I just marathoned the pilot episode of this show. It wasn't really interesting. Why is this show overrated?
I just marathoned the pilot episode of this show. It wasn't really interesting. Why is this show overrated?
because your gay
Take a look at this faggot
because your gay
>I just marathoned the pilot episode
That's not what that means.
It is very, VERY reddit.
It is also memes, but less so. Mostly reddit.
>one episode
You are*
>I just read the first page of this book, why is it so shit?
hello Autism
hola reddit
It's not overrated. It's neccessarily rates as the 2nd best television show of all time.
Kill yourself idiot.
What is the first? And don't you dare fucking say Sopranos or The Wire.
>Not waiting until the the prequel is finished so you can marathon the prequel then BB
Prequel doesn't have anything to do with BB.
and this is why we can't discuss brba
after marathoning your post, I've determined that thou art a faggot
Beig this retarded
It's also complete dog shit with forced, illogical, drama out the ass.
Millennials need to go back to elementary school. Okay?
nothing is stopping you from discussing the show, after all no one said you had to comment to bait
Better Call Saul is a sequel, dumbass. That's why Walt doesn't appear and Mike is older.
It's a character study of sorts in great recession America. It will never be fun to watch, but it will be dramatic and dour. Wait until you are in that mood, dour.
you are like 5 years too late for discussing brba idiot boy
hope that's a joke. why would tuco appear, idiot
because your gay
Op I hate you not because of plebbit bad but because you have found another level of shitposting I didn't think possible. I will take your marathon meme and spam it daily on this board. Fuck you, you shitposting genius.
Maybe if it ended after season 1 and not ending up a lumberjack
m8 this is old meme people used to post this "marathoned" shit all the time usually followed by "what did I think?" because Sup Forums is le epic hive mind.
how new r u???
got u ;)
Came from a Mexican version of 9gag yesterday into this site. There was a watermark that led me here.
L O S T obviously
yaaas anons get it yaaaas
The amount of people in this thread who got trolled really disturbs me. How many of you are from Reddit? Be honest.