Does being this big makes him immune to drinking sea water ?
Does being this big makes him immune to drinking sea water ?
skyrim waterfall
He's suicidal
Stop making all these threads asking irrelevant questions about Kong: Skull Island
That's a lake, it's not sea water, ya great big dork.
Who knew Peter Jackson was so butthurt?
Does that look like the sea to you you retard?
Jackson's film was miles better
I feel like the only reason she was in the movie was so kong could save her at the end
what if the sea is somehow 'feeding' water to that lake that happens you know
its depressing not being a white kong
they have systemic privilege
It's called an Atoll
If it was he probably wouldn't drink it and the island probably wouldn't have enormous predators in need or a fresh water.
haha imagine he did a poo!! haha jokes
haha that would be a REALLY big and stinky poo!
Jackson Kong is Kino and one of my top 10 favorite films. I know a lot of people probably wouldn't agree but it's just such a perfect adventure film for me. The original Pirates is one of the only other movies in a long time to give me that feel.
Why would Jackson be butthurt when his movie was better?
that reddit feel
Post the list of foreign films that I should put in my top 10 i don't want to be reddit
>Jackson Kong is Kino and one of my top 10 favorite films
I fear there are actually some people with this shit taste out there.
Id like to meet them. We can start a kong fanclub
dude we already have a kong fanclub, come join us at!
Link me the subreddit fampai
Fish drink seawater all day and they're fine
they're actually not fine
Freshwater fishes would die.
what if kang kong is a salt water ape?
an... aquatic ape
Jackson made a romantic epic about an icon he loved from his childhood
This film is like a stoned teenager thinking "dude, what if Kong was like super badass"
Damn. I think you're on to something.
Tim and Eric really ruined a generation
I've heard you can actually drink like a cup of sea water per day without it being a net loss for your hydration
*blocks your path*
did your schizo brain relate tim and eric to this thread somehow?
Maybe you should try it and report your results back to us.
Yes, your shitty attempts at "humor" is clearly derived from it.
Or maybe you just have the intelligence of 4 year olds, take your pick.
yes retard i derived my humour from a show i never watched
wanna go again?
What a faggot
pit whore
Just image its freshwater. Being that big as it is is already impossible
>that scene with the giant octopus
That made me so hungry for calamari
imagine the giant octopus had a pussy lol dw jokes haha.
.....yes.... if you off set it with more water and don't supplement it with more sodium.
If you're out at sea with nothing to eat or drink a cup of sea water will speed up your dehydration.
Maybe that's why he's such a manlet
so in those what? 50 years or something?
kong needs to grow at least 200 feet
and he has to get a much thougher skin (because m60 bullets already made him bleed)
Kong is a babby
Obligatory 6 foot vs. 5 foot eleven meme.
>he is a manlet protector
>of an island
>In the middle of nowhere
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power and control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>He kills Skullcrawlers because they eat things which make him chimp out
>He smashes helicopters because they wake up Skullcrawlers and it interferes with the backlog of squids he has to eat
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move off his island
>he will never be at a healthy kaiju height
>he will never know how to eat anything besides a squid tentacle
>He will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
>Island with massive peaks surrounding it.
>Water runs from top of peaks from the clouds to the bottom filtering through minerals and shit into the form of lakes at the bottom finally.
You failed geography.
that waterfall looks like a man with a beard
shills just figured out the power of autism. this threads get so much more replies than "did you like it?"
>he doesn't know about the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis
I just got a mental image of a mod stomping around and beating his chest while he plays with miniatures and quotes the movie.
>He's good to these people, the mod is a pretty good king. *stomps around and kicks over toy trains*
But you don't just go onto someone's board dropping shitposts unless your picking a fight
hella f*ckin epic xD
they shouldve kept the 1962 roar desu
Reminder that there are retards who believe that Godzilla destroyed Randa's boat
me in the dragon
Holy fucking shit, just go back you faggot
if i met u irl u would b thrashed down cuc bicth
Can't house cats drink salt water because their kidneys are so efficient?
No such thing as freshwater kraken.
That fucking guy's face kek
was it Kong?
It was Pulgasari
no such thing as 100 feet monkeys you fucking retard
perfect tits
agreed. they elevated the movie desu
How much fresh water would a creature that size need?
We can ask how much meat does he need then ask how much water does it take to produce those meat
And the fucker "is still growing" in order to fight Godzilla
He would have to strip the island barren to feed himself
In the end the Death Crawlers are the environmentally friendly creature.