>171 people show up to Hilldawg's speech
>at a venue that can hold 4000
>media photoshops in supporters
You can't make this shit up
>171 people show up to Hilldawg's speech
>at a venue that can hold 4000
>media photoshops in supporters
You can't make this shit up
Other urls found in this thread:
Why bother going to a rally when she's a shoe-in?
While you spergs are stressing out and living in denial for the next three months, we get to sit home and wait for an easy victory.
literally a treehouse full of conservatives
Why bother going to a rally when she's a shoe-in?
While you spergs are stressing out and living in denial for the next three months, we get to sit home and wait for an easy victory.
It's this. I support Hillary, but I'd not go to any of her rallies. What for? I already know her stances, I already know I'm going to vote for her.
I'd probably go to a Trump rally just to see what stupid shit he's gonna say next, but this isn't a good thing. I mean, drawing crowds because they want to see you say dumb things isn't anything to be proud of.
does anybody have a coat? sure is shilly in here
faggot with an anti-treehouse agenda
Aren't you supposed to be leafs?
Dumb safespace poster
Do you not know how to read polls or something?
It's literally just random people in random poses photoshopped on top of each other
A bunch of people seem to have been cut entirely in half
>polls are incapable of being manipulated
>trusting polls
You are not good at blending in, shill.
>feelz over realz
>mfw you look close at that pic and see what a bad photoshop it is.
It's literally just a picture from another event. I mean I fucking hate the woman, but let's be objective here. Our objectivity and factual higher ground is what makes us better than them.
>omg!! ok wel the entire internet may be a safe place for liberals, that still doesn't mean u can have a single one!!1!1'
Check out the guy in the center-right of the pic.
He is an obvious manlet but he towers over everyone around him.
Whoever did this cannot into proportions
"Hurt me more, Hillary!"
Isn't there any candidate that people believe in?
Shillary detected
Weird, here I was all these years hearing from pol that safe spaces were an inherently pussified concept and that liberals were faggots that couldn't handle reality
Thankfully the Olympics are happening, you get a gold... in mental gymnastics!
$.05 has been deposited into your account.
Haha, this isn't even a safe place. However a place where you can actually talk in peace without 50 fucktards interrupting them and downboating.
(aside from the occasional """shill""" who thinks irritating other Sup Forumsacks is the highest form of comedy. (You) related)
Can't wait until HillShills start photo-shopping larger crowds into press pics using North Korean Editing tools.
>hey everyone! remember me? i got big rallies too!
You must have missed the "shill blocker" threads.
This is a photo of the Cavs victory parade.
Record: Corrected.
>Why bother going to a rally when she's a shoe-in?
Hopefully they don't bother to vote either.
This. I hope Hillary takes Texas just to send a powerful message to republicucks to stop being dumbasses.
Man that's fucking awkward.
Everyone named Alex is a faggot
Based Cernovich
That was the most cringe joke I've seen in a long time. Gas yourself faggot
dayum clowns, at least check the thread before you copy and paste your ctr drivel...
I'm surprised Sup Forums isn't jumping on this, we love shoops
Not gonna happen, I live a very fulfilled life. You sound upset, trumplet
Really causes a ponderance
So much this.
All these MRA Trilby wearing pussies voting for trump.
This entire board is trash.
Why am I the only one who saw Shadow Bill?
>imagine if Hillary Clinton was popular
>Why bother going to a rally when she's a shoe-in?
Thank you for:
2 Shekels have been deposited into your account.
Independent polls say different
Implying that doesn't sound comfy
> theconservativetreehouse.com
Wow thanks for that facebook post. Now, got a source for that?
>lives a very fulfilled life
>shills for hill on a Taiwanese trading card forum for sheckles
That's the entirety of the Hillary campaign...
Look up Rick Poole Arizona poll you jabroni
and he's not even paid to do it like you are!
Hmmmmmmmm...... Makes U think
>W-why bother going to a rally when she's a s-shoe-in?
Yeah, why bother going to the voting booth for her when she's a shoe-in.
That's not how elections work.
If people can't be arsed to show their support for her now, how can you be sure they'll show their support for her when it matters?
Looks like support to me
Please clap.
its amazing you think this is a good thing
only means trump will snipe her on election day cause OOPS NOBODY WENT OUT
It's this your first election or something? Like I know half the people here aren't even old enough to vote, but lol
And yet those same kind of people couldn't be arsed to get up off the couch and support her.
Smells low energy to me. Hope they get up off the couch when it actually matters.
its got that same feeling you get from background crowds in fighting games that are slightly out of place
i like how you say nothing but still act smug
Why bother going to a rally when she's a shoe-in?
While you spergs are stressing out and living in denial for the next three months, we get to sit home and wait for an easy victory.
Romney is going to crush Obama! It's going to be a blowout!
>posting pictures of a black rapist
Hello shill
Do you get paid bi-weekly or monthly from CTR?
that has been the mantra of the DNC for the past 20 years
Uh-oh, you're making mistakes.
>Tsk, tsk.
>$3,000 has been deducted from your account.
>Report for remedial CTR training at 8 am.
Nice catch. These faggots can't get a good job for a reason. Useless twats.
I don't think Texas is going to flip yet this year, but a bunch of other red states will
Hilarious. I work full-time in software development, though. It pays quite well, so I have no need to chase pennies on a Mongolian scat BBS, if the media and politicos even considered you relevant in the first place
>I support my fav sports team
> it's not like I want to see them play or anything
Being from Slovakia you sure are knowledgeable about US politics. Enjoy your nickel shill.
Third one's a fucking leaf.
You people are spazzing out. Good. Tell us, is it because of the Choco Doc's diazepam injector? Her most recent public seizure? The based economic proposals of Trump? Impending new leaks coming?
Never mind, I answered my own question
>All of the above
Someone pointed out that it has at least one gaping error: it asked an equal number of people from each state what they thought and didn't adjust for population when factoring it into the total.
All of Wyoming's people may be Republicans but there are about about 300,000 of them, much less than 1/50th of the total population.
You're trying too hard, and still failing miserably. You messed up by not coordinating with your fellow CTR's. And you're just not convincing. You argue like a jew.
Try harder, faggot.
I imagine an old, overweight woman writing this joke and being very satisfied with it.
Thanks, leafbro. These people are indeed useless twats. Probably were suckered into ungodly usurious debt for 'social justice' degrees at an expensive indoctrination camp run by older, fatter and more useless twats. They can look forward to a soul-crushing life of shilling for shekels, many feline companions and eating feline food to not starve to death while they shill shit they don't believe to pay off that debt.
>Oh noes, look out!
>Don't always land on feet
> rapist
Oh is he? Can you show me where he got convicted? I'll wait.
Rest assured, democrats won't go to the polls either.