So how will Sup Forums spend the next 8 years of hillary?
So how will Sup Forums spend the next 8 years of hillary?
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what are you talking about, im a fellow trumpeteer
Lets all cheer for Hilldog
Fucking Based, Hillary will have people like you in mind when she gasses all white nonjews
Be in Australia also
screencapping this ebin thread for our queen when she wins
I'll wake up from that nightmare and remember Trump won.
If she wins Im done with the country forever
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Probably the same way they spent 8 years with obama.
>shill thread
Well, we all know, that we live in a society of grumbler. We all know, that there will be a lot of shit in the next few years and we all know, whos to blame (in your country). So there is probably a chance, to get 8 years of Trump after the enxt 4 years.
Look at it on the bright side user
>At least there will be no niggers here in the gulag for straight white males
laughing at the US
Obama came at the end of recession. Hillary would hypothetically come in at a time when we are statistically due for another one.
Considering the structural changes in our economy over the past 20 years, this one should be crippling. Might be tons of political instability.
Boy BYE!
Sup Forums will likely act like a child whose lost their ice cream.
I will meanwhile be laughing for a good 3 months as I scroll through the many manifestations of its impotent rage.
Then they will find some new thing to focus on.
Maybe China I'm thinking.
But things will continue.
Shitposting of course
Preparing for Project 9 with the others.
This. Yellen will have to raise interest rates at some point which will fuck the economy up and this will literally hand the 2020 presidential election to Paul Ryan
I'll help you pack
>impotent rage
Sup Forums has pretty much single handedly brought anti-semetism back to the brink of mainstream thought.
i want her to win
the world isnt ready for trump
No it hasn't.
It hasn't even done it here.
You think even half the people who post it here believe it?
You think what you consider normal people are going to believe any of this?
The Achilles heal of this site has always and will always be its verbosity. It is reckless and (to them) insane by nature because they do not understand the complex culture that has led this site, and this board in particular to its current state. The only people who do are the ones who silently sat in front of it for years and years, watching this group consciousness evolve.
Fuck off creep Im not letting you near my house.
I'm not saying it's anywhere near accepted, it's just gotten a lot closer to the public eye, with things like (((echoes))) and the happy merchant, that would have been unimaginable 15 or 20 years ago.