My favorite is shoe0nhead, she's very practical and not an extremist like so many are
Least fav: Varg Vikernes, literally the fedora incarnate
My favorite is shoe0nhead, she's very practical and not an extremist like so many are
Least fav: Varg Vikernes, literally the fedora incarnate
Other urls found in this thread:
if she wasn't a coalburner, she would've been perfect.
>praising some bitchcunt
>hating on Varg
Fuck off.
Found the virgin
I'd say Varg's a bit too extreme to be considered a fedora guy.
His hatred of Christianity and his belief that he's intelligent while the masses are dumb is about as fedora as you can possibly get
>My favorite is shoe0nhead
Kek kys
I would not consider shoe0nhead to be alt right. She's more in the 'moderate' crowd gamergate-type 'aww man tumblr and Sup Forums are just like mirror images, made u think didn't I'.
I would consider her a cum plum, though.
Her and her limp wristed daddy dom both loved the Ghostbusters movie.
Shoe is a farce.
Marry me.
people like shoe0nhead never moved on from gamergate
they still tweet out the "look at what this stupid feminist said" shit every day for the past 3 years
she's also a nigger lover
She's cute.
you can say that the alt right.......IS NOT SHIFT LEFT!
is she?
>italian shitposting
Stop please
She's my waifu
Whatever faggot that came up with a label for people around here should be flogged. Nobody is alt right, you niggers. People around here are user, and thats fucking it. Fuck you and your faggoty labels.
You orbiters are retarded.
This. She's doing this for money and attention.
Me finding this funny proves that leafs are retarded.
>>>/ita/ please thanks
mama mia!
Who is she? Does she have more pics?
Is she like the poor man's Boxxy?
Favorite: Common Filth
Least: Milo
Best: Morrakiu, Brother Nathanael
Worst: OP
>shoe alt-right
she's a liberal retard, the sargon type that shits on feminists but is like "d-drumpf will never be prez"
favorite alt rightist would be black pidgeon speaks just because the other ones are cringey retards that try to be funny. hope he doesn't continue doing response vids like the one to the hillary ad.
I like Common Filth and Fash the Nation.
Sh0eonhead is a coalburner
I like black pidgeon to
>Poor Man's
???? ???
Milo is the most well known tho
He's really the leader of our movement
Unfortunately, this time it's not just the meme. She was with a middle eastern looking guy years ago
What do you mean? Sargon wants Donald to be president.
>He's really the leader of our movement
looks like a sandnigger dyke
into the trash she goes
Oh it's this thread again. I guess I'll bite the bait.
>pic related
he's a necessary evil that advances our position, doesn't mean we have to like him
he's a fucking faggot
She's not alt-right. She's a liberal. She just doesnt like political correctness.
Liberal and Leftist. There's a difference.
>his belief that he's intelligent while the masses are dumb
He is smarter than the average person.
Alt-memes according to my personal ranking
Others are pretty shit or not even alt-right
Favorites: Millennial Woes, Jared Taylor, and Adam Wallace
Molyneux is on his way there
Least: Gavin Mcinnes
Unfunny unoriginal coal burning attention whore that glommed onto the world during gamergate and has NEVER GONE AWAY
Literally her only asset is looking like a knockoff Aubrey Plaza & being willing to pretend to espouse the current counter-cultural mindset for attention
he does? he must've had a change of heart then - remember him shitting on trump last time i watched him 2-3 months ago
stopped watching him since the feminist routine got old, didn't care for his philosophy, and he was a libtard
Jared Taylor shits all over everyone on your list
I liked her at first until I realized that she isn't really red pill. She's anti-feminist sure, but listening to her explain her ideas it's almost as if she doesn't really understand why she is anti-feminist and is just calling feminists dumb because it gets her views on youtube.
She's a total degenerate, which would be fine if she was willing to admit it and tell others that her choices were the wrong ones. She seems very lazy, openly admitting that she couldn't finish school, and she would rather ride the CC than support non-degenerate men, meaning that she doesn't really understand what makes her culture strong.
She's worth looking into, but if you are watching her because "she's cute" then you live a sad life. There are literally thousands of naked girls on the internet yet you choose to fall in love with her because she tells you what you want to hear, even though she can't articulate why it's what you want to hear. I call that you idiots getting tricked.
>least favorite
whoever that cuntflap is
Fav: Ramzpaul
>weapons of choice:
no prageru
Morrakiu is literally a nigger. One drop.
>her only asset is looking like a knockoff Aubrey Plaza
only better imo, at least judging by op's pic
don't know anything else about her so I don't care
She's a whore unfortunately
best: kraut and tea, bearing
worst: shoe0nhead
favorites: milo, molyneux
least favorites: red pill philosophy, paul joseph watson
is she really into being dominated tho?
I don't if Sargon of Akkad is alt-right but he worth a mention in this thread
He's not
She's not degenerate at all and she doesn't ride the CC
sargon is not alt-right
he's the same type of librul as shoe
they fight with feminists but other then that they're just as cucked
Jared Taylor is great and basically a national treasure but he doesn't name the jew.
TRS and Andrew Anglin are the two primary pillars of the alt-right.
Sarcuck of Cuckkad is alt-right he just says he isn't so he can play "le enlightened radical centrist" card
Is Black Pigeon alt-right?
It's an unfortunate drop but we need him
He has to be pretty close.
shoe is only popular because she has tits and the alt right has a large virgin beta male population who have never seen a pretty woman before.
black pigeon is the best because he literally takes on anything without stupid arguments or overrepeating himself like milo.
also doesn't let religious bullshit get into his arguments.
He doesn't name the jew but he'd get shoah'd from YouTube if he did and his work is otherwise excellent. I vote yes.
Molyneaux is in the same bucket, imo.
Common filth isn't alt right, but he is the best youtube man
Least favorite: Any of the people who make a video of them watching a video while interrupting parts of the video to say stupid shit
Justin Trudeau is pretty redpilled, he funds abortion /black genocide in Africa and has white children. He also pretends to enjoy pride festivals so that he bring losers to the parades and expose their degeneracy to the world. Reminder that Canada vets immigrants including refugees, unlike EU losers that keep open borders.
he just says the same 5 things over and over again that are often flawed.
>le poll answered by my faggot followers says cancer > feminism xD
>im gay and I said faggot lelelele
>im so fuggin gay kekeke xD i like black dixx lmao
"if you kill the right wing, it wins"
Varg's whole spiel is about as anti Semitic as you can possibly be but he hasn't gotten banned yet
Varg is autistic, and hasn't grown out of his edgy teen years
>Whatever faggot that came up with a label for people around here should be flogged.
You are an idiot
The Spencer guy from Radix invented the term and then abandoned it
He was inspired by moldbug and HBD
The term is getting much more popular now and had lost all meaning
It's a true miracle that he was able to find a woman willing to marry him
BPS, Gavin, Fash the Nation
Least favorite:
BPS doesn't really offer any insights
This. He's preaching to the choir. Good for redpilling plebs, but he offers no in depth analysis.
I don't care if she burned Mandingo's coal. She's like a smarter, funnier Sup Forumsoxxy so that wins her many points. Also, once you go black you never go back... to black, so it's all good.
best: steve sailer, salo forum
worst: any faggot with a youtube channel
not funny, in the least, but cute... yes
Dude, she's a leafblower.
That's worse.
>steve sailer
This. He is a genius. I don't think he calls himself alt right though. He's been in the game way longer than that.
28sherman/Ryan Landry is one of the best, not enough people know about him but he's getting big. He writes very well
I find his content informative and it's not cringey attempts at comedy. I support and encourage people to watch his videos, I don't think he has to give his own opinions to be an important figure
hes a retard who only gets off attacking other retards on youtube and twitter
> Leafblower
I die
whatever happened to the red ant guy?
>aww man tumblr and Sup Forums are just like mirror images
Well both of you are grotesque and intentionally divisive hypocrites.
the broader alt-right movement that exists now descends directly from sailer.
Their relationship is so cringeworthy.
He really acts like a dick towards her ON VIDEO and she fawns over him. I actually don't watch either of them anymore because of how awful their chemistry is.
What's wrong with being a radical centrist?
video has been made private, ive seen it, 100% coalburner
Low quality bait.
Dont get me wrong i can see the effort they put on their videos but I just dont see much of the appeal; maybe am not their audience
If i know some topics are bad why would i need an outer voice to tell me