Is it wrong I feel little to no sympathy for the homeless?
Is it wrong I feel little to no sympathy for the homeless?
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I feel sympathy for the dogs. I bought a guy dog food once.
that's exactly what they want
>YFW he traded it for smack
I just tip waiters, delivery drivers, barbers etc
I feel better doing that than giving money to a guy doing nothing
No, For most "homeless" it's a full time job that can pay anywhere from 20-40$ an hour depending on location with no tax
I do when they have a pupper
What I don't get is that they chill outside ATMs here. Like I am gonna give them a tenner. They should be sitting outside charity shops. They can't even be good at being homeless
No. I "lived with" some homeless. Vandweller who traveled my beautiful country all last year here. 99/100 of them have no intention of finding a job and trade are on every benefit imaginable. I have no sympathy for them.
Unless they appreciate food then they are alright.
Yes, it means you're an autistic sociopath. Don't worry, though, user. There's an excellent containment board on the Internet designed just for people like you. You can spend as much time in this hugbox as you need.
You'd have to be a monumental fuck up, drug addict, or mentally ill to be homeless in America.
I mean Jesus, how fucking hard is it to get a full time minimum wage job and rent an apartment with two or three of your friends.
Yeah you might live in a shitty part of town but it's better then sleeping on streets.
The person in your photo is not homeless, she is a dirty kid, and she definitely isn't looking for your sympathy, she is looking for a ride to the rainbow.
Being homeless in the US is a choice. It's the path of least resistance in money for them.
I think so too, the shoes give it away
>lazy pieces of shit
>stupid ppl complain about other races being lazy but keep feeding them so they can keep being lazy
the logic is flawless here.
the only ppl who decerve this kind of help are the old, ampute or some real psycal disability not just a fucking lazy ass.
young and junky keep them that way please you fucking stupid.
The young, able-bodied people who choose to be homeless can suck the shit from my ass. Fuck them -- they are parasites.
>person is slightly overweight
>dogs don't look underweight
seems to be doing fine
No, it is good.
That feeling discourages that behaviour.
Shame is a good thing, it keeps society strong and united.
you keep feeding them for free and blame mexicans, how fucking retarted your ppl is?
Maybe it's just because I'm in Denver and all the urchins that blew in are starting to really aggravate me. Summer bums are normal here, but it's over 9000 at this point.
That's a man, man.
Why should I feel sorry for fuckups/drug addicts?
Some homeless people are homeless because of a legitimate mental illness. 99% are because of a drug dependancy.
It's really, really not hard to get a job at McDonalds or some other place and work your way up from there.
Why would you look for moral validation on a board where people call for the death of our greatest ally?
you have to be a genuine retard to be homeless in the united states at this time
>cant afford home
>can afford two large pet dogs
No sympathy from me
>(((greatest ally)))
i've heard that dreds on a white person actually cost money to maintain
that person isnt homeless
My homeless sympathy protocol:
> See homeless person
> Mentally Ill or Physically disabled? If yes, give food or money
> Old? Give a dollar if person isn't a dick
> Young or Middle Aged and able bodied? No fuckin sympathy. Get a job freeloader!
No problem with hating homeless. There are plenty of options to help with homeless in case that is your situation. Sitting on the street doing nothing makes you literal trash. Most people are homeless because they do it to themselves, drugs, alcohol, wasting money on stupid shit, gambling, etc etc.
Almost all are mentally ill. The drug addiction is usually a symptom of an underlying mental illness (with self-medication attempted).
You should feel sorry for these people and try to help them because but-for-the-grace-of-a-chemical-imbalance it could just as easily have been you in that situation. That said, autism and asperger's are their own special category of mental illness, so you have plenty that you're struggling with already.
>Implying it's impossible to steal dogs
>implying it's impossible to feed dogs food from the trash
Unless they are children or are too crazy to actually function and need to be in a padded room somewhere, I have few tears for them.
>i've heard that dreds on a white person actually cost money to maintain
If they are proper dreads they cost quite a bit of money to maintain,
A lot of people do it once and let it knot
No empathy is always wrong.
Don't be a Chink.
No. Fuck off.
No because nearly all of those faggots are faking. Feel sympathy for the skinny, hunch-backed dude in ragged clothes pushing his shopping cart down the sidewalk that has skin like a sun dried tomato and hasn't shaved in years. Not the faggot holding up a cardboard sign at the intersection.
No, in fact when I was a teenager we used to beat the shit out of bums if they were in parks and stuff with no one around.
Usually just the loud drunks. One time this worthless old prick, drunk off his ass, had the nerve to call us "little ingrates" because we wouldn't give him money to fuel his habit. So my buddy nearly caved his head in with a rock.
Fuck homeless people. It's not my fault they literally couldn't even secure one of the three necessities of life. They're an evolutionary failure.
t. alex
Empathy from afar without doing anything is even worse
No. If they are anything like the people I see everyday applying for food stamps they are lying through their teeth.
Révisez votre définition de l'empathie.
Well if we're going to pull stats out of our asses, i'm going to say 99% of those drug addicts have gone through things that make them more vulerable to drug addiction, like sexual abuse or experiencing war first hand, or they are mentally ill. You should feel sorry for them, and you should feel shame for having autistic/sociopathic tendencies.
I know it's asking a lot of brainpower to try and imagine what it would be like to be someone else, or what might have been the path to become a homeless person. But try at least.
poser train hopping oogle. No homeless here, just some crust punk vacationing. look at that fucking oogle
Not one hour ago I passed a guy begging who shamelessly called out to me. I didn't even look at him as I walked by.
Cannot determine sex of homeless in pic. I'm pretty sure Hitler sent homeless to labor camps. Silly representative democracy would never do that. Many are (a) molestation victims, (b) poly-addicted, (c) mentally ill. Very sad. I do security in a city bus station, and they are a plague... I count 10:1 homeless to "normie"... Sad.
i feel sympathy for there dogs. poor little niggers.
Cannot determine sex of homeless in pic. I'm pretty sure Hitler sent homeless to labor camps. Silly representative democracy would never do that. Many are (a) molestation victims, (b) poly-addicted, (c) mentally ill. Very sad. I do security in a city bus station, and they are a plague... I count 10:1 homeless to "normie"... Sad.
Absolutely nobody who could prevent homelessness is homeless. Living on the street is fucking terrible - go talk to some of these folks at least once in your life, most will do so for the price of a lunch.
Homelessness will become increasingly inevitable as automation further removes people from the workforce - as long as we tie the concept of "you need to work" to "you can eat", this horrorshow will go on for these people.
Best to change it before it hits you.
Having been dirt poor myself I can tell you (outside of extreme circumstances) most homeless are there by choice in the US.
It's very easy to get social security disability, housing, food stamps, cell phones, health care and support.
Most street beggars are con artists. Some are batshit insane and belong in a mental institution, but it's rare.
Fuck off, faggot. The only thing the homeless are good for is either a slave labor force or target practice.
We should honestly just sell them to rich people so they can torture and kill them. They're worthless scum, nobody will miss them.
>Is it wrong I feel little to no sympathy for the homeless?
Yes, because compassion for, and charity to, the less fortunate are what make us human and civilized. You should have gratitude for what you have in your life and compassion for those less fortunate. You don't know their story and it could happen to you.
American society is so degenerate, shameless greed, lack of support for fellow countrymen.
The USA was truly a mistake, a result of capitalism run amok.
poster doesn't realize the only thing separating him from homelessness is bad luck
bluster is a good cover for fear buddy
Dogs of homeless people are probably pretty happy actually.
Think about it... live in a pack, roam around scavenging for food and shelter. It's pretty close to the natural life of a wolf.
They're far happier than the average dog being left inside an apartment or stuck in a backyard day after day with little to no exercise or stimulation.
They have PETS, for chrissake. They're not starving to death. Fuck em. They choose not to get a job. I have no sympathy and they deserve nothing but scorn. The only exception are the super old dudes and the obviously insane. But the rest of em - some 80% of em - can burn in hell.
Kill them all
In Toronto, they camp out and beg at the door of the liquor store. It's disgusting in its shamelessness.
This sounds pretty good desu. The final solution to Seattle's homelessness problem. If that won't whip most of them into shape and off the streets I dont know what will.
I agree with that, being a homeless persons dog would be a pretty sweet life
Yeah, bums everywhere in Seattle. So fucking annoying.
I knocked out a drunk hippie bumb with a tree branch and took his husky puppy. She has had a much better life ever since. Kinda want to do it again.
I was fucking a homeless chick last year. I didn't want to bring her home to my mom and dad so I pretended to be homeless when I'd hang out with her. 2-3 days out of every week I'd sleep on the streets with her just to fuck her. She wasn't terribly ugly but was schizophrenic. The things i do for pussy...
Dude you could make that into a porn series. Bum Fucks vol viii. I'd watch that.
What the fuck am. I reading?
I have more sympathy for those puppers ;-;
This never happened.
Most have mental problems. Because anybody in their right mind would just walk into a social services building and get free stuff for life.
it depends. I think you should have sympathy but be realistic.
No need to feel sympathy for people in the OP pic, that's a voluntarily homeless young person.
You should, however, feel sorry for Homeless Vets and other older mentally ill individuals who can't maintain relationships or jobs.
The girly boy in your picture isn't even homeless, she's probably middle class.
same, poor doggos
I feel bad for actual sick homeless people. Like ones with problems.
I don't feel bad for the ones who just won't work or are given the opportunity to live with parents or family/friends and just go out and be homeless instead.
Shes a druggie who sucks dick for crack. having nigger hair, she was asking for it. not a benefit to society doesn't deserve any sympathy senpai
No. Most homeless cannot function in normal society. Giving them things wouldn't change their situation.
Fucker has white guy Deadlocks. He's fake homeless to scam money out of people.
>fucking unwashed vagina
user, i....
No. These people take advantage of others sympathy. They're complete leeches and use people just because they want to live a lifestyle where they can just get high and not work.
Here in Denver, since it's warm, they're all over the place because they can sleep outside comfortably. When it starts dropping below 60 degrees, more than half of them disappear until summer comes around again. They have means and resources to live comfortably, they just don't want to work for it. Fuck the new age homeless.
I do feel sorry for the legit crazy people/old school Vietnam vet style homeless because they're actually dysfunctional. But anyone below 35 you see on the street is just a street punk drug addict.
>how fucking retarted your ppl is?
Thanks for your contribution, Manuel.
I live in Edmonton Alberta and see shithead 25yo men in physically fine condition holding signs on traffic lights asking for money.
This is literally the easiest city on the planet for even a complete retard to get a legitimate labor job for $15/hr minimum, not to mention all the contractors out here that will hire anyone for CASH. It pisses me off. If youre homeless here you are too lazy and stupid to make a go of it anywhere.
Literal sperg with a full time job here paying all his own bills, fuck that and fuck you.
Some of the younger homeless chicks who don't have full on Crack face can be pretty attractive. Still wouldn't ever want to go near that pussy though if she hasn't showered in a while
and then there's this nigger
You don't have because there's this feature in our brain - to label people around us based on ideas and social interpretations - then block any emotional reaction towards that group.
If the social constructs would just be gone you would stop and help that person.
Some of the kids in my area did that. They were a few years older than me, and would go to a nature walk thing about 5 miles from our village where there's always loads of homeless who go there because kids skateboard down the hilly concrete next to the lake and they're easy to intimidate and get money out of if you're a drugged up homeless man. they used to find their tents in the woods, trash up their tents, smash their booze bottles and beat the shit out of them when the tramps got back from wherever they were, usually they were on drugs so couldn't put up a fight. Normally they would duct tape them to a thick tree and beat them so they wouldn't fall and hit their heads. One of the lads went by himself when he was drunk and beat up this man, who fell on the floor and hit his head on the concrete, he was on life support for two weeks and his family said to pull the plug because he wasn't going to get better. He only got charged with GBH because the parents chose to end the guy's life by taking him off life support
I used to work in a public library. After almost a decade there its caused me to have nothing but hate for the homeless.
Homeless people pretty much live at the library. They're lined up outside the door waiting for opening and dont leave until closing. They'll squirrel food, beer, pills, and all sorts of other weird shit away on the bookshelves behind the books. These people arent down on their luck, they're career homeless. This is their life.
But its the unending retarded shit they'll get up to that really pisses me off.
My particular library had little desks at the end of the aisles for people to study at. Or really just for the homeless to station themselves at. One time a homeless person went down another homeless mans aisle, his by birth rite, and they had at it. One of them pulled a knife on the other. Cops came and arrested the guy.
One homeless I'd seen for 6 months groped a very young girl in the elevator.
Another time I watched a man walk outside the front door, pull his sweatpants down, and shit his boxers.
I've caught men shaving their backs in the bathroom.
I've caught homeless people pleasuring themselves to books and magazines.
I've caught homeless people cutting their toenails in the nonfiction aisle.
I've watched a homeless man give a female employee tampons as a gift.
I come in to work multiple times to find one of them took the ash try from outside and dumped it down the book drop.
And I've watched weirdos come in and take the homeless back to their own home to have sex with.
I've watched lots of them do it for years.
Fuck homeless people
not if you're one of the chosen people
They want us dead??
what kind of shithole city do you live in user jesus christ
>Not distributing the $$$ to play on demos
Fucking homeless people suck at being homeless. Maybe that's why I'm not homeless?
God damn, I've given money to homeless people quite a few times before but never again.
I wouldn't say it's wrong. You might be too juvenile to feel compassion or you might have sociopathic tendecies. Or both
I don't have any sympathy. That's where my tax dollars are supposed to go.
Majority no, special circumstances perhaps yet it's hard to know which is which.
Homeless dude with wifi reporting in.
people hang out by the highway begging for money where I go to buy smokes.
Every once in a while I'll catch one of them buying several cartons in the store and they walk out, get in their car and drive away, presumably to go be homeless and beg some more.
In short, no.
Crust punks like in OPs pic deserve all the scorn you can heap on them. Untreated schizos and legless Vietnam vets do indeed deserve sympathy.
Pic related everyone itt