Why do boys pretend to like Star Wars?

Why do boys pretend to like Star Wars?

where is the boobsweat poster when you need him


I would make a joke about cocks and her mouth but I don't really want to imagine it
Star Wars is dead. Bury it

What is wrong with her mouth?

>swn gnaw on your dick with those chompers

I actually think her weird teeth are p cute

i like her smile, bros


Wow, she is one ugly bitch. Good thing she has a tight pooper

This x1000. Star Wars was my favorite thing as a kid. I honestly can't even bear to watch the old ones now due to what they've done, let alone be bothered to watch any of the new ones after how bad EP VII was and how cookie cutter and pointless Rouge One was. I feel the same way about marvel movies too. The only reason I still see those is because my girlfriend has the mentality of a 5 year old and likes that cookie cutter shit.

She looks like a gremlin.

/r/movies is 95% male


>posting a solid waifu heatmap

is this supposed to be insulting?

I honestly don't understand why she's a movie star. While in every day life she'd be a solid 8/10, for hollywood, she's just too weird looking relative to how actresses are supposed to look.

>anti-daisy posters
you're just depressed because Rooroo was Weinsteined and Kate Mara has been blacked

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)


she's supercute

>this is an 8/10 to you
you are genuinely a closeted homosexual

All of those look like shit reddito

t. reddit


She's a 6/10 at best

t. Pleb autist

I don't see Daisy or the Force Awakens anywhere on that chart, retard

t. reddit

It doesn't nees to be retard Sup Forums is reddit and are you seriously implying reddit doesn't love shitwars and episode shit? They all have seen 200 movies so they think IV and V are the best films of their time.

Daisy isn't there because she isn't an actress but you fags still post her everyday. When will you stop?

Maisie williams tier


t. reddit

>you fags still post her everyday
>calling us fags for posting females
that's the gayest thing I've ever heard
waifu threads and cunnyposters are the only thing stopping reddit invading this board you know that right
>Daisy isn't an actress
thats funny user, how many films are you in?
thats what I thought, pathetic loser.
I'd tell you to kill yourself but your lifestyle of mediocrity and quotidian desperation is already killing you slowly

professional photography, makeup, photoshop, and lighting can make any women look good

Holy shit daisyfags actually think she's attractive and an actress. Shes a literal who and a coke whore too apparently.

>th-th-the o-only r-reason sh-she looks s-so h-hot in th-that p-picture is b-because its p-pro! a-anyone c-can look like t-that!

>a coke whore
thats your GoT reddit princess Sophie "blacked" Turner

No, it really can't.


She is virtually the same as sophie kek, you haven't heard she was coked up and annoying on the set of the last jedi? Carrie 2.0


>You will never go out partying with Daisy
>you will never have a little too much to drink and get a little tipsy
>you will never drunkenly confess your love to her
>you will never see her face light up but know she can't take advantage of you in this state
>Daisy will never drive you home and tuck you into bed in your inebriated state
>Daisy will never kiss you goodnight and tell you she'll wait until you tell her sober to embrace you



you're right, it's never fooled anyone before

looks like SOMEBODY got passed over for their big Force Awakens break!

Pretty good example actually.

whats your point
all those women look terrible
the one on the left looks passable but has a bitch face and the redhead clearly shaves her monobrow

The Mask remake with her as Jim Carrey genderbender version when

unironically going to fap to these

just kill me already

Okay, what's the big list of female-centric franchises?

The Hunger Games
Star Wars
50 Shades of Gray
Harry Potter?



George himself has mentioned a thousand times that he created this franchise for "young boys". This new feminist power-fantasy bullshit is not star wars.

>George himself
What's he the owner of again?

I bet you think MTV is a television network for music videos too