Why is VJ looking so thicc nowadays?
Why is VJ looking so thicc nowadays?
why does ever girl in her 20s look exactly the fucking same?
Kamino for thots
I fucking wish every girl in her 20s looked like that
>he's reeeing now
Looks pretty skinny to me.
are you on crack?
my dick in her would double her weight
trying to attract bbc
she looks exactly the same as she always did
fuck VJ who's here friend?
i cant get into her, looks like a 13 year old
Nina is the thicc mans VJuice
>I can only hang out with friends who are as hot as me because I disregard all other facets of a person
Dumb bitch
fuck off r9k, if her friend was ugly you'd say
>I only hang out with ugly people to make myself look even more attractive
Nevermind. I just found out that it's her sister. Disregard what I said
You miserable cunt
>I only hang out with family because I'm overprotected and scared of the outside world
Dumb bitch
You think that's thicc?
bet buddha envies them for reaching such spiritual void
do you mean thicc or do you mean mature?
Pretty much. She's amazing
thicc in ethiopia maybe
that's morbidly obese, a few levels past thicc
how do I get a girlfriend like her?
t. Low test beta
have money
be a producer in hollywood
Roll an 18 on a 100,000,000,000 sided die
sheiks love them thicc
she's a goddess
uninspired degenerate
>go to gym in flip flop
>end up exercising barefoot
It's nice that they're trying I guess, but fuck them, really.
Selena Gomez was objectively the best starlet ever. Also Wizards was the best children sitcom ever.
>burgers want to deport this
I'm an average looking manlet who doesn't make a lot of money
Is her name real? That's way too cool.
No, unfortunately her real name is Beatrice Reynolds
She can't act or sing, eye candy really is all she is. Sad!
I can't wait for the Victoria JUSTice threads in the future.
each "C" adds 100lbs
People still care about her?
Look at her boob sweat in this picture, it's somewhat vomit inducing
She's legal and not on benefits
Every "hawt" girl
Isn't she Puerto Rican?
That's the "I'm having fun on vacay XD" look they post for instagram.
she's mixed puerto rican and white
>tfw you will never be her girlfriend
Skinny girls only look good with some clothes on, once they remove it they become unattractive to me.
When i watch porn i always avoid the skinny girls and go for slightly thiccer ones.
Why not both
I don't need Dan's sloppy seconds