Is putting mayonnaise on your fries really a foreign concept in america? you're missing out

is putting mayonnaise on your fries really a foreign concept in america? you're missing out

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americans just eat mayonnaise straight out of the bottle

Niggers hate mayonnaise

I'm amazed amerifats don't already do it

why would you put mayo on your fries when you can put ketchup?

Why not both you fat asshole

To be honest mayonnaise is degenerate in every form

Amerifats use mcchicken sauce which is twice the fat content of mayo


American "mayo" is disgusting.

Why do non-americans browse a board that's 95% American entertainment?


Probably this.
Well done home mayo tastes like something from heaven.

Only fags and women like putting sticky white shit in their mouths.

Why do lardasses get triggered once anyone mentions their obese nation?

mayo is disgusting.

Hollywood permeates through all countries

Well apparently the chinese watch more american movies than americans themselves.
So actually you're the minority here.

Not your shit hole, abdul

Why do non-americans even watch our movies? Watch your own god damn movies, dumb thirdies.

I watched xXx Return of Vin Disel and I completely agree with you.
So much pandering to China and India it aint even funny.
Its like they know where the money comes from without putting any effort.

Your own films are not even made for the domestic market anymore. Transformers doesn’t get even a third of it's profit from the domestic market.
You can call the film "yours", but it's made for the foreign market primarily.

Fries go with mustard. Everything is absolute ketchup-mayo-covered-shit tier.

>tfw Scottish and only enjoy brown sauce or McDonalds BBQ sauce.

Mayo is disgusting no matter how you eat it.

American here, can confirm. The mayo we have here is shit from a jar, when I had freshly made mayo with fries in Europe I was amazed by how good it is.

>p-pls allow our films into your country, based china.

>liking mustard

HP sauce or nothing tbqh

Mayonnaise on anything is fucking disgusting

>not using barbecue sauce on fries
Why even eat?

Not to mention half the talent comes from Europe.

mayo is literally eggs, i dont understand what americunts find so disgusting about mayo, considering, you can literally put it any dinner and it will taste good

>europeans can't find work in their own countries

We have your own cinema. We just don't discuss it with americans, especially now that they just shit crap to be eaten by chinese.

I like putting both ketchup and mayo on fries. Mix them together to get a nice creamy sauce is good. I don't like ketchup on its own.


Disgusting condiment

I'm British. Most of your movies star Brits, are filmed in Britain and have their effects and post work done here so it doesn't seem that weird to me.

>Hollywood panders to the chinks
>why do non americans watch our movies lmao?

Dumb americans...

>We have your own cinema.
Can't make anything yourself. Really sad m8. Hope you'll be able to pull through with that.
>We just don't discuss it with americans
Yes, kind of hard to discuss nothing now isn't it?

Both ketchup and mayo are the worst condiments

>not liking mustard
Rake Yohn detected

>being this gay for mustard


Alright then, no more James bond and Harry potter movies for you Americans. We're gonna keep em. And we'll have back all the non American actors too. Enjoy your vin deisel movies.

You are not only a colossal ignorant, but an hypocrite as well.
A lot of the "american" stuff you see is british or with brits as directors/actors. Or other contributed in different way, like italians for special effects or as contributors like Argento for Romero.
Then, in this very board, people talk about italian horror, french classics and the like.
I LOVE american cinema, but is not a great thing its attention now because its creativity and innovation are a shadow of the glorious past AND they detract from the actual good stuff out there.

>american cinema

No such thing. Jews own Hollywood. 99% of producers/executives are Jewish. The films that are made in America are not American, they are Jewish productions.

>europeans have to come to america to get work
The absolute state of your region. I'll pray for you.

Jew isn't a nationality. They're American user.

Are you a darkie?

Dude most of those movies are shot in pinewood. Or in Canada or south Africa if they have no budget. We literally don't have to go anywhere, you faggots are coming to us begging us to give you some talent.

>europeans have to come to america to get work
this is your only argument.
I think we are done here.

Nigger mayo is fucking delicious as fuck you don't even know

Yeah, sure all you pretentious ass euros just whip up a batch of mayo every time you plan to use it.

Fucking faggots

>just whip up a batch of mayo
It literally takes 5 minutes to make and 10 minutes to cool down in the fridge.
You can use a hand mixer right,or are you physically impaired in some way?

irrelevant, don't act like none of you pretentious fucks buy mayo from the store.

Ketchup with fries is so vastly superior you don't even need to bother with mayo.

No, I just hate the smell and taste