>it's a yellow fever fraks everything up episode
It's a yellow fever fraks everything up episode
giv cylon gf
boomer > athena
>ywn be gang raped by a thousand naked sharons on a cylon ship as part of God's plan
>cylon females are all 10/10
>men are disgusting
Based givposter!
The women were designed to seduce men. If the men looked like supermodels then others would be suspicious of them.
>yellow fever
Goddamn right
based based poster!
Why are Asian girls so much better
Why did bsg try to make people believe the generic white blonde was the hot one
If I was gaius I'd only betray humanity for a Cylon Asian gf
So lads, anyone else looking forward to BSG Deadlock?
>cbs didn't want to pay to keep this on tv
Her and the other gook were pressing to be paid the same as the main actors despite being side characters.
>the other gook
The chinky poo from lost. Don't know his name.
Pegasus is my shipfu
I've been rewatching this show and it holds up well. The only thing that makes it show its age is the cgi for the Cylon Centurions
maybe. i dont really do strategy games, but i do prefer turn based. i hope it isnt full 60 bucks. i dont have that kinda cash to shell out for a game i might not play that much.
i played the mobile bsg game for like 2 hours one day and havent picked it back up.
it was rock paper scissors in space. at least it was free
When it comes to space opera power rankings its this
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (literally literature-tier)>>>nothing>>>>>BSG>>>>B5
the guy that voiced gat from Saints Row.
I've always thought one of the biggest mistakes the show ever made was ignoring Boomer after establishing Athena after a protagonist. Before the New Caprica arc, she was basically the most complex character on the show. A cylon who had to do some pretty awful things against her will, went through a period of denying being a cylon, and apparently come up with a plan to med relations between humans and cylons because she wanted to live with humans again. But after New Caprica, that was all dropped and she became a villain with pretty weak motivations. The entire series, I was hoping for her to try to work her way back into human society, or for the show to find a way to explore hr identity issues in some way. But no, she ended up fucking Athena's husband and trying to steal her baby because of petty jealousy.
The show missed a huge opportunity to explore issues about identity and what it means to be human. Later in the show, they tried to explore themes about forgiveness and cooperation with the cylons, which Boomer would have been a great character for, but it was like they forgot she existed.
Cartoons are for children
Stop this yellow fever stuff, I was actually sexually abused by a group of middle aged Chinese women.