I'm at my wits end with illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Latin countries

I'm at my wits end with illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Latin countries.

I'm tired of paying for their healthcare, their children's education and other services which should not be available to them being illegal.

They don't make an effort to integrate or assimilate, they undercut all the skilled labor jobs and only hire their own once they get a foothold in the given field. Try to get a job at McDonald's as a high school student if you're not a beaner.


You're right to be mad. I feel disgusted when I think about how many people will defend illegals and mass immigration in general. I see it as a form on nihilistic social suicide.

Why are people so ready to throw it all away?

Trump is going to lose and millions of undocumented citizens will receive amnesty. There is NOTHING you can do about it

It's fucking disgusting and I live in Southern California; they make no effort to learn English and their offspring does nothing but imitate niggers and cause trouble.

It is nihilistic social suicide, yes...

As an American, why do you want this to happen? CTR Shill, yes?

Kek Cali = Mexico

They are a bit better here in the South/Conservative areas.

Because I hate rednecks more than anyone. Immigrants and progressive culture will destroy the white supremacist regressive culture that affects every aspect of government.

Where did he say he wanted it to happen? Or are you just an idiot?
I signed up JUST to post this message because you are one stupid bimbo.

To be fair he was right.

Related thread. I'd like to get at least one reply before it dies.

He doesn't blatantly have to say he wants it to happen to show intent. You both are either beaners or the shills on this board.

Beaners gotta go. Their time is up.

kek complaining about beaners that actually work, compared to niggers that you brought here and are worse. stop being a pussy faggot and go kys

So called progressive culture is the very root of this evil,you poor deluded blind cucked ignorant stupid bastard

It's not the fact that they work that bothers me, it's the fact that they are illegal and I'm paying for all their bullshit. I'm also seeing a lot of my friends in skilled trade labor getting fucked over.

It wouldn't be so bad if they came here legally, paid their taxes and made an effort to learn and speak English.

From the point of view of redneck scum it would certainly seem that way. The entire backlash against immigration is due to whites losing their ethnic supremacist control of government. There's no point in even hiding it.

Most do pay taxes, but remember Niggers aren't really legal and only want gibsmedats so Sorry to hear you have had shit experience with beaners, but compared to blacks I rather have mexicans than niggers.

There needs to be some sort of modification on Sup Forums to our flag if a poster is a spic and not an authentic burger.

Says the beaner with the La Raza mentality. Look at the prisons, they are full to the brim with beaners. I'd rather have a country run by Whites than a country run by Browns because look at any country south of the United States. to the tip of South America.

Yeah, doesn't look to good does it? Don't you think it's also unfair to all the immigrants who are waiting to come here legally? Cutting in line is rude, don't you agree?

BULLSHIT. Illegal immigrants don't pay fucking taxes, nice try. This isn't a matter of choosing between two of the lesser evils neither, both niggers and beaners cause enough crime as it is. Illegal immigrants are fucking up the economy and the United States. Period.

To be honest, it's not much of a choice.

>take a bullet to the head now
>or catch an agonizingly painful illness that will eventually kill you anyway

>hire illegals to do your garden/planta
>make jokes that they will do your garden
>make jokes that they are lazy and leeches
>then complain that they take your jobs that you were never willing to do in the first place


I've never hired a fucking illegal in my life. Nice implication.

There is some addon that shows what state they are posting from. Ignore, hide, and don't respond to Californians.

>tfw spic

see that attire? its work clothes, that is the only reason i respect them, they always dress as if they are working even if they dont, they look ready to line some fence down for your yard for 8-10 an hour. but seriously kick out the illegal ones
t. a mexican