This fucking shitskin is such a fucking liability to our team, could they not have chosen a good fucking competitor?
Muslim Olypian
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Was she "chosen"? Wouldn't she have had to beaten out everyone else to get to the olympics?
the Olympics is a joke. It's always a diversity shitshow and instances of Muslim country's athletes refusing to even look at Israeli athletes
>Israeli athletes
I am embarrassed to have her and all the other nig nogs representing my country
please, the only reason she's there is to make them look good in the eyes of the general retarded public. It's like everyone cheering on the fat kid in the PACER test even though you know they're going to stop at 10
Their military is world class, I suppose they have decent athletes as well
I wish. Muslim below-Jerry-Springer pond life are an exercise in EVERY loathsome quality known to mankind and even discovered a few new ones!
>world class athlete
>in a cool sport most pollacks want to play but they're too poor and have no friends
>did well enough to get to the olympics
>free, all expenses paid trip to Brazil
>tried her best
>lost, but not by much
>happens to be a muslim
>is beautiful and wouldn't give the racists here the time of day
Yeah, I wonder why you all hate her so much......................
Buying the best weapons with gibs me dat money makes u a nigger not a top notch military force
$0.02 has been deposited into your CTR account. Thank you!
fuck off shill, you're the reason this country going to shit.
>Austin, Texas
>Confirmed Lib
Thank you for correcting the record
sounds like you even sucked their cock
I was kinda with you until you said is beautiful. Get your eyes checked she looks like a simian.
How do you tell where he lives?
Too bad scimitars or suicide bombs aren't allowed in fencing, or she would have taken all the golds.
kek wow really powerful im thining now not like i hate brown people more cuz their forced down my throat or anything hahah
too bad she got her shit kicked in by a Frenchie and now has to go back and practice acid dodging from the next games
America failing.
better get used to it, bruh
>Their military is world class
Its not tho
They have a working C-RAM system, and we don't.
As an aside, that's worrying for reasons that have nothing to do with Le Happy Merchant.
>Not seeing that it's genius to give a Muslim a sword and have her represent your country.
Where am I posting from, fag?
>They have a working C-RAM system, and we don't.
Considering we bought it for them, we do have one.
We also have an Iron Dome system that we conveniently let them use.
>lost but no by much
She got fucking annihilated. It was embarassing.
You need to have extra flags like us
its definitely better than anyone else's in the Middle East
Their militaries shit tho
Thats like winning the special olympics
>Israel: always making breakthroughs with military technology
>Japan: made a game where you catch fake monsters with your phone
I hate to break it to you, but the Jew no longer fears the samurai
God dammit, this is so embarrassing
she lost, she's no longer relevant, like every other olympian other than michael phelps
>>Japan: made a game where you catch fake monsters with your phone
>Niantic, Inc., an American software development company based in San Francisco, California, is best known for developing and publishing the augmented reality mobile games Ingress and Pokémon Go.
Meanwhile, in Japan
that isn't the first time we sent a fat man to your country
He was Spanish, IIRC.
Regardless, that guy was way too white to be an American.
is Japan slowly being enriched or is your populous way too uptight to ever let that happen?
(and he was a resident of Spain, I was 50% right)
It's the beginning of the end we are so fucked
Yuck the transexual nigger muslim is aids and ebola in human form.
We really need Trump
why is there no outrage over this? I've never heard any leftists bitch and moan about Japan or China's "Xenophobia"
>tfw we'll soon be calling American posters Ahmed
>Diversity hire
She got handed a spot even though she competed worse in qualifying just like one of the sheboons on the gymnastics team
*Ping! Zing!* Deflecting attacks with their IDGAF armor!
When the UN told Japan to take Syrian refugees, Japan gave 200 million or so and said they're better off being helped in their own country.
And Japan/China aren't white, so it's harder to attack them since they have a spot on Team Oppressed
keep up the good work Japan
also if you could deliver some more HxH chapters we would all be very grateful
>And Japan/China aren't white, so it's harder to attack them since they have a spot on Team Oppressed
SJWs have started turning on Asians because they don't have any oppression points. Most of them here don't cause any problems. And since they're not detrimental shitbags, the left wants nothing to do with them
>Far left continues to consume itself and show people how retarded they actually are
Whoa whoa whoa... It's not who has the most gold or the best athlete. It which person represents us best. I mean 0 is what everyone on this website would get.
Perfect fits us.
Tbf, come on: Muslim with sword vs. Frenchwoman, how does that not end in tears for the Froggy?
As a muslim, she looks ugly.
She needs to leave my religion if she's going to make a big deal about her religion and how she's the first muslim fencer.
and that hijab thing. Hijab is disgusting.
>my religion
you have to go back
plenty of christians used to wear a headscarf, right up until the 1970s
I want to. My country is good 2bh so there would be no excuse not to.
Oh I think we know how
>is beautiful
She looks like a fucking man.
wait wtf?
are you sure those people arent slavic babushkas and mexican mamis?
or orthodox jews?
why is Kazakhstan so "Moderate" compared to the Middle Eastern countries? Is it Russian influence?
Liquor. The only good Muslim is a drunk Muslim.
>>is beautiful and wouldn't give the racists here the time of day
I think you went a bit too far there friendo.
Because we know our shit. Also soviets disciplined us a bit.
Fuck off, English teacher
tfw she can beat me in a swordfight
Except they wore it out of choice and don't tell me Muslims wear burkas and hijabs out of choice. If they do, why do they choose black polyester in 100 degree heat? So if it is some kind of oppression, I don't want it in my country. If it isn't and it's done by choice, I don't want someone who thinks black polyester is good summerwear in my country either, we have enough retards as it is.
”Look Mom,”I memed again!
I work a desk job in trade, how's summer vacation? When does school start up.
Pieces of shit ruled by an obsolete tractor have to be 18 to post here too, you know?
>soviets disciplined us a bit.
never knew the great mongol offsprings of Genghis khan can be cucked by filthy slavs
Maybe she'd have done better if the racist judges hadn't forced her to use an epee instead of the machete she trained with.
Her muslim master is going to take a real sword to her neck for getting destroyed so easily.
Disciplined doesn't mean cucked.
If you think so, you are mentally retarded.
Just fucking shoot her
Jews are too busy pulling the strings and collecting shekels to take competing seriously
>>is beautiful and wouldn't give the racists here the time of day
I hate this Sup Forums is unatractive meme, there is no girl in the olympics out of my league, not even those cute archery girls.
Sup Forums is the official board of the tucked-in black t shirt with high waist jeans.
she's not american and she never will be
Is she arab or black? I can't tell
To be fair, muslims are used to attacking when no one is expecting it.
Gee, and handy with a sword too...
Head scarfs are pretty damn cute and still look breezy, while showing modesty. Hijabs look like ass, and suffocating.
but its empowering, user
Devil trips. Something wrong with high-waist jeans? Glad they are making a comeback.
They chose her because she already wears half of her required sport uniform at all times
She's like a guy in a wheelchair showing up to a seminar
should have given her a scimitar maybe
should have given her a scimitar instead
Is she African American or African immigrant?
She's a nigger according to Wikipedia.
Your country isn't even allowed a military
>Austin, TX
Why do you always have to be the shit stain in our state?
Yeah, but your's has to die in place of our's.
anybody got the link to her losing? Wanna see this bitch get wrecked
At least she picked a sport where her garb fits in.
Sniping half pint muzzles playing soccer isn't exactly world class
>the chink doesn't realize his country is the first in the line of fire
If you fail at the olympics, you could still win in the diversity olympics. It's win-win.