Developments 8 August >ISIS destroys ancient Assyrian sites in Hasakah >ISIS destroys ancient Assyrian sites in Hasakah >Syrian Army deploys 100 tanks, 400 BMP’s to Aleppo >Syrian Army advances in east Hama capturing several villages >2,000 iraqi fighters to arrive in southern Aleppo front >Syrian Army attacks northern Aleppo under Russian air cover >Turkish soldiers save wounded US intel agent on Syrian border >ISIS attacks US-backed rebels near Iraqi borders >Reminder: Al-nursa to rebrand itself and “break away” from Al-qaeda in hopes to gain western support >UN Yemen Envoy Announces One-Month Recess for Peace Talks >Houthi forces advance 10km deep into Saudi territory: Mujtahidd >ISIS falling apart inside Iraqi city of Mosul: US >ISIL Terrorists Capture 3,000 Fleeing Iraqis: UNHCR >Libyan forces storm ISIS bastion at Sirte >Ahmadinejad to Obama: You still have time to fix ‘bitter past' & return $2bn to Iran >Indian forces arrest more than 1,000 protesters in Kashmir
So apparently I'm a nusrat shill now according to backwards & upsidedown land, really make you think.
Robert Mitchell
Just how big is the US involvement in this conflict? I just saw a 20 min compilation of "rebels" firing ATGMS at pretty much anything so that means that there have to be some people training the rebels in how to use these weapon systems (Tow, kornet, fagot). Are these people straight up US soldiers/operatives? Where is the training done? Im just curious if theres some solid info about that.
Nicholas Martin
>Just how big is the US involvement in this conflict? The conflict wouldn't exist if it werent for the US and especially hillary clinton. Just like Libya and Iraq.
Jayden Long
They've already been trained a long time ago, the ones that were trained have trained other rebels.
Hudson Gonzalez
They are trained in Turkey and Jordan
Camden Martinez
anyone else watch Assad's latest interviews and feel he's genuine in his cause?
Brayden Taylor
This off the top of my head. Both the CIA and DoD are training the rebels in Tow, kornet, and so forth. Much of the weaponry and funding is also supplied by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and a few others that I cannot remember. Kurds in Syria receive their training almost exclusively from the navy seals in hasaka province, while air support comes from both navy and air force and the western European coalition.
Blake Sanders
>Kurds in Syria receive their training almost exclusively from the navy seals in hasaka province So that explains why.
My turkish friend keeps saying "if halep (aleppo) falls to jihadists, the future fall of antep (gaziantep) will be inevitable" because Gaziantep is basically a rebel highway. There is a reason ISIS has a "Gaziantep Emir" and Nusra uses the city as a recruitment center
Luke Mitchell
The Emirate guy from before is an Algerian named Abdulhakeem.
He still thinks that the backbone of the rebellion isnt a jihadist wet dream.
praise assad
Henry Baker
No. The issue isis faces is how spread thin they are and the various enemy combatants. Isis fights SAA, SDF, is, peshmerga, and sometimes the FSA. They are spread too thin to be an effective combat force. If they had to exclusively fight the SDF, then things might be different, but who knows, I could be wrong.
Liam Ward
of course he is
not only is he fighting to keep Syria part of the axis of resistance he is also fighting to prevent the genocide of the alawited
Nathan Davis
Not to sound like a carpetbagger, but after the war, what are the chances of me getting work in a construction firm rebuilding Syria?
Evan Green
I don't mean that, more I'm talking about what I see when I see the fighters of each group. YPG are easily the most well trained by far and away.
Brandon Gonzalez
and Christians as well
Thomas Richardson
Ok so from what I can gather the US is arming just about everyone in that region. So who do they actually want to win? Is constant chaos the objective? They say they want to "stabilize" the region by "arming the "good guys" but I dont see that happening even if the "bad" Assads regime fell today. Is the US lying or incompetent? Or a combination of both? How much did Putin fuck up their plan?
Hunter Sanders
I doubt the usa will contribute in this in terms of foreign aid. Russia, China, and maybe a few other nations may contribute some foreign aid, but I doubt an American would be able to find work. The Syrian government will most likely restrict this to Syrian citizens.
Luke Bailey
Depends who will be the head of the land. But you should invest your time in Aleppo since they are hard workers and it will be the first city to be rebuilded.
Brandon Howard
In Syria they are directly helping only the SDF with airstrikes, the SDF has done the best job so far in removing ISIS.
Carter Hill
They don't want anyone to win besides maybe the Kurds. They just want the war to keep going so they can get their cheap oil from ISIS But since that's been exposed and now they're reluctantly making moves against ISIS, Kurdistan is their only shot at that iraq/isyrian oil pipe dream and will also be used to throw Turkey into civil war and unseat Erdogan, at least if Clinton makes office.
Oliver Nelson
probably high if you can provide english education on the side over there... you'd have to move there i imagine as there'd be no 'online applications' lel
from what i gather, US lying to remove Assad and install a puppet leader to serve oil interests within region
James Rogers
The US has its own oil, why bother getting it form ISIS? If anything a war in a region with oil fields makes oil more expensive.
Josiah Peterson
Daniel Thomas
Ryder Stewart
>oil more expensive Not when it's sold tax-free underpriced (below even the saudis' underpricing) on the black maret. But again, that has pretty much stopped and it was more for the Dutch (shell) and BP (note how ISIS showed up shortly after deepwater horizon blew up, sank, and leaked a shitton of oil)
Robert Robinson
My mistake.
>So who do they actually want to win?
Rebels and kurds. essentially turn Syria into a puppet state that will be friendly towards israel. Clinton emails confirm this.
>Is constant chaos the objective? They say they want to "stabilize" the region by "arming the "good guys" but I dont see that happening even if the "bad" Assads regime fell today.
Puppet govenment similar to the Iraqi government.
> Is the US lying or incompetent? Or a combination of both?
Most likely it's incompetence as I personally believe that President Obama does view president assad as the bad guy and you have to consider that Obama is the one in charge of all of this and he receives all of this information on a daily basis. He knows who is advancing, which groups are leading whom, and so forth. He has proven himself to be an incapable military commander.
>How much did Putin fuck up their plan?
A lot. He now has to accept that Syria will never be a puppet state, this is why he is trying to negotiate for Kurdish autonomy and a transitional government. He can't hand pick his leader anymore.
Colton Davis
Chase Edwards
Parker Nelson
Opps, I thought it would save as a gif.
Isaac Bell
Sebastian Green
I dont understand what the deal is with people around Clinton. Is all this shady stuff really actually helping America? America has immense power to do good, but instead they do this. They create chaos because its profitable for somebody and it makes them richer and richer. Seems extremely pointless to me because im pretty sure there are infinite ways to become extremely rich and powerful especially since theyre already rich to begin with. They play these retarded games but they dont seem to be all that clever to me.
>Is all this shady stuff really actually helping America? It's only to help the rich get richer and get the muslims to kill each other in a pointless war over what ultimately amounts to autism.
Samuel Johnson
US Objectives:
Primary: Impose a puppet government loyal to Washington
Secondary: Keep the nation and region unstable so Syria can not function as a credible threat to US policy in the region
Tertiary: Balkanize Syria so that it is weaker than it would be as a whole nation, and thus a weaker threat to US policy in the region.
If the US can't meet it's primary objective, it will switch to secondary, and if it can't achieve those it will focus on the tertiary objective. There is no plan for having Assad win and keep Syria whole in US foreign policy.
Caleb Wilson
kek did Philip/Stanley tell you
Cameron Price
They dont think that arming different rebel groups (ISIS, al Quaeda (Nusra whatever), and the others) will fuck up the process to create a puppet state if the Assad regime falls? Who would the even back and pick to become the puppet leadership? Theres so many rebel groups its not even funny. And by creating ISIS they instantly got a group that wont probably agree to any peace talks and will have to be eradicated completely which will slow down the process considerably. I would think that they would want this to be over as quickly as possible so they can deal with China and other stuff. They really seem malicious in their intent and also incompetent at the same time which makes predictions and understanding pretty difficult.
Chase Collins
it all benefits Israel
Jackson Wilson
Because they control them. All sunni are led by the beard by the muslim brotherhood. Who do you think controls the muslim brotherhood?
Joshua Sullivan
>"This will be a historic visit, a new beginning. In the talks with my friend Vladimir, I believe, a new page in our relations will be turned. Our countries have much to do together," Erdogan said in an interview with the Russian state news agency Tass. >my friend Vladimir
>people still think that Turkey is in NATO to this day
Nicholas Stewart
Blake Rivera
Just got blocked by a former US intelligence official by telling him all the shit the rebels have done and telling him about MIT saying Bashar dindu nuffim. ME: 1 CIA: 0
Henry Barnes
Fucking kekked
Cooper Morris
>censoring chile bro
It filters the replies to blocked names / unique ids / flags
>Turkey doing the same thing its been doing since the Straits Convention
News at 11
Grayson Rogers
Ok so it all boils down to control over resources (oil) and security of Israel.
Whats with this relationship between the US and Israel? USA is using Israel to project their power into the region and Israel is using the US to stay strong and alive. But is this relationship really equally beneficial to both sides? USA seems to be sucking the Israeli dick really really enthusiastically, even Trump mentions his love and support of Israel in almost every speech. And then he goes on to talk about Korea, NATO and Japan and he never gives as much love to those.
Also is Saudi Arabia USAs bitch or is it the other way round? Saudis fund a lot of anti american shit and the US seems to not care at all. Both SA and Israel seem to be untouchable.
Joshua Gonzalez
anyone fpresee Erdogan siding with Assad eventually?
house niggasss
dis nigga blazeddd up
Cameron Bell
He blocked me too because i asked him to comment on hillary selling uranium to russia. Hes a big Hillary shill and said the leaks are FSB psy ops
Adam Perez
nah Al-saud isn't USA's bitch, too egotistical, but very ignorant and easily toppled imo
refer to Clinton's last speech and you'll see the relo between US and Israel senpai
Kayden Diaz
>FSB psyops using the US Gov's own public data Oh my kek.
Justin Collins
Aiden Gray
Don't believe your eyes user, all that we see and seem is but a dream within a dream.
Andrew Allen
He said a similar thing to me after I informed him the hacker has been around for years and is Romanian
Thomas Wilson
ok so you think that this whole thing is masterminded and all is going according to plan?
>The Yemeni Air Force (#YAF) will soon make its return
Nobody talked about the most interesting new of the day? Houthis/Pro-Saleh forces (Soon will be named as Republican Guard) will bring again their Air Force.
Many people forget and don't ask about "Where the fuck was YAF before Saudi intervention?". Houthis seems to be the most based army in the region, doing specific attacks and reading a lot of Sun Tzu trying to hide so many weapons inside of the region.
The most interesting thing was, i'm pretty sure that Houthis knew that they will fight Saudi Arabia, almost as a prophetic shit. Who give them that information? I don't know. But soon, Yemeni War will be evolve in a real conflict and i'm pretty sure that Houthis will BTFO Hadi and Saudis forever.
Owen Carter
I would in no way say that everything is going according to plan, much of it hasn't and things continue to unravel for them, but what we've seen has been masterminded for sure.
Hudson Harris
So the Royal Saudi family will fall thanks to the determination of some khat chewing guys with tons of old AK47?
Liam Diaz
Hes pretty much the Neil Degrasse Tyson of the intel world. Involved but not that deeply involved but greatly inflates his involvements because hes always shilling his books and movies.
Acting like top secret clearance is a huge deal. My cousin was an engineer in the national guard and they gave him top secret clearance...for what? To look at old 1950 era pictures of North Korean bridges....yep
Daniel Fisher
soo the SA and the neighbouring states undeniably have a lot of power and control over the oil trade. I also read somewhere that the power of the US dollar is closely tied to the price of oil. So could it be that USA is doing all this shit in the middle east that benefits the Saudis but at the same time the US do it to diminish the power that the Saudis have over them?
Benjamin Cox
Good to see the war is almost over and Syrian people can finally reclaim their country from the Russian puppet Assad.
Aiden Kelly
>anyone foresee Erdogan siding with Assad eventually?
It's the only thing Erdogan can do. If he doesn't, Syrian Kurdistan will become autonomous, and then he will be in deep shit, especially since it was leaked that AKP bribed Iraqi Kurdistan for peace. If Syrian Kurdistan doesn't become autonomous, then USA/NATO loses all say in the region, because Kurds are their last power-base. Turkey can choose
>Stay with NATO, be surrounded by enemies, Syria, Iran, Russia, Kurds >Leave NATO, be surrounded by friends, Syria, Iran, Russia, no autonomous Kurds
Besides, "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.", and MSM denies this just now:
No doubt Erdogan has got Putin by the balls after the Aleppo debacle and Putin is conceding on the negotiating table.
Hunter Nguyen
Hi Otto!
Joshua Torres
Yes, actually, Houthis are winning on every single front at the minute. Marib, Al-Jawsh and Taiz city are getting slowly encircled by Houthis/Republican Guard
Leo Brooks
Hello Texas
Julian Brown
>Houthis are winning on every single front Yeah, more fabricated story about Tochka killing 100 Saudis every single day. Pathetic.
Chase Campbell
How are you Otto? You forget to change your proxies today again.
Adrian Mitchell
what an interesting time to be alive...
Colton Sanders
Finally someone gets it. Not only because the kurdistan issue but because he's buddies with Vlad and hates NATO/US now and his people will hang him anyway if he doesn't get them out of NATO and tell the US to fuck off.
Angel Sanders
>tfw you live in comfy part scotland >tfw ice cold evening winds
David Williams
Wait for Jizan, Houthis operation in Saudi Arabia aren't just a bunch of guys just making damage. Is a operation to capture cities in a long term. And from Tony Toh reports, there's many sleeping Houthis cells in the city, so popular support for the invasion is a real thing. About the last one, i have other 2 others account from Yemen confirming that.
Sebastian Rivera
>comfy part of scotland >ice cold evening winds So you live in the highlands? Wanna know how I know you're a 33rd degree freemason?
Logan Jenkins
I only wonder if America will let that ocupation happen... I dont think Hillary would like to her friends in the peninsula to be humilliated by such men...
Jaxson Ward
im just a pleb drinking irn bru and vodka taking in that siberian wind
Josiah Miller
At this point I've reached the conclusion the CIA and DoD have very vague goals and just pragmatically arm and destabilize groups over and over again until they find someone they like. In the end its all people we don't like killing each other anyways.
They don't REALLY care if this plan works out because they don't answer to anyone and if it doesn't then the president hands them a few billion and they will just destabilize the next regime by giving money and arms to a group that doesn't like them.
These developing regions have so much ethnic conflict you can ALWAYS find one group who is willing to shoot at another group, its just the way these savages live.
Blake Taylor
Actually, i have the sense that if that happen, USA will be in another Afghanistan. Houthis aren't just arab shit.
Jonathan Richardson
we`ll have to wait at least until november... meanwhile lets enjoy the saudi humilliation
Levi Perez