get to see other villains

In part truth: because of that they looked for a partnership with Marvel/Disney, adding Spiderman to Civil War. They considered garfield to comeback until they decided to drop the sequel because Marvel was looking their "own" spiderman into MCU and the agreement was settled.

The raimi movies are corny as fuck and it makes it hard to rewatch them.


The first is good. The second is way weaker cos they try to build up the world far too much and let the quality of the film drop as a result.

Should've had no goblin (but have harry), and have Electro act completely on his own and explore his character a bit more.

The new one is pretty good, the vulture is done really really well.

everyone that like this shit got no taste even for capeshit

generic as fuck plot,terribly written,weak character,bad actors,fucked pace etc

Spiderman 3 was far better than this shit desu


That was my only real criticism. The crane scene felt a little too contrived, too.

I really don't like the TASM movies at all, but the ending of both movies is pure kino, not even Raimi movies achieved that.

Garfield is the perfect Spiderman, but a shitty Parker.

Just the first one. The second one was rightly criticized for being overstuffed because Sony wanted to build a rival cinematic universe.

Isn't that the question of the day?

>but the ending of both movies is pure kino
Yes, I especially love how the ending of The Amazing Spider-Man 1 is identical to Raimi's Spider-Man 1. He certainly had a better ending, despite them being exactly the same.

Stonefags are cancer, no it isn't.

But that's the magic of Spiderman, watching the same movie each 5 years. Is cool!

Certainly gots flaws, but yeah, it's okay, and certainly better than Spider-Man 3 or its own sequel.

i saw this with my sisters boyfriends kid, he asks me halfway through the film if Spider-man is real

no it wasn't good in any way. This one and especially 2 are on Jack and Jill levels of cynical film making.
>completely undermine and defeat the purpose of Uncle Ben's death solely to avoid saying the famous line
>I will find Ben's killer!
>lets just ignore that lol
I could go on forever but this alone makes the movie shit for me because its supposed to be the entire premise for both it and the sequel. Shit movie, shit!

I hope you told him the truth.


balls to do it, but completely lacking in the competence of execution (intentional pun). I enjoy the fucking comic pages more than the multi million dollar recreation. Its missing all the vital elements that made that scene engaging in the first place, mainly the Green Goblin being an actual fucking character. God I just hated everything about this so much. Why is it in a clock tower? Why is the clock tower right next to a power plant? Why do they drop her multiple times, seemingly to tease the audience, when we know whats going to happen? Why does the web form a hand? Why couldnt they decide on falling to her death, making it spider-man's fault on accident, or completely goblin's fault? Why does it happen at the end of the movie and only has impact for a span of three minutes in form of a montage? aaaaaaah someone kill me please


Feige was open to using Garfield in Civil War. Even after the trainwreck of ASM2. Garfield didn't play Sony's games prior to disney negotiations and sony was done with him. ASM 1 and 2 would have retroactively become MCU movies, but through negotiations it all got dropped.

The Raimi movies are more fun to rewatch because they're so corny. It makes them feel more genuine.

It was really well done, which is why theyre remembered so fondly. It balanced drama and humor very well, not just generic campy shit.