What happened to Chris Pontius? He can barely speak anymore
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holy fucking shit he sounds exactly like jimmy fallon
>What happened to Chris Pontius?
Are you stupid OP?
sounds like Mark Whalberg
Holy fuck I can hear the spaghetti forming in his pockets 1 minute in
He sounds the exact same.
Fucking drugs man,SteveO mad some cameos on youtube he is still funny as fuck but this...
I loved this guy shame he turned to complete retard.
his eyes are going all over the place man
>i never noticed how retarded he was even though he only did retarded things
He sounds just like Chris Pratt now.
He seemed a lot more coherent in the movies. That and he didn't babble like a 15 year old girl. Is he high here or did years of Jackass fry his brain?
The two times he talked in this clip were when he was trying to recall a story, and when he was trying to remember and think of what hurt most. Someone should find a clip where he's just having a normal conversation.
That was my guess. Being high sounds most reasonable since he's got this sort of paranoid sound to his voice and his flow of speech.
At least I hope he was high, otherwise he might've taken a few too many blows to the head and maybe everything's not connected right up there anymore
Like, like, you know, like, like, like, like, but like, and like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like.
talks like dave meltzer like ya know
>can barely speak
Why are people surprised ?
His boyfriend died in a car wreck
At least we can get the clap, yuropoor
Seems like Johnny Knoxville has this pitying look on his face and is trying to discern what Pontius is saying and make it clearer for the audience. This is kind of sad to watch.
A lot of skaters that hit there head too much talk like this.
Its called never picked up a book syndrome.
Probably abit brain damaged due to drug usage
I like how they know nothing about electricity, yet they messed around with it so much. That sums up Jackass.
Its general anxiety and depression, ive seen too many people especially men who can talk and be in social situations but their everyday thought patterns about their life just fucks them over and it shows on their faces, they just get used to thinking about how miserably their future looks while also enjoy what they can.
>turned to complete retard
Well i thought he was just pretending to be retarded,like may people here do.
You don't need to speak to be an earth rocker
Too many pranks
What's bammy boy up to now? Still a fat fucking mess cringefest?
He's autistic
He was always stupid anyways
Last i saw he was making a skating comeback
Yea I think he said he stopped drinking and started skating again. There a few clips out there of recent stuff on the yuhtubs
You have to look out for amps.
>skating comeback
He was doing tricks that are at an 11 year olds skill level.
He realistically isnt going to ever make a "comeback"
This, I saw a picture of him recently where he looked like 55 years old
fucking christ you're right. you close your eyes and you can just hear jimmy running his soft slender fingers through Trumps luscious golden mane.
he's building a skatepark in Iceland
he sound slightly manic, or possibly high as a kite
at one point i considered him the quickest and wittiest of the bunch and that he should have been the one with an acting career
his intros for stunts were always the best of the bunch
His jaws goin wobbly like he's done ecstasy or something, or else he's just legit retarded from copious amounts of drugs.
the real question is how is knoxville still so coherent? that guy did all the shittiest stunts. there's no way he hasn't sustained a ton of concussions over the years.
johnny is truly the most patrician of the crew
>7 years ago
Look at his wikipedia article, it's tiny for someone so famous.
Something is at play there I think.
But why are volts the thing listed on anything with high electricity? Like a fence has 2,000 volts, or an industrial machine switch has 10,000 volts.
>the real question is how is knoxville still so coherent?
Because only a few people actually knock themselves retarded at that age. And while he took hits to the head, its nothing like a boxer or an NFL player.
He was 44 in that video
This is the timeframe of when early CTE symptoms really start to kick in.
Look at NFL players.
Play till they are about 30, be a TV analyst till about 40, then they slowly start forgetting shit and having blinding migraines.
By mid 50s you shoot yourself because CTE is debilitating.
But its never a problem with being coherent. Coherent problems from from being knocked one too many times early, and its an immediate damage thing.
he's fine idiot
Honestly sad, wish I didn't watch this. He was always my favorite and I wished he did more films, he was great in that Sofia Coppola film.
Knoxville does NOT sound coherent. He clearly has CTE symptoms from all those concussions.
I think it's just a mix of him being both nervous and high. And kinda naturally slow. I'm the exact same way when I'm high around people.
>tfw my mind goes faster than my mouth and i sound very similar to that
I probably sound like him when I try to talk, I don't really give a fuck. You're all normie faggots.
>tfw I can hear the call
he seems fine just his usual slow self
He has a speech impediment.
Elon Musk has one too and he's a public speaker.
Can't be arsed to watch it but it doesn't look like he's aged a day. What the fuck.
It's almost as if they do several takes in movies, and then they edit them.
I just looked up some of his new skating stuff because of your comment.
He looks like shit physically but his skating is still professional level.
Seconding drugs.
Had a mate who developed the same kind of nervous ticks in his face and spoke the same way.
Was down to doing pills every weekend while clubbing.
These guys look like such old bags of shit now. Only Steve O and Knox aged the most gracefully. Ironic innit?
He's a coke head as well, it makes sense.
Both Wee Man and Pontius looks pretty damn good for someone who's in their 40's.
It's like you guys are unaware of hard drugs and their effects after extended abuse.
Holy shit good one.
I'm mildly autistic and if I'm ever too stoned this is exactly how I act.
Pontius probably just had too much of that good shit.
pontius never did anything THAT extreme compared to the other guys.
he was mostly there to wear a speedo and look like a clown. and he was damn good at it.
Why isn't Steve-O brain dead?
He was on the Rogan podcast recently. Dude is surprisingly coherent and seems like an all around nice guy.
was dunn retarded? how do you choke your friend out and throw him on the ground head first?
Pontius was always my fav jackass
He named himself Pontius after the man whol killed Christ, and is now suffering the (((consequences))) user
What an awful movie. Why should I feel for some mush-mouthed royal retard?
Lizzie is such a fucking qt. What's the source of the gif?
yeh i got that impression as well.
Fuck I was on that bus, repping the x-78 to Sheff & wot.
That shit was great, most of the kids on there were going ape shit 'cause they thought Steve-o was dead.