Now that her bust has settled, what's next for Natalie Hershlag's career?

Now that her bust has settled, what's next for Natalie Hershlag's career?

>Hershlag will become a titcow in your lifetime
What a time to be alive

looks like jewish tricks to me

Jewish? How dare you.

>Titcow hershlag when?
>Implying her days of "tits and ass" have not already come and gone
>Implying she isn't already aging into the "nose and sass" stage of Jewess.

I've got some sad news for you.


She already expired

Ewww no way, gal gadot has a fat clunky looking block head.

>Gooble gobble

Hopefully nothing

Why are her boobs so sweaty here? It's digsuting

I want to shove my dick up her shlag

Gadot can't compare with young nat

>It's digsuting
Maybe my tongue can help

>Natty will never take a big fat hot shit down my throat.

Why live?


Leon's Sequel

you're gay.


>Not liking sweaty boobs.


why did she have to age?


Man, her face is becoming that of a little Jewish grandma faster than cosmetics can cover it up.

Also does anyone get slightly creeped out by women with connected earlobes? It's like they're some kind of shape shifting alien masquerading as a human and getting one important detail wrong.

>tfw no jew mommy waifu to suck on your pecker

gross fucking evil little jew

Winona or Eva are the only good Jewfus. This cunt is one of the worst, the only worse ones are the hardcore Israel supporter kike ones, except Gal Gadot who I like because it's delicious that the icon of this "feminist movie" is a fan of eradicating the Palestinians, this amuses me. It gives me joy.


I want to sniff Winona's Winonas

>that hairline

yes sweetie?
