lucky JEW bastard
Lucky JEW bastard
Jesus user what does that have to do with anything?
Cool it with the Anti-Semitic remarks
>ywn grow up in 1980s finance
now its filled with gooks and poos playing computer games with markets
>ywn make shitloads in commission using high pressure sales tactics to make innocent families invest in risky investments, then proceed to blow it all on living a hedonistic lifestyle in the gogo 80's
kill me now
>ywn sell snakeoil to retards who empty their 401 into your pump and dumps and you cash out into a trust held in the british virgin islands with your mother as trustee without her knowledge and then the right to return the trust property to yourself when the trustee reaches a particular age, so that you can enter a new person as trustee and keep the assets out of taxable reach or liability
just fucking blow my dick into the moon lads
>ywn sell tons of fixed rate mortgages to extremely high risk individuals in order to resell the mortgages on the financial markets, crashing the global economy in the process, but when the government gets mad at you they just fine you for less money than you made reselling the mortgages so you still end up making millions of dollars in profits
life has no meaning
Bateman worked in investment banking, M&A specifically, not some stock brokarage crap. You help with the sale of companies / purchase of companies. Your client is either a company or a private equity fund.
Investment banking is probably the most "white boys' club" of all high paying professions, especially M&A.
t. Corporate finance consultant (M&A)
>ywn crash the global economy by selling and buying junk toxic assets and make tens of millions per person and then the government and regulator fines your company all it does it punish the shareholders from the public because the private individuals dont get fined
i wanna be tied to a rocket and shot into the fake moon landing
have fun working for them you goy.
i thought MnA was just lawyers? are you saying Bateman was an accountant going over the financials of companies being purchased? i dont think he was a lawyer
M&A Lawyers are a big part of it, but they work mostly in Big law firms, not Investment banks.
M&A Investment Bankers have a Finance background, not accounting. M&A is mostly about valuation. Accounting won't do you much good. Knowing the operative side (e.g. engineering, management consulting background) is a much more useful complement to Finance.
t. Masters degree in Finance
No kikes in Scandinavia
i got a law undergrad, will a finance masters get me into IB or MnA? I wanna make big bux and fuck jewish ladies
Law + Finance is absolute master tier combo for M&A if you're good at it/have experience/good degrees
That said, you need to know corporate law. I'm not good at the various law fields so you need to figure out that yourself.
>tfw Sikhs won't stop killing the Israelis in Sri Lanka
Still the exact same in mergers and acquisitions in Australia
t. work in it
How did a woman manage to direct such a great film?
I'm not wearing underpants and just got some fluff on my knob. It was really itchy.
im in aus. law undergrad. if i do finance/econ masters I can be in white people MnA in Aus?
If you have good grades and are good at networking, sure
It's very difficult to get into though
good grades, not a big fan of networking, that shits gay, but id do it if it was required to get in the game
t. watching lawyers do "speed networking" and "lawyer brunches and fun runs" and wanting to kill myself before doing that gay shit
Yeah it's a fucking horrible part of your life but you've really got to do it if you want to get any kind of job, let alone a good one. The job market is a bit fucked right now and you've got to get any leg up that you can.
Networking is the single most important aspect of being successful at anything you peasant
>tfw short, ugly and stutter so will never be successful because no one respects me
>I saw that jew bastard spinning a fucking menorah on his desk
sounds fucking gay
id rather die poor than live like some faggy sycophant trying to ingratiate myself with some faggot i hate
>anti-semetic remarks
Not sure why the fuck you want to get into finance then. Pick something else because being an asocial loner isn't going to get you far at all.
theres going around to faggy functions and being a nerd and theres being a normal human and then theres asocial
if i cant be a normal human and my job becomes networking i dont think i want that job
Finance is filled with turbo Chads so if you don't like the idea of playing golf and tennis with the boys and then getting hammered, it might not be for you.
Look at that faggot Louis in the background.
>thinking Louis was gay
KEK look who didn't understand the movie lads!
>all those mini-sized 'meals'
>Bateman won't give the maitre'd head
How was he not gay? Are you implying he's just one of Batman's imagined friends?
Dude I've read the fuckin book as well. I don't know what you're trying to do here.
Brainlets detected
I think it's kind of weird how antiquated that first restaurant looks despite the movie coming out in 2000. Yeah, I mean 17 years can do a lot, but still.
Unless you have anything else to say on a subject, kys senpai
Are you trying to imply that Bateman was a guy who never left his house and just sat around day dreaming all day long and that not a shred of the story was real in anyway?
>you will never live in Patrick Bateman's apartment
I wonder how much it costs.
>Suddenly I find myself eyeing a very pretty homeless girl sitting on the steps of a brownstone on Amsterdam, a Styrofoam coffee cup resting on the step below her feet, and as if guided by radar I move toward her, smiling, fishing around in my pocket for change. Her face seems too young and fresh and tan for a homeless person’s; it makes her plight all the more heartbreaking. I examine her carefully in the seconds it takes to move from the edge of the sidewalk to the steps leading up to the brownstone where she sits, her head bowed down, staring dumbly into her empty lap. She looks up, unsmiling, after she notices me standing over her. My nastiness vanishes and, wanting to offer something kind, something simple, I lean in, still staring, eyes radiating sympathy into her blank, grave face, and dropping a dollar into the Styrofoam cup I say, “Good luck.”
>Her expression changes and because of this I notice the book—Sartre—in her lap and then the Columbia book bag by her side and finally the tan-colored coffee in the cup and my dollar bill floating in it and though this all happens in a matter of seconds it’s played out in slow motion and she looks at me, then at the cup, and shouts, “Hey, what’s your goddamn problem?” and frozen, hunched over the cup, cringing, I stutter, “I didn’t … I didn’t know it was … full,” and shaken, I walk away, hailing a taxi, and heading toward Hubert’s in it I hallucinate the buildings into mountains, into volcanoes, the streets become jungles, the sky freezes into a backdrop, and before stepping out of the cab I have to cross my eyes in order to clear my vision. Lunch at Hubert’s becomes a permanent hallucination in which I find myself dreaming while still awake.
was it autism?
Oh you have no idea.
So what do irl Bateman's actually do on a day to day basis?
I get what lawyers or accountants would do, but guys like Bateman?
Make deals for their client, hammer out the terms of the M/A?
Sitting in meetings, talking with clients, or reading/writing docs?
At VP level, pretty much. At analyst level, crunch excel.
Bateman himself just postponed meetings and watches tv and listens to music all day.
>tfw standing in public, talking to people, buying something etc
>feeling spagetthi starting to spill
>remember Bateman's effortless smoothness
>try to mimick it
Anyone else do this?
a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.
Want me to fry you up some repeating digits? Some fucking dubs?
I hear /biz/ is getting investigated by the FBI and dea.
Huh the painting is upside down.
why is there just a single chair in the corner?
Was he a jew?
I think this is the longest on-topic American Psycho thread I've seen in a while
No, he's a Chad. Chad's don't bother with anti-semitism, it's uncool.
It's a shame most AP discussion is impossible due to dubs.
This is depressing
It's the bold boy corner
I think Bateman was supposed to be ultra wasp.
What did he mean by this?
Why? The M&A world still exists today like it was back then.
It's the stock broker/stock trader world that has disappeared and turned into algorithmic trading by math phds.
Fun fact: Sherman McCoy, the protagonist of Bonfire of the Vanities, worked at the same firm as Patrick Bateman.
Why do so many people despise networking? Have you even tried it before? I met some very decent people by doing it. Some of them actually helped me to get me where I am today.
Cause it's so artifical and shallow. We both know we're trying to extract resources from each other, why are we doing a song and dance trying to buddy up? Why not cut the shit and just be upfront?
because that's how people connect. no one is gonna want to help out some asshole.
Networking is dialogue. You can't objectivate everything in life, and just talking with others about their professions can develop in information you hadn't thought about beforehand.
Plus it's connecting with one another, which isn't bad in any case.
But we arent connecting, we're just acting like we are. It's like fast acquaintances. I'd never do any favours for you, I only know you from work, and all you are to me is a stepping stone to some money. We're not friends.
It's weird to me to force the comradery when it doesnt exist
That card is a mess, I can see why he would be upset.
You shouldn't just approach people with that "I hate doing this, but I want your connections" vibe. People smell that from a mile away. It sounds cheesy, but when I talk to people I am sincerely interested in their career, accomplishments and life experience. Its the perfect way to break the ice, because people like talking about themselves. Moreover, you'll probably learn something valuable.
You could say the same thing about making friends and getting a girlfriend
>we aren't connecting, just acting, i only know you from work/school/sport. we only do things together to not feel alone/to have sex
But it is connecting. sure it's only business. but you are displaying what kind of character you are.
You are going to them for help. you are not in an opportunity to say "lets cut the shit and get to business" because you have not earned that privilege.
that kinda is how i feel but it also feels good to connect to them.
I am taking this on board, and you are making me question my beliefs and hatred for networking.
So it's like... when I'm not in the office 'doing work' like actual work, I should be on 'charismatic networking mode' all the time? Just 2 modes, and then the 3rd mode is me when I'm not at work, but with the gf and family etc or relaxing?
>Bateman worked in investment banking
Didn't their cards all say Mergers and Acquisitions?
(with acquisitions misspelled on the cards)
>I should be on 'charismatic networking mode' all the time
On some dedicated occasions that's all.
Is networking mode just banter and having a good vibe? Like the way you can pick up a girl or have a chat with some random guy when youre bored? Or do you have to relate it to work?
Whenever I see lawyers "networking" its just this lame "so what do u do... oh i do... oh do you know... oh i know..." fuck sake
Have you never had a 5 course meal before you utter pleb?
Yeah, it's just connecting and keeping in touch with people who you know are on the same marketplace as you. It's pleasant and can be useful at some point in your life.
Not much more to get, at least from my point of view.
Or maybe you can stop being so prejudiced and try to be actually interested in people.
There's 'networking' as they try to feed it to you at University which involves rather boring get togethers of desperate clamouring individuals and then when you actually get a real job there is real networking building where essentially you try and become a smart, resourceful, BNOC that everyone loves. The boss of the small engineering company I work for is exactly that, he's just a fucking boss who has loads of friends and connections in high places and can get stuff done and I thought networking was a boring buzzword until I met him.
ive got a personality disorder so its not prejudice its just how i am. people became tools to me after a few bad run ins with people. i decided to stop trusting and liking people and just see what they can do for me.
Yeah, well, deep down everyone is an asshole. That's how we survived for eons. We still need each other though. You can build trust with people by finding common ground.